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Sarah Palin a change? What change? : Comments
By Ruby Hamad, published 5/9/2008Palin may be a woman, but to many feminists and other Clinton supporters she does not speak for women.
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Posted by Polycarp, Monday, 8 September 2008 7:26:49 AM
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Only about 50% of Americans vote. Very few of those come from the massive number of poor and disadvantaged. It appears traditionally the voters are mostly middle class or rich. The poor state of the economy doesn't have the same impact on these disparate groups so it sadly is realistic to divorce the worst effects of any downturn from voting intentions. If poor or disadvantaged voted they would not vote for either Republican or Democrat ... they'd probably vote for socialist or further left wing candidates... who would truely represent them. But sadly such groups , even if Christ himself was their chief candidate, just would receive such terrible press and be labelled with so poor a repute they wouldn't get a 'look in'. The great fallacy of course is that the Democrats are left wing. They are but in our terms they are probably further right wing than John Howard. I think Obama would probably do a good job in their interests but he's now too caught up in 'whitey' middle class liberal interests to appeal to the vast majority of poor and disadvantaged. They would see him not as their champion but just another rich man trying to pretend to be poor or disadvantaged... Posted by keith, Monday, 8 September 2008 12:46:00 PM
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The latest polls from the weekend are starting to confirm McCains strategy. He's ahead by 4-5%. The clearest indication will come Tuesday or Wednesday US time. At this stage in Bush\Kerry, Kerry led by 7 points. It might just have been a McCain master stroke and if accurate it is impossible for Obama to come back.
He's spend millions on promoting change and I'd say the voters have accepted McCain and Palin represent the change they want. It might just be all over in the first week and unlikely to change in the next eight. Welcome President McCain. And no-one will be able to claim he's cheated. Posted by keith, Monday, 8 September 2008 12:55:53 PM
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Palin's gender is irrelevant. A neanderthal is a neanderthal. Her ignorance and her hypocrisy is befitting of one who remains in the dark ages - typical of the God-botherers, not least the anti-abortionists in the US, who have already been charged with 7 murders, 41 bombings, 619 bomb threats and 3 kidnappings and the list of other atrocities is endless.
Her "bomb and destroy" neo-con mentality is not restricted to the anti-abortion movement but extends to the environment. A truer eco-vandal one would be hard pressed to find. Her penchant for slaughtering non-humans and her pig ignorance over the fragility of Alaska's eco-systems is difficult to comprehend. One wonders if George Bush's crime of blowing up frogs with fire-crackers had any bearing on his eco-vandalism. This cabal is fraught with ravenous predators who believe the planet and all other species are available for their exploitation. And typical of Palin's politics, power and wisdom are not in the same hands. Body-guards of tyranny are also born from a democracy therefore, I trust the American people choose wisely for they will get only what they deserve. And for some, the following footage will speak a thousand words: Posted by dickie, Monday, 8 September 2008 3:01:05 PM
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Dickie's response is very predictable. Earth worshipers are genarally comfortable with saving the animals whilst murdering the unborn. He/she refers to god botherers while showing himself a god hater/denier. I would suggest it is the baby killers who have a dark age mentality rather than those who want to protect the most innocent. The 7 murders that Dickie refers to (over however many decades) is minute compared to the hundreds of thousands of children murdered by abortionist.
Posted by runner, Monday, 8 September 2008 3:18:08 PM
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Col. I lived for thirty years in London, and to make your day, I read the Guardian!
As to The Sun and page 3, you appear to know more about it than me. You mentioned the Admiral Belgrano because you realised I would not resist binging it up. Really Col a bit of self ego there on your part. The Queen honours people in ceremony, on the recommendation of the prime Minister. Name one good thing Maggie Thatcher did, for the "Honest" people of the industrial areas of the UK. I know many Americans were I lived and worked, Dear! dear!! Col, and you call me venal! Posted by Kipp, Monday, 8 September 2008 3:19:10 PM
As they were speaking about her, in the background was playing "Sarah..Saaaarah.. I'll never find another girl like you" :)
Ohhhh I loved that.. she kind of fits the image.. and I'd think about naming any daughter I had "Sarah" so that I could play that song at her 21st :) Unnnnfortunately, any daughter I now produced would be a rather clear admission of being naughty as my wifes tubes are well and truly tied.
Hmm my daughter does have a 2 syllable name though, so I could still replace it and use the song... not a bad thought.
Hows things? I had a great time at "The Library" the other week.. (Tale of 2 Sikh's)
Don't forget 'Yum Cha' :)
On Topic.. Palin gives some 'balls' (cough) to the McCain campaign..he is toooo much of a post-use-by-date cuddly teddy bear with nice sentiments. I just cannot see him as El Presidente...
Obama ? yep..I can see him as a statesman, but not sure if his policies would be good in the long run.