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Our culture of death : Comments

By Peter Sellick, published 31/10/2008

Human rights are used both to condemn murder and torture and to give permission for self murder and the murder of the unborn.

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This is what amazes me about people.

They have no idea of what their talking about. (on this note )

Lets give them a choice, where it can be only a yes or no answer.

If your daughter or son had a spinal injury and stem-cell research was the difference between walking or not, would that change your mind or let them suffer because of christian morality or opinion?

That's the things with humans! there all for it when its in their favour.
and all against it when its not.
'and don't get started on overpopulation/medical-research, birth control in poor countries and so on, those issues should be swept under the carpet! shouldn't they?

Again! Another road-block by who,s know,s what.

Posted by EVO, Friday, 31 October 2008 11:53:56 AM
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As Basil Fawlty would say, we can spend the rest of our lives having this argument. Nothing will deter "Sells" from his view, and he is entitled to live and die the way he chooses. But I cannot accept the moralising he and his cronies go on with. He has absolutely no business, none, in telling me how to live and die. His preposterous belief system merely shows off his believing credentials, it doesn't give him any special insights into ethics or morality. He has no trouble believing in the supernatural; I do have trouble with that. In fact, it is impossible for me to believe anything that has no evidence, strange as that may seem. I therefore don't base my personal morality on a vengeful, jealous figment of the imagination. No religious fanatic will have any say in any end-of-life issues I face. Just as I would not allow my beloved pet to suffer, and indeed would be prosecuted if I did, I will take measures needed to ensure a good death when the time comes.
Posted by Liz T, Friday, 31 October 2008 12:26:02 PM
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The symbol for Christianity used to be the Fish, a symbol that was reportedly used by Jesus. (Fishers of men)

Yet this simple and pleasing symbol was changed to an image of torture and death after a dream by Emperor Constantine; he placed the symbol of a cross on the shields of his soldiers. After his war-time victory in 312 AD, the ever so modest Constantine concluded that his success represented victory over death as much as the crucifix represented the victory of Jesus over death through his reported resurrection. Constantine's mother, Helena, travelled to Jerusalem in 325 to seek the tomb of Jesus. When met with silence by the Jewish leaders she placed one of them, (ironically named Judas) in a well. Charming woman. After seven days, he prays to God for guidance and reveals the location. After this torture, Judas converts to Christianity, and takes the name Kyriakis. Helena is made a saint for finding the original cross and her many acts of charity. Like leaving men in wells for a week, no doubt.

Ironic given Sells claims that euthanasia and abortion, (where individual people make considered decisions over their own lives) represent a 'culture of death', while ignoring the bloody history of Christianity.
Posted by Fractelle, Friday, 31 October 2008 12:26:28 PM
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Lets get started on the hidden church culture of death.

In the 3rd world, there is a high death rate from diseases such as AIDS etc, but Christians object to either the distribution of condoms or to actually daresay distributing them themselves upon spurious notions that they would "encourage promsicuous behavior";
Similarly many drug users die in such countries because unlike in Australia or Europe, they cannot obtain at no cost supplies of clean equipment and syringes, the Church would never participate or lobby for something like this because protestant puritanism and self-denial/shame have an opinion that intoxication is sinful;
Around the globe, there are many Churches that resist the Gardasil vaccine for cervical cancer upon a similar basis, a spurious notion that it would encourage teenage premarital sex;
In the US, muscular Church lobbies have convinced Washington to cut school grants unless they only teach abstinence and no science or evidence-based sx education;
Sometimes pregnant women find themselves in danger because of pregnancy complications, but many a religious hospital or medical professional refuses to allow, or do, a Dilation and Curettage.
Posted by Inner-Sydney based transsexual, indigent outcast progeny of merchant family, Friday, 31 October 2008 12:53:07 PM
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As is usually the case with authors running this line one bad case study is used to stand for all instances. But life is messy as Anglican Bishop Forsythe said at a seminar a couple of years year in Sydney. Nearly all of us would prefer that we could die peacefully not in needless excruciating pain; nearly all of us would prefer that women were not faced with unwanted pregnancy. The problem for the hard Christian theocratic right is that they are slowly but surely losing the battle on all fronts. In WA they lost on a woman's right to choose, prostitution and gay law reform. In Victoria abortion has just been decriminalised; in Britain in July blasphemy was abolished; in March 2006 Kevin Rudd voted for RU 486 to be taken out of the hands of the Minister for Health and to allow its availability to be decided by a statutory authority; in December 2006 in the Parliament, Malcolm Turnbull said the following in relation to a bill concerning cloning, a bill opposed by the Catholic Church and other theocratic Christians: 'our society has already reached a conclusion to the effect that an embryo at this very early stage is more in the nature of a potential than an actual human being and that the rights of this microscopic bundle of cells are not equal to those of a foetus, let alone a newborn baby.'

Posted by anzsa, Friday, 31 October 2008 12:59:15 PM
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Constantine is likely to have seen a plurality with Sol Invictus.

The Tau cross is associated with Tammuz and may have adopted Christians.

It is just as possible that Jesus was simply hung on a pole or a X cross. Moreover, Pilate is unlikely to have allowed executions during the Passover, given the restlessness of Jewish population of that time.
Posted by Oliver, Friday, 31 October 2008 1:03:56 PM
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