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The $6 million social worker : Comments

By Walt Brasch, published 29/1/2009

What if workers were paid for benefits to society?

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Someone once said that if we had to re-build civilization from scratch and ranked the skills needed from most important to least important you would end up with the exact opposite of what we currently have.
We humans are not a very appreciative lot: Most wealth comes from the knowledge of science, the practice of engineering and the teaching of children.
How sad that scientists, teachers and engineers are some of the most maligned professions today!
The financial situation now should provide a hint of what is going wrong. Banks that produce *nothing* were making billions in profit. (Until the taxpayer bailed them out. 25 years of profits paid for by taxes! So much for corporate efficiency!) Where did the wealth come from? The US financial markets were syphoning wealth to the US financial system, where instead of being invested it was spent on consumption.
We have a *major* failure in price signals in the labour market! It is essentially insane.
I smiled at the last bit....dream on.
Posted by Ozandy, Thursday, 29 January 2009 1:01:26 PM
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Who defines and measures benefit would be my immediate question.
Posted by SydneyEscort, Friday, 30 January 2009 10:38:57 AM
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'If life was fair...'? Grow up man. And stop being so materialistic. Money isn't everything!

Why don't you practise your Baseball or become a Model. A lot of people like beauty and entertainment and admire athleticism. It's often what they like to spend their money on.

BTW: Pay a web developer to fix your web site so it doesn't look like a cheezy late night infomercial.
Posted by Houellebecq, Friday, 30 January 2009 1:11:00 PM
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$6million social worker. What! SOCIAL WORKER?

In the list of the most hated and despised professions and pseudo professions, the most partial and subjective and prone to personal prejudices, empire-building bureaucrats, leftist-feminist fads and their track record of damaging the people they are claiming to help, creating victims instead of self-reliant adults. Yes, social workers would have to be in the big league.

The recent NSW Woods inquiry into DOCS child protection (Dept of Community Services - largely a social-work department) drew so many criticisms from submissions and public forums - complaints from angry parents across the social-economic spectrum, that the recomendations were never released and the final report came out over Christmas to make sure it was kept hidden.

Who is the $6million Social worker?
Feminists who believe the only happy family is one without a father;
leftists who believe the only good child is a 'victim' who is locked into dependancy on the state for life;
bureaucrats who believe the only good foster carer is one who doesn't believe in God or christian values;
research and media staff who deliberately skew statistics or publish
Idealogues who manage their considerable budgets to make sure instead of solving problems, they direct energy into propaganda using discredited research while silencing valid research that points to solutions that don't match the social worker's prejudices and leftist-nasty-feminist prejudices.

Hmmm. A $6million social worker - yes, if you count up the damage that one person can do to others..

How about a return to enlightenment objectivity and decisions based on fact and solid science? How about a return to family services that actually supports families, instead of trying to destroy the natural relationship between natural parents and their children?
Posted by partTimeParent, Monday, 2 February 2009 11:24:28 AM
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