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The missing Obama landslide : Comments
By Ben-Peter Terpstra, published 20/11/2008Barack Obama's election was symbolic, certainly, but an election landslide it wasn't.
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Posted by Ho Hum, Thursday, 20 November 2008 10:52:02 AM
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Reading the first comment posted, I observe, yet again, that the liberal left shows it's true level of commitment to free speech with vitriol and an underlying attitude of 'any opinion is alright as long as it agrees with mine.' This modus operandi all seems rather tiresome to those that wish to have an interesting discussion.
Posted by Pauline, Thursday, 20 November 2008 12:30:56 PM
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I wonder why the authors only referenced the 1988 George Bush Senior election.
When Carter could not get himself re-elected against Reagan. Reagan took 44 of the states (Obama 30) to Carters 6 (McCain 22) on a percentage gap of about 10% (Obama 7%) of the vote and 90% of the electoral college (Obama 67%). Pauline - Yes, I agree, Ho Hum has a limited view of what is acceptable / suitable for public comment, However, he is consistent, his retarded perspective fits well with his perception for what most refer to as "democratic freedom". Posted by Col Rouge, Thursday, 20 November 2008 12:51:32 PM
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Ho Hum, perhaps they chose this turpentine induced toilet bowl sludge to balance the rest of the fawning pro-Obama turpentine induced toilet bowl sludge they publish?
Of course, given you probably read the "other" sludge with a disturbing cross between manic glee and religious fervor, perhaps this concept lost on you. Posted by Jai, Thursday, 20 November 2008 1:31:05 PM
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Is this a critique of US media? Or simply a little self-conscious gloating that the Republicans weren’t decimated? George Bush, prior to his 2000 election – “I’m a uniter, not a divider”. He certainly united the US in a way unimaginable then –
“Bush reached an unwelcome record. By 64%-31%, Americans disapprove of the job he is doing. For the first time in the history of the Gallup Poll, 50% say they “strongly disapprove” of the president. Richard Nixon had reached the previous high, 48%, just before an impeachment inquiry was launched in 1974.” Anyone interested in more of what Anne Coulter has to say can find it at If you wish to dispute the claim found there that “Empiricism (i.e. scientific enquiry) is evil and from the pit of hell”, don’t. Your posting rights will be revoked and you will be excommunicated from the church of the righteous blog. This essay seems more a comment on the excesses of the self-propagating echo chamber of the US MSM, of which Anne Coulter, Ariana Huffington, NYT et all are a part. For some inside commentary on this phenomenon see This article is one long gripe, though to be fair it balances out the excruciating hubris of the last 8 years. Vote for Obama and you’re ‘groomable’. Of course, “the greasy Senator is part of a larger narrative. History declares that Democrats enjoy mingling with anti-Semites. Some Democrats are real terrorists.” Betcha didn’t know THAT! The entire, tiresome blog from which this was spawned is a rehash of conservative trivia lists, talking points and too-clever-by-half asides from the likes of self confessed drug addict Rush Limbaugh. The election’s over. The result is constitutionally legal (v. important, that). Not all republican predictions of impending disaster will come true (must be v. disappointing, that). I hope the author gets over it. Posted by bennie, Thursday, 20 November 2008 2:38:34 PM
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When you started quoting and believing what Ann Coulter said, I lol'd.
Posted by Chade, Thursday, 20 November 2008 9:06:33 PM
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See for a quintessential example of the pot calling the kettle cast iron. Balance = B O'Bama agreeing to be on The Factor and J McCain rejecting many requests. An independent media research organisation recently confirmed the impression of a Democratic bias. My recollection is that it was about 35% more Democratically themed articles; to quantify the imbalance. Posted by Cowboy Joe, Thursday, 20 November 2008 9:11:46 PM
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I'm in the US right now and am highly amused at the Obama camp trying to water down the expectations of his rule, as the press continue to talk it up.
