The Forum > Article Comments > Anglicans in Sydney in a time of conflict > Comments
Anglicans in Sydney in a time of conflict : Comments
By Bruce Kaye, published 19/11/2008World wide Anglicanism is in conflict and Sydney is in the midst of it. What that might mean within the diocese is not yet clear.
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Posted by david f, Wednesday, 19 November 2008 10:39:33 AM
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The AUTHORITY of the Bible?
What authority? How can a work of fiction and opinion have any credibility? Perhaps this is why this Anglican problem has arisen; if a "religion" is founded on fiction, it is not surprising that differences of opinion will result. "My god's truer than your god...nah nah ni nah nah!" Posted by Ponder, Wednesday, 19 November 2008 10:50:02 AM
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Such a conflict is a storm in a teacup or rather a narcisstic fish bowl, full of sound and fury and signifying nothing.
As though the Primal Energy that "creates", sustains and, sooner or later destroys all forms,including human beings (and entire galaxies for amusement before breakfast), really gives a fig about what people do with their genitals. Of what relevance were the shape of peoples genitals, and what they were doing with them, in the face of a Tsunami that wiped out 300,000 living breathing human beings. Or in the fire bombing of Tokyo and the nuking of Hiroshima both of which were blessed by adherents of the same "holy scriptures" that these puritannical religionists appeal to. And remember that the same "god" commanded George to invade Iraq. Then again what to do with ones genitals has always been the primary occupation and obsession of such "self"-righteous dingbat religionists. In some sense this is fair enough because our genital, or the mind-sets created in response to them, are the cause of most of our human problems, including the seemingly insurmountable problems of over-population and environmental destruction. Plus as far as I can make out sexual promiscuity etc is a cause of massive social problems in Africa. So the African Bishops concern is well founded. Posted by Ho Hum, Wednesday, 19 November 2008 10:57:13 AM
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Who really gives a stuff about denominational politics. Jesus Christ is still building His church and the gates of hell won't prevail against it. Just ask the doctor in Kalgoorlie who had been dead for 55 minutes in Kalgoorlie last week. As his wife prayed (she herself a doctor) his heart started. No scientific explanation for that one. The Anglicans have the choice of believing the Word of God or dying like any other group that replaces it with dumb humanism.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 19 November 2008 2:45:16 PM
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Sorry just for the skeptics who would like to hear the man's story first hand Posted by runner, Wednesday, 19 November 2008 3:04:25 PM
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Well Runner, if his wife was praying, she wasn't monitoring his condition, so he may have 'revived' well before the 55 minutes. There are lots of instances of people being found alive in morgues etc. Its not that rare. The spontaneous regeneration of a lost or amputated limb I would be impressed by, but amputees don't seem to be a group 'god' has ever had any interest in.
And what's wrong with 'just' dying - it will happen to all of us, and many of us aren't so fearful of it that we have to hope for something after wards. According to current scientific knowledge, I know the matter of which I consist will endure and eventually become part of future humans and other living things. I think that is amazing, and it is the only 'eternal life' I need to believe in. Posted by Candide, Wednesday, 19 November 2008 6:48:59 PM
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I suppose if Jesus had agreed with the clergy of his day, they wouldn't have conspired to kill him?
Suddenly, the last temptation (choice) makes sense: agree with the clergy (receive status) or stand up to them on behalf of the people they oppress? The rest of the story speaks for itself. Posted by K£vin, Thursday, 20 November 2008 6:37:00 PM
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For those who have posted or who think of posting something akin to: Who cares? "Storm in a teacup etc"
Fine, if you didn't care why did you post? Cannot you find some other topic to waste your 5 postings a day on rather than debating a faith that you don't care about and that won't have an effect on your lives? Posted by Hamlet, Thursday, 20 November 2008 8:11:24 PM
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I was in Sydney recently and stayed with two sets of Anglican friends.I am an Anglican from another part of Australia. I was appalled not only by the differences in theology and polity, but by the violent methods the Sydney 'orthodox' choose to enforce their views. I salute my friends, clergy who dare to differ from the Sydney mainline, for the courage and good humour it takes them to express an alternate view, whether on the ordination of women or lay people leading the Eucharist. When there is no charity and only vicious attacks, God cannot be. There is no Gospel in the Sydney hard line.
Posted by Ted, Monday, 24 November 2008 5:52:13 PM
"On the other hand The Episcopal Church in the USA objects to the ordination of clergy and bishops by African and Asian Primates for work in the USA without any agreement from that church."
The Episcopal Church has sent in missionaries to various countries with little or no concern as to whether those countries want missionaries. However, they object to others doing the same to them. It is delicious that Africans are sending clergy to the USA.