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Changing Australia Day : Comments

By Andrew Bartlett, published 28/1/2009

Calls to change Australia Day are manna from heaven for radio shock jocks and history warriors: it’s no surprise Kevin Rudd wants to shut down debate.

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CJMoron in centuries past is not the world of today or the last century... when Indonesia wanted to annex East Timor, they did not use friendly fishermen. Prior to them.. without the prior British colonisation do you think for one minute the Japanese, would have found any ehtical dilemna in colonising Australia and if their efforts in Mainland China and Manchuria are any indicator, do you for one minute believe the Japanese colonists would have been more benevolent than the British?

"racist bile from a position of ignorance."

I spouted no racist bile... I spouted equality, regardless of ethnicity or religion or anything else

If anything those who demand and support "affirmative action" and different (favourable) treatment for those who happen to be aborigine are as racist as the KKK

if I throw a stick... I wonder if CJRover will run and catch it.... if so... there must be a handy cliff to throw it over... go for it boy
Posted by Col Rouge, Friday, 13 February 2009 6:17:22 AM
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What fascinates me is how anyone can actually take pride in the fact that his great great great great.... grandfather MAY -possibly, conceivably- have shared the same culture as someone really clever; like Archimedes, or Pythagoras or Plato; or the guy who decided lumping really big rocks on top of one another was a really clever thing to do...
I find it hard to believe Col Rouge, or EFranke or Leigh earned the right to be born white and self righteous. What did you do, Col? Did you stand up before God, the day before you were born, and offer to beat him at arm wrestling?
"Here's the thing, God. If I win 2 out of 3, I get to be born white..."
Efranke, just ask yourself this: If your family had owned a property for generations; if your family identified themselves with that property (family crest, marks on a map, etc) and suddenly someone came along and said: "by order of King Ballybumbum, under the sight of the great flying spaghetti monster, this land is now mine, so bugger off."
How would you feel about that?
Posted by Grim, Friday, 13 February 2009 9:12:48 AM
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Grim “What fascinates me is how anyone can actually take pride ….”
“find it hard to believe Col Rouge, or EFranke or Leigh earned the right to be born white and self righteous”

Nothing self righteous about it.

The point

I take no personal pride or responsibility for the successes of my ancestors nor my children.

I was recording the fact of their achievement and noting no such achievement in the history of aborigines.

And whilst I make no personal claim to being better than anyone else on the face of the planet nor do I believe the achievements of my ancestors is anything I should feel ashamed of either.

“What did you do, Col? Did you stand up before God, the day before you were born, and offer to beat him at arm wrestling”

I had no choice in the matter. I wear the colour of my skin not as a token of honour nor a badge of shame but as a matter of fact.

I personally discriminate based on the colour of ones blood.. and the last time I looked we were all “red”

So Grim, rather than trying to play the race card (in a very inept and clumsy manner) why don’t you go play in the middle of a freeway and present your facile arguments to a Mac truck travelling at you at 100 kph.

Of course the Grim's were famous for their fairy stories… maybe that’s the link to the one who chooses such a logon name..… a modern day fairy anguishing over his sexuality / inadequacy.
Posted by Col Rouge, Friday, 13 February 2009 3:38:57 PM
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Col the racist Troll: << Nothing self righteous about it. >>

Yeah, right.

FYI - the characters to whom the fairy tales are attributed were the Brothers Grimm. And they're Mack trucks, as opposed to what you undoubtedly eat with such friends as you have. And an apostrophe doesn't denote a plural. And "advise" is a verb, while "advice" is its noun form.

Ignorant, vituperous goose.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Friday, 13 February 2009 7:42:51 PM
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Col Rouge,

Yes, I was having a sarcastic dig at those on these forums who cling to and propagate the asinine and, ultimately, dangerous Rousseaun "Noble Savage" fantasy.

And, hilariously, CJ Morgan responded right on cue.
Posted by Efranke, Saturday, 14 February 2009 3:05:43 AM
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CJ Morgan,

Being the veritable expert that you are on all things pertaining to Aboriginal culture and history, I can only assume that you are fully cognisant of the fact that the various tribes know collectively known as the Aborigines were responsible for killing off something in the vicinity of 85 percent of the continent’s megafauna prior to the first European ever setting foot on these shores. Far from co-existing in perfect harmony with their natural environment, the various tribes know collectively known as the Aborigines did what all human populations all around the world have tended to do - shape and exploit the natural environment for their own benefit. The pre-1788 peoples' extensive use of fire for their own ends had the effect of radically modifying the ecology of large swaths of this continent, leading to mass extinctions and irrevocable environmental changes.

Even if we accept that the various tribes know collectively known as the Aborigines were wise and caring custodians of the land rather than simply far less adept at harnessing and exploiting natural resources compared to Europeans, it still doesn't change the fact that today's Aborigines seem to prefer the European way of life over that of their forebears. Today's Aborigines could easily return to the more sustainable, Stone Age-like hunter-gatherer existence of their ancestors if they so wished. After all, there is still plenty of land available for them. However, for some reason, they - along with nearly everybody else on this planet - seem to prefer the lifestyle provided by European civilisation, even though, according to yourself, the lifestyle of their ancestors was far more sustainable and thus superior. I even see Aboriginals living in the same flammable houses and driving the same flammable cars that you so loathe!

If the Aboriginal lifestyle and culture is so self-evidently superior, then why aren't Aboriginals and non-Aboriginals alike itching to free themselves from the bonds of European civilisation and embrace the hunter-gatherer way of life? Why aren't you?
Posted by Efranke, Saturday, 14 February 2009 3:20:08 AM
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