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Reforming capitalism : Comments
By Liz Ross, published 4/12/2008It is possible that capitalism can spend its way out of a planetary meltdown, but what will be the final cost to humanity of its survival?
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The issue that socialists never seem to address is that when socialists take over all the socailist leaders will be "good" and really look after the needs of the people. Even though we have seen that doesn't happen (Hello Stalin), somehow socialists don't recognise that one of their own could be "bad." Capitalists, to their credit, have recognised some of their own can be "bad" and have developed systems of government with checks and balances.
The reason I say that articles like this do damage to becoming sustainable is that when I recommend policies that would lead us to being more sustainable, those in opposition just say, "That is just more socialist hogwash. That is just the thin edge of the wedge until we are all living in a totalitarian regime." Policies such as a carbon tax to replace some of the income tax or setting aside more public land for "ecosystem services" rather than grazing and logging would harm developers who are counting on using those resources, but they wouldn't stop capitalism.
Hopefully in a free society we will be used to assessing all sides of the debates and sorting out the things that are best.