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Assimilation v self-determination : Comments
By Mike Dockery, published 20/2/2009Must Indigenous people give up their culture to 'close the gap' and improve their socio-economic status?
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Posted by Wing Ah Ling, Friday, 20 February 2009 7:51:28 PM
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con't. I had a lot more written but suddenly it disappeared. I didn't get time to correct the spelling. So I appoligize for that. Now where was I.
The Townie. What does he want. Just who is he. The ones we hear about usually are the well paid activists screaming that Aboriginals are down trodden. The usual cry is, "I want to live my Aboriginal Culture." The other is the Alcholic & the criminals, which is a European trait, who just wants to, as the song says, "get drunk & screw." Are Townies all like that. I don't think so. Most Townie aboriginals are just ordinary hard working people. They have assimilated. They have been to school, got a job & make their own way in the world. They determine their own future. They have achieved self determination. And good on them. But what of the fringe dwellers. The ones who never achieved an education because they aren't interested. They are more interested playing hooky from school, in drinking, sniffing glue & breaking into houses to pay for it all. Then blame whitie for all his troubles Assimilation?, Self-determination? Yes, white people do, do the same things too. But we ARE talking about the fringe dweller aboriginal people here. They mostly have alcoholic & cimminal parents who have not assimilated. They believe they have been hard done by & this is enforced by the Aboriginal Social groups who use them to to further their own aims. These people are behind the 8 ball before they start. How can they assimilate or achieve self determination. The American Negro was a slave then set free. Wanted to make his own way in the world but couldn't because of extreme Racism. He was deperate to assimilate but wasn't allowed. desperate to get an education, but couldnt. Now they can, and now look where they are. Posted by Jayb, Friday, 20 February 2009 11:24:17 PM
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when are non-indigenous peoples going to assimilate into indigenous society by achieving equity between women and men with a Constitution with provision of women's legislatures?
how long do non-indigenous women have to live under the indignity of perpetual male supervision? indigenous women never did. Posted by whistler, Saturday, 21 February 2009 4:56:33 AM
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Noel Pearson has now joined the call for improved education for aboriginal kids,25197,25085269-601,00.html Am sure this is the key for a better future for aboriginal people. Like any people living in remote areas, they must move to places where the education can be obtained and careers fitting that education are available. Self determination is simply wishful thinking. Recently Mick Dobson called for improved education too, but he was saying the Government should do this and that. I ask what is wrong in calling for parental responsibility to ensure the kids get to school. Is that too much to ask? Posted by Banjo, Saturday, 21 February 2009 10:22:07 AM
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We can’t put a top class base hospital in every town. Thats a fact. We can’t simply wish jobs into a particular area. Another fact.
If aboriginal people want parity in health, employment and education, then they will have to move to those areas where these options are available. It is simply not possible to live a traditional lifestyle in remote townships AND enjoy all the benefits of modern life. It just doesn’t work. But something needs to be done to break the cycle. Aboriginal kids whose parents agree need the option of good boarding schools where they can learn in a safe, healthy environment. They need to be taught the same curriculum as every other Australian kid. Adults need to move to those places where work can be had. Otherwise the vicious circle of limited education, poor health, high unemployment, alcoholism and violence will be perpetuated. Whistler say >> “when are non-indigenous peoples going to assimilate into indigenous society by achieving equity between women and men with a Constitution with provision of women's legislatures?” WHAT? Next you’ll be telling us we need separate legislatures for aborigines, migrants, young people and old people. What UNADULTERATED BULLSH!T. A womens legislature? The indignity of perpetual male supervision? Are you insane? By the way, aboriginal women suffer more mistreatment than just about any other minority group in the country. I wouldn’t start romanticising their culture if I were you. Posted by PaulL, Saturday, 21 February 2009 10:58:31 AM
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Ah whistler complements the article author with more silly promotions with the inept politics of gender division..
doomed to fail.. counters the rules of practical social order and benefits of inclusion, I am pleased to say. Aboriginals and non-aboriginals of every ethnic origin need to understand this Whatever they do, “assimilation” is the natural, unstoppable, way of the world. It has been happening for centuries, millenniums even. And regardless the evidence of the authors limited research, self-determination/separate development will fail and assimilation prevail and has already commenced / happened, if the blonde and red headed aboriginal folk are any clue. If the aboriginals way of life is so much “superior” to the way of the whites… why is their life expectance to much lower? If aboriginals want what whites have, they need to adapt to doing what whites do The notion that you can gain a benefit without shouldering a responsibility is a myth, the sort of myth which the political parasites of socialism spew forth. Assimilation will prevail, no doubt about it. Slam dunk, cannot be stopped, slowed briefly maybe but ultimately, it will prevail if not this century, in another 2 at the longest “Self-determination” in the context of a separate homeland is fine… provided the 'self-determinants' do not expect to be subsidized by the rest of us but Self-determination in the Australian Aboriginal context, amounts to something which is no different to Apartheid as adopted by South Africa and look where that ended up. However, anyone in doubt, me, being an Anglo-Saxon, with a bit of Jew in the mix would remind you all Angles and Saxons were separate ethnic groups once. Not any more… and Australia was colonized by Anglo-Saxons along with Celts and the descendents of Picts and Ancient Britains and the odd Viking. You see, the folk who settled Australia, in the name of the British Crown, are the inheritors of the very assimilation of which I speak. Paull of Whistler “Are you insane?” Valid question… Whistler… please answer or I will do so in your absence Posted by Col Rouge, Saturday, 21 February 2009 12:20:59 PM
"In transactions based on force or threats, including taxation, the stronger party takes from the weaker without his consent, and value is destroyed: a win/lose.