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The Forum > Article Comments > Holy victuals bitter sweet for Great Southern Land > Comments

Holy victuals bitter sweet for Great Southern Land : Comments

By Joanne Lau, published 5/9/2008

Catholicism exerts a pervasive influence in Australia’s political, economic and cultural economy.

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“The wider question left unanswered in the uproar over the New South Wales provisions, included whether the Catholic Church can ethically stand against granting reproductive rights to women from the poorest nations of the world.”

No question there – it has been doing it successfully, spectacularly so, for the past 14 years after the United Nations Population and Development in Cairo. Not because of committed faithful like Paul Collins; but the political stranglehold exerted by the fundamentalist enthusiasm of Brian Harradine, Tony Abbott, and like-minded colleagues. And because of the moral turpitude of Governments pandering to them.

What a terrible price has been imposed upon women in the poorest nations of the world. What extra stress imposed upon the earth's resources in supporting the resulting unnecessarily high rate of population expansion.
Posted by colinsett, Friday, 5 September 2008 10:59:04 AM
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Joanne Lau concludes her article with these words:

"Catholicism, in addition to its historical legacies and current role in engaging with mainstream culture in providing community services, remains interwoven into the fabric of Australia; it exerts a pervasive influence in Australia’s political, economic and cultural economy."

That may very well be one of Australia's major problems.

Joanne had earlier stated:

"By the 19th century, the Church in Western societies had moved away from being an integral part of the bureaucratic machinery of state to become an important vocal non-government institution, among many voices competing to reach government policymakers and the wider society."

Not according to pope Leo XIII (1878-1903) it hadn't, at least not in Portugal. His encyclical, 'Pergrata' (On the Church in Portugal) stated, inter alia:

"The state must always be governed under the leadership and guidance of this same religion. If this is done wisely, then the government will conform to the genius, the character, and the will of the people. For the Catholic faith is the legitimate religion of Portugal. Therefore it is entirely fitting that it be defended by the protection of the law and the authority of the state officials, and that its safety, continuance, and honor be publicly assured. Let its freedom and action legitimately lie in the political as well as ecclesiastical Power."

