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Destroying academia in Gaza : Comments
By Neve Gordon and Jeff Halper, published 5/1/2009Where's the academic outrage over the bombing of a university in Gaza?
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Posted by miacat, Monday, 5 January 2009 12:51:49 PM
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The civilian induction is easily manipulated and by primitive strength follows the path of self interest where the machine is based on competitive versions of self interest over greater need.
It is shocking and stupid to bomb cultural knowledge sites and pick on those who inhabit them. Historically it reflects the one-side goals and interests of the dominant deaf. Suppressing the facts of one means we see only the half baked rhetoric which is never enough to equate true judgment. All we can do is defend the creation of knowledge to its end by supporting all its potential. By comparison I note that it was Cuba who assisted the Vietnam students in times past as they are today assisting the underdeveloped world again to be doctors and agricultural scientists, as we becker over fee's and navel graze with the elite, alienating the real growth of the others knowledge and true development of a voice understood. Posted by miacat, Monday, 5 January 2009 12:52:55 PM
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"Virtually all the commentators agree that the Islamic University was attacked, in part, because it is a cultural symbol of Hamas"
A cultural symbol of Hamas like a Nike T Shirt, a bottle of Coke, the baggy green Australian cricket cap? Let us be honest; Hamas want the complete destruction of the Jewish State of Israel. If the Islamic University supports that so be it. But accept the consequences. T shirts are a lot cheaper than universities. Posted by blairbar, Monday, 5 January 2009 4:32:31 PM
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Oh how naively the authors argue. When the rockets are fired at Israel, they are fired like flares - to incite Israel and so with a bit of luck, Iran with its Hizbollah. The Hamas place and fire their rockets and armaments in the mosques, the universities and anywhere where the public could become a casualty and voila, an article like this.
This is propaganda aimed at creating an insurrection. To talk about civilian casualties, or even a university, is playing into the hands of the Islamics powerplayers. This is a game where the civilians are pawns of the mullahs and islamic fundamentalists. In Iran they have already decreed those that die in fighting will be martyrs (I suppose to be rewarded by a number of virgins). Articles like this are exactly the sort of articles that the fundamentalists are hoping to create. So long as children in Gaza learn english around words of hate, and church and state are not separated in governance, then the mosques, universities and the civilians will remain casualties. One quarter of Israel is Arab. How come there is no insurrection from within? The Muslims are where the Christians five centuries ago were before the likes of Martin Luther promoted a reformation. The authors of this article are taking the role of puppets of the powerplaying "Popes" of Islam. The people of Gaza but the pawns of the final washup of the failed states of Islam. Posted by Remco, Monday, 5 January 2009 4:34:49 PM
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Yers, I'm all for an academic outrage over what's happening in Gaza. But (in retirement) after a career in Australian academia I'm inclined to say "Sure, when Hell freezes over".
Australian academia is constitutionally incapable of demonstrating outrage over any moral issue whatever. Like the universities of Germany in pre-Hitler times, it has been bought out - and is now fully owned as a subsidiary - by the prevailing power. In our case it is corporatism, pure money-making greed, and the moral heart of academia has well and truly died. Yes, we should be outraged by what's happening there, but no, don't expect any academic who wants to still have his or her job tomorrow, to ever say a word against it. The moral heart of academia has moved outside the universities and is now distributed amongst an invisible network of (mostly unpaid) freelancing intellectuals. We need to learn who they are and heed whatever it is that their consciences tell them to say. Nobody else is going to say it. Posted by Tuckeroo, Monday, 5 January 2009 6:34:24 PM
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In the same way, NATO and the interests of America and Israel academic cultures operate only at a even higher scale. Why, the problem is the MIND. NATO and the governments mentioned see themselves at hand too good to work with farmers where the results of building platforms of real change are too slow compared to sustaining the chase for military. Hence a world cycle of violence perpetuates a self-sustaining growth of fear based on power and outgrown displays of might because the mindfulness required in the various representations of interest are one-sided. Not even the History of Human Thought helps where a gun used in ignorance is allowed. It is why liberal thinkers have always promoted self-governance and education.
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