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No wolf whistles for Sarah Palin’s compassion : Comments

By Walt Brasch, published 11/9/2008

Let's not talk about Sarah Palin’s political philosophies. Her disregard for life is enough.

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David, Palin has been Governor of Alaska since January last year.

For damning evidence of her disregard for Indigenous rights, go to:

Are the Republicans going for broke on their old core values or racism, privilege, and male WASP control and giving away all pretence that they will work for the people ?

Joe Lane
Posted by Loudmouth, Tuesday, 16 September 2008 8:40:03 AM
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Look, I thought this article (by a man) was typically sexist, then I thought better of it.

As a born again worshipper, I believe that God, Guns and Guts made America what we all love and respect about it today.

And we can be like America if the McCain/Palin ticket leads us to the Promised Land.

I believe (yes Oh Brother/Sister I believe) that Sarah Palin deserves unlimited power based not on merit, but carnival.

Doubtors call her Caribou Barbie. This however severly underestimates a person who can smile for the camera in front of an animal she shot (apparently panting, presumably still warm).

We are not talking about a beer swilling, shotgun misfiring Dead Eye Dick Cheney here. We’re talking about a new improved VP to be, who can shoot accurately and kill a magnificent animal with a 50 cent bullet.

America couldn't do better than make such an example its first female Vice-President...and perhaps President, if we're lucky ;)

She answers the well-known needs of that surprising beast, the American voting public.

She has beauty.

She also has brains.

She is bountiful and pro-life.

She likes to shoot and kill and hence is pro-death.

Pro-life, pro-death - kinda balances out doesn't it?

Most important she is a card carrying Believer in God. But clearly of the Pro-death type? Well maybe of the Smite Thine Russian Enemies and Animals type.

The world was ready to breathe a sigh of relief at the prospect of George W. Bush's warlike exit. But wait, there is the American voter to be reckoned with (the minority that votes that is) and the winner IS Palin.

Not to forget the President to be - an old unpredictable man (third generation US Navy to boot). Both itching to reignite the Cold War for America's God Given Glory.

Watchout Australia. We'll be fighting in our next fox-hole with the US. This time for that beacon of NATO democracy...(let the drums roll).....Georgia.

Maybe with deer rifles.

Posted by plantagenet, Thursday, 18 September 2008 8:27:57 AM
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For the record, hunting is a healthy and natural activity. Good on her for breaking gender boundaries to do it!

But we really have to look what the nomination of Palin has done to the opposition. It seems to have driven them batshit crazy, they don't care what lies they make up or what behavioural rules they transgress to vilify her.

Like a troop of monkeys screaming and flinging faeces, the fever-swamps of columnists and progressives are trying to drive out the threat to their cozy dominance hierarchy. Its like Pauline Hanson all over again, but this time the target is a threat to 'their' election that was in the bag until a fortnight ago but is now not at all certain.

McCain without saying a word shows that Obama is an empty suit who would be waaay back in the pack if he wasn't a politically correct racial stereotype.
Posted by ChrisPer, Thursday, 18 September 2008 7:46:52 PM
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Sshooting animals for fun is healthy and natural? The idea is almost as scary as Palin is Chris. Can you say which part of the article is lies?

The surge in support for Palin has turned out to be as ephemeral as her compassion for animals. Once people realise her qualifications in international diplomacy are based solely on the fact she can see Russia from her front yard they'll think twice about electing her.
Posted by bennie, Sunday, 21 September 2008 5:36:34 PM
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A far-right religious conservative in control of the entire US military?

I'm not afraid, really I'm not. I'm sure 'god' will tell her what to do and 'god' is loving and merciful, right?

"I believe that with the nomination of Sarah Palin for the vice presidency, the silliness of our (USA) politics has finally put our nation at risk. The world is growing more complex—and dangerous—with each passing hour, and our position within it growing more precarious. Should she become president, Palin seems capable of enacting policies so detached from the common interests of humanity, and from empirical reality, as to unite the entire world against us. When asked why she is qualified to shoulder more responsibility than any person has held in human history, Palin cites her refusal to hesitate. "You can't blink," she told Gibson repeatedly, as though this were a primordial truth of wise governance. Let us hope that a President Palin would blink, again and again, while more thoughtful people decide the fate of civilization."

From Sam Harris' analysis of the selection of Sarah Palin in Newsweek.

Full text at:

Posted by Fractelle, Monday, 22 September 2008 8:47:45 AM
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These attacks on Palin by the left, which get more vicious by the day, seem to be forgetting that John McCain is the bloke who’s running for President. He managed to survive years of torture by the Viet Cong so there’s little chance the rigours of the white house will overcome him.

Harris >> “Should she become president ... unite the entire world against us.”

Where is the evidence for this? This is just plucked out of the thin air, totally unjustifiable. Secondly, its not the Presidents job to make other countries happy, his/her job is to do the right thing, whatever that may be, even if that sets America at odds with other countries. Although what kind of policies Harris is dribbling about I have no idea, since the US has LOTS of allies in its wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Harris >> “ ... more thoughtful people decide THE FATE OF CIVILIZATION”

This is hysterical ranting. I am not surprised that a leftist idiot might say something like that, but I’m a little surprised NewsWeek would publish it. I thought you were saying that Leftist were cool and collected and weren’t jumping at shadows. No one seems to have told Harris.

Palin has FAR more experience in executive roles than Obama, yet leftist morons continue to suggest Palin is inexperienced. If we accept that as true, that surely means Obama has NO EXPERIENCE at all.


If you eat what you hunt and kill, that makes you less of a hypocrite than those anti-hunting morons who sit in McDonalds eating beef burgers. Fact of life is, humans EAT animals. Someone actually kills that animal that provides people with meat, just in case you missed it.

Its funny that leftist in general are happy for indigenous people to hunt the turtle, goanna and kangaroo, spearing them to death. But it’s not OK for white people to hunt.

Palin’s Husband is part Eskimo though and I’m pretty sure the Eskimos have a long tradition of not hunting animals for fear it might offend PC lefties, right?
Posted by Paul.L, Monday, 22 September 2008 11:05:53 AM
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