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Obama and Iran: the Clinton dilemma : Comments

By Emma White, published 19/1/2009

One complication which could frustrate just how Barack Obama deals with Iran’s nuclear ambitions is Hillary Clinton

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Maybe Obama, dare I say it, realised Hillary was right, that his comments were naive. With Hillary in the job he gets the best of both worlds. Or perhaps she will have to do what she is told, the world needs the Obama breath of fresh air.

Either way here's hoping one of them gets it right.
Posted by Louie, Monday, 19 January 2009 9:28:30 AM
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Give cooperation a chance – that would be quite a change, and worth a try.
But there is one aspect, throughout the Middle East, where cooperation needs to be lessened: that of cooperation between men and women to produce more than two children per couple.
Until that excess production ceases, there is no hope – whatever other necessary action takes place.
Posted by colinsett, Monday, 19 January 2009 11:37:55 AM
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Louie could be right it stands to reason but also I think Hillary's rhetoric is partially as a result of the need to pander to the American voting public. They like the tough approach and anyone but Obama would be eviscerated for taking the 'let's talk' approach the Republicans would see to that. It is important to remember that in creating US foreign policy one must first satiate the US public.
Also I think that a nuclear armed Iran is a western media beat-up. The Ayatollah said it is against the Islamic faith to possess that kind of weapon so I really do believe that won't happen.
That being said I think that talking is the most appropriate course of action and that Hillary will cede to Obama's edict on that because she has to if she ever wants to be president herself. She will not get anywhere by butting heads with Saint Obama. That and he could simply fire her, she does after all work for him.
Since Hillary was named as Secretary of State designate they have had very cordial relations and they seem to be working together well. I have hope and hope is Obama's buzz word.
Posted by Rebecca 23, Monday, 19 January 2009 11:48:02 AM
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The real question...that only time itself will who did the American people really vote in as their incoming Secretary of State -Hillary or Bill Clinton?. Getting one free is no consolation.

Hillary will need to be very mindful that she was not chosen to be the successor to President Bush, and thus, she must represent the Obama outlook to the world - not her own.

If she's unable to do this she must be removed -and very quickly.

There need to be talks between Teheran and Washington in the same way as there must be talks between Hamas and Washington. Tel Aviv cannot continue to dictate US foreign policy in the Middle East.
The last minute deal arranged the outgoing Bush administration and Tel Aviv regarding stopping the flow of weapons into Gaza from Egypt..without any restriction on the flow of warplanes, missiles and bombs from the US to Israel, should not be binding on the Obama presidency.

The real lets-get-to-the-heart-of-things question should be:how much Jewish/Israeli money has gone into US politicians and which politicians has it bought?

If Iran is to be everlastingly condemned for its "wipe Israel off the map" remark, so too must the wider world constantly remember that it was Hillary Clinton who said that if she were President she'd "totally obliterate" Iran.Obama needs to keep her on a very short,tight leash...and ensure that when she's travelling abroad on his business, she's not got Bill sitting' alongside her, calling the shots.

Brian Haill
Posted by Sydney, Monday, 19 January 2009 11:57:09 AM
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"A new ERA (m.e.) of cooperation' between Iran and the U.S..
If Obama will be so politically stupid to go for such a solicitously dreamy cooperation, he will be building a mountain of failures on the molehill of failures of the Bush administration.

To even think of such cooperation, least of all suggest one, between the APOCALYPTIC mullahs and the U.S. shows how disconnected Ms White is from reality as well as how bankrupt she is in strategic thinking.
Posted by Themistocles, Monday, 19 January 2009 12:50:03 PM
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The chances of a rapprochement between the US and Iran are slight so long as the corrupt Mullahs remain in power. They need enemies.

Obama's picture has already been burned in the streets of Tehran.


"Pictures obtained by Reuters showed the president-elect's image laid on the road for cars to drive over it, and other images showed demonstrators burning the Obama poster."

I guess the Iranians wanted to be first off the mark. I understand that competition for this sort of thing is fierce in the Muslim world.

But guess what? I think Obama will keep his cool. He won't take the bait. He will behave like an adult. That is the only way to deal with corrupt Mullahs. Don’t enter their mad world.
Posted by stevenlmeyer, Monday, 19 January 2009 2:10:34 PM
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As Emma White has written what is required is is "constructive engagement of Iran" to reduce tensions, I wonder if this would suit Israeli policy.

"Obama's picture has already been burned in the streets of Tehran", so what! There are numerous belligerent comments on record from American politicians in regard to Iran. I'm sure that the mullahs(mad or sane) have a justifiable fear of Israel and the US. The CIA has a long history of interference in Iranian affairs, particularly in the 1950s and the Iranians haven't forgotten. If the Iranian regime could be convinced it has little to fear from Israel and the US it might be easier to deal with.

America should leave Israel to fight its own battles, the ME would be a far safer place.
Posted by mac, Tuesday, 20 January 2009 9:33:42 AM
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It's a deal, Mac:

America should leave Israel to fight its own battles...
provided that Israel will also no longer have to fight America's battles, including against Iran and its satellites, Hezbollah and Hamas.

Like many in the loony-left, you attack Israel only because you associate it with America. Indeed, Israel does not need to be owning such wars that are none of its business and fight for foreign causes such as the USA's.

Let's just see now whether Iran is listening and willing to differentiate, recognizing that Israel is not America and allowing the Israelis to live peacefully.

Would Iran allow Israel to exist, on the petty condition of disengaging from America? Lets see... anybody there...?
Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 21 January 2009 1:32:05 AM
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I guess we'll see if the president has the power to change, or just talk whilst the Israel lobby continues with business as usual.
I'm afraid I just don't believe in this "evil empire" stuff about Iran. Had the US stayed out of its politics then the population would have removed the Mullahs by now.
So long as the US talks "democracy" and "freedom" on one hand whilst the CIA kidnaps, tortures, undermines elected governments and teaches terrorism (School of America) on the other...well, would you trust a person who acted that way?
Like a good mate, we in Australia forgive the US almost anything because they helped us a bit in WWII and are culturally connected. Whilst it is fine to back a mate, when he turns criminal it is a friends duty to call it and say "enough". We failed that duty under Howard, I hope we don't do it again the personality cult of Obama.
like most other folks, I'm really hoping for real change...
Posted by Ozandy, Wednesday, 21 January 2009 8:08:22 AM
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I suggest(1) you don't attempt to read my mind, and

(2) don't try ad hominem arguments.

the Left has always been the conscience of Western civilisation and a restraint on the warmongers of the Right. You are incorrect in your assumption, I associate Israel with the colonisation and oppression of the Palestinians, the Zionists should return to their 1967 borders.
Why are Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah enemies of the USA, they are products of Israeli policy and internal ME politics, America is fighting Israel's enemies, you have the problem back the front. Israel poses as an ally in the ludicrously named "war on terror"and slaughters Palestinians in the name of "self defence". Israel has all the armaments and the will to use them barbarously, why peace when the Zionist project is incomplete?
Posted by mac, Wednesday, 21 January 2009 8:31:56 AM
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Personally I think the US should try to engage with Iran. However the chances of a successful engagement with Iran are slight so long as the corrupt mullahs are in control because the MULLAHS PROBABLY WOULD NOT LET IT HAPPEN.

The mullahs live very well in Iran. They occupy a privileged position. Were Iran to open up to the world how long do you think their corrupt and brutal, but lucrative for them, theocracy would last?

My guess is not very long and they know it. The mullahs thrive on Western enmity.

You know what mac? I think the Obama administration will try and engage with Iran. Let's see how the mullahs react.
Posted by stevenlmeyer, Wednesday, 21 January 2009 7:49:53 PM
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Yes, indeed, let's see, constructive engagement is worth a try. "The mullahs thrive on Western enmity", this is exactly the argument expressed in the article, why make them stronger? Surely the average Iranian will rally around the flag when faced with external threats. I'll concede that Iran is ruled by a particularly brutal regime.However we're not dealing with Hitler or the Japanese militarists of the 1940s, but a semi-industrialised society with a weak economy. Propaganda portrayed Saddam Hussein's ramshackle regime as a menace to the ME, let's not have any more of those self-serving lies.
Posted by mac, Wednesday, 21 January 2009 8:31:35 PM
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Wonder if Obama hopes Russia and even China might help to pacify relations between Washington and Tehran?

Cheers, BB, Buntine, WA.
Posted by bushbred, Thursday, 22 January 2009 12:56:17 PM
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