I give you the analogy of CO2 continuing to rise (the press)but not temperature (Obama camp)(sorry, couldn't resist stirring the pot) as an example of out of control press. "Not everyone is going to get what they want", direct quote from Obama spokesperson off the TV 30 seconds ago. Some folks are concerned they have elected a person who is a master of the daily news cycle and is populist rather than substantive,others think they have elected someone who is going to pay off their credit card, get them a new car, free health care, vacations anywhere they want and protect them from the world with calm negotiation rather than occassional force, and to do whatever the UN says. Posted by rpg, Thursday, 20 November 2008 11:18:14 PM
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History has been made folks, whether some of you
like it or not. It's happened! Voting is not compulsory in the US as it is here in Oz. This was the largest voter turnout in electoral history. Barack Obama won not only the electoral vote but the popular vote as well (by millions). The American people chose the politics of hope over the politics of cynicism. They chose to turn the page on the policies of the past. And they proved not only, "Yes, We Can!" But - "Yes We Did!" And some of you apparently, like John McCain, still don't get it. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 21 November 2008 1:06:55 PM
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Tell me Foxy what are your expectations of the Obama Administration>
List them so I can keep a check and see first if he promised what you expect and if he actually does what you expect. In two years we will see if he's a show pony or fair dinkim. I hope he does as you want. For if he does he will subside into irrelevance like Jimmy Carter. Posted by keith, Friday, 21 November 2008 3:14:03 PM
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Dear Keith,
You asked what are my expectations of the Obama administration? That's easy. I expect the Obama Administration at the end of their term not to have accusations of bad management and cronyism levied at them. It seems that every department in Bush's cabinet had some kind of scandal, corruption, investigation or accusations of mismanagement and abuse of power. I expect that Obama will not be known as the "Worst President in History." That achievement belongs to George W. Bush. I expect that Obama will get rid of Guantanamo. For years the US has been holding prisoners and denying their rights to a fair trial. Many have been abused. Most have lost hope. Obama will close it. I expect Obama won't be inept as the Bush Administration has been. It's quite easy to round up multiple examples of wrong doing for each Department by a single google search - to give you an idea of what I'm talking about. I could go on further - but I trust that this gives you an idea of my expectations. Cheers. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 21 November 2008 4:28:44 PM
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Bad news Foxy
Cronyism allegations have already been made and he has not even been sworn in yet. No time to search my archives tonight. But went something like this Democratic rivals were side lined by the shady Big Money movers and shakers who manipulated Obama's nomination for state senator. As for J McCain not getting it, why do you think that? I would think that any fair minded person would have regarded his public speech for accepting Obama as the winner as proving that he got "it" very much. What you haven't got, was the graciousness & strength of character he demonstrated. Posted by Cowboy Joe, Friday, 21 November 2008 9:08:59 PM
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Dear Cowboy Joe,
Accusing Obama of cronyism, is an irrational judgement, at this point in time. A judgement should not be made until all appointees have been announced. So far it appears that the best qualified people are being considered based on knowledge, experience, and proven ability to do the job, (no matter what their political affiliation). Not all of the appointments have been made - there's still 8 weeks to go. Being gracious in defeat - is a given, in politics. Even John Howard rose to the occasion. Therefore it hardly comes as a surprise that John McCain was gracious in defeat, acknowledging the significance of his rival's victory. At the same time, let's not forget Barack Obama was equally gracious, in acknowledging John McCain in his acceptance speech. And, it was Obama who initiated a meeting with McCain after the election where both men agreed to work together in the interests of the nation. The fact that John McCain didn't get it - is the reason he lost the election. The mistakes that were made were: 1) He did not recognise the widespread voter frustration with his Republican Party. He also made the following errors in judgement: 2) Blunders on the economy. 3) Not distancing himself enough from Bush. 4) Choice of his running mate. 5) His attacks on his opponent. 6) Support for the war in Iraq. Political analyst Allan J. Lichtman sums it up in the following way: "This election, above all, was a complete repudiation of the Bush Presidency. American elections are basically votes up or down on the performance of the party holding the White House and basically Americans said loud and clear they don't like the way the country has been governed over the last years..." Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 22 November 2008 2:02:55 PM
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*History has been made folks, whether some of you
like it or not. It's happened!* Very true indeed Foxy, but as we can even see here, its put alot of noises out of joint. Luckily Sarah and entourage have been sent packing back to Alaska. Some in the republican party still don't get it. This was not a contest for American idol, but for office to be in charge of the some of the most destructive weapons on earth. Even nominating a dummy like Sarah, shows what bad judgement prevails in the republican party. They really need some new talent Posted by Yabby, Saturday, 22 November 2008 2:58:33 PM
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Outline of a Yabby Dummy
First woman Governor of Alaska. Priorities - resource development, education and workforce development, public health and safety, and transportation and infrastructure development. With her leadership, Alaska invested $5 billion in state savings, overhauled education funding, and implemented the Senior Benefits Program - provides support for low-income older Alaskans. She created Alaska’s Petroleum Systems Integrity Office to provide oversight and maintenance of oil and gas equipment, facilities and infrastructure, and the Climate Change Sub cabinet to prepare a climate change strategy for Alaska. Her first legislation overhauled state ethics laws and created a competitive process to construct a gas pipeline. Palin is chair of the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission. Recently named chair of the National Governors Association (NGA) Natural Resources Committee, charged with pursuing legislation to ensure state needs are considered as federal policy is formulated. As a city mayor/manager, she reduced property tax levels while increasing services and created business friendly environment while drawing in new industry. She has served as chair of the Alaska Conservation Commission, which regulates Alaska's most valuable non-renewable resources: oil and gas. Elected by Alaskan Mayors to be president of the Conference of Mayors. In this role, she worked with local, state and federal officials to promote solutions to the needs of Alaska's communities. Completed a B Sc Degree in communications-journalism. Most of the above was accomplished while being a mother and wife. Hopefully Yabby is able to exceed or meet his/her own standards as to what constitutes a Dummy or risks the justifiable label of hypocrite. Posted by Cowboy Joe, Sunday, 23 November 2008 10:51:31 AM
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Dear Cowboy Joe,
Sarah Palin was certainly a gift that kept on giving. Here are some additions to your list, to present a fuller picture. 1) As mayor, fired local police chief who questioned her political contributions. 2)When Palin was mayor of Wasilla, it was the only town in Alaska that forced rape victims to pay for their own rape kits. The state was forced to pass a law preventing the practice. 3) Palin left Wasilla $20 million in debt. 4) Palin billed taxpayers for staying in her own home for 312 nights, and her daughters and husband charged $43,490, mostly for trips between Juneau and Wasilla. 5) Fired the entire Alaskan Agricultural Commission board, filled vacancies with cronies, kept failing state-owned dairy afloat with public subsidies (which may have been misappropriated), then allowed dairy to fail and ensured that remaining assets were acquired at steep discount by a political ally. 6) Claimed to have been an anti-corruption crusader, actually ran Ted Stevens' political action committee and made appearances with him even after he was found guilty of corruption. 7)Claimed she was against Bridge to Nowhere, was actually for it. 8) Palin sued the US government to block polar bears from being listed on a threatened species list. 9) Palin defends cruel method of killing wolves. 10)Palin claimed to have sold an Alaskan luxury private jet on E-Bay. In truth, the jet never sold on E-Bay and had been primarily used to transport convicts. Alaska eventually sold it as a $300,000 loss to a Palin campaign contributor. 11) Todd Palin was arrested for a DUI in 1986. 12) Palin attended convention for Alaskan Independence Party, which is devoted to ensuring that Alaska secedes from the union. 13) Todd Palin was a registered member of the Alaska Independence Party from 1995-2002. 14) Palin pressured a librarian to ban unspecified books, later fired her, but local residents pressured to re-hire her. (Palin characterized her questions as "rhetorical.") 15)Palin strongly opposed sex education. 16) Palin claimed to have been to Ireland. It was merely a re-fueling stopover. That will do for now... Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 23 November 2008 1:35:26 PM
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Ah Foxy, with a great poster like you responding, I don't need
to add anything on Sarah Palin. Cowboy Joe is clearly a bad judge of character :) Posted by Yabby, Sunday, 23 November 2008 2:12:54 PM
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Sarah who?
Posted by CJ Morgan, Sunday, 23 November 2008 6:39:51 PM
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Thanks that was fruitful but Foxy missed the most important one.
Republican. Shooting wolves is regarded as effective. Not cruel. Polar bears are not endangered. Posted by Cowboy Joe, Sunday, 23 November 2008 7:55:37 PM
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Dear Cowboy Joe,
I didn't believe in stating the obvious. Like: "Vote Republican, it's easier than thinking!" As for Polar Bears - they actually are an endangered species - read issues of National Geographic and you'll find out why. Shooting wolves aerially from helicopters is considered cruel by most standards - and that's what Palin and her mob do for 'fun.' Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 23 November 2008 8:37:02 PM
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IMO someone who shoots wolves from a helicopter for fun ain't normal.
Posted by bennie, Monday, 24 November 2008 7:00:58 AM
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We are products of our environments. Aussie SNAGS etc living in their much loved latte flooded concrete jungles have little comprehension of life in Alaska. Isn't the statistic 92% live in 14 cities?
Is it the helicopter you object to? I think you will find that it Game and Fish personnel or contractors who primarily engage in this activity. Which is also done in PC Australia. Hundreds of dollars per hour flying time. See: Alaskans know about the urbanite psyche and have coined the term ninety nine fiftiers, i.e. 99% of a group of people who have never been more than 50 feet from their cars. The International Union of Nature Conservation Paper #80 2008 states, "Despite strong differences of opinion that continue to exist between and within conservation organisations regarding the ethics of recreational hunting and fishing, there is a growing acceptance that these industries and organisations can be positive forces for conservation." Feb 2007 edition of IWMC World Conservation Trust reads "Despite the media blitz, as Sustainable eNews reported last month, polar bears are more numerous now than at any time in the past fifty years and, according to experts, they and their supporting environments are adapting and responding well to the new conditions of warmer climate." We are way off topic. Posted by Cowboy Joe, Monday, 24 November 2008 11:12:24 PM
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No, Joe, it's the plain, mindless destructiveness I object to. See, here in cosmopolitanland we see guns for what they are - compensation for small balls.
Posted by bennie, Tuesday, 25 November 2008 7:14:43 AM
And what does it say for the intelligence of the American Stinker site when they too, feature this sludge.
As though it contributes even a smidgeon of understanding of the origins, complexities, and possible solutions (if there are any) to the current multi-dimensional world crisis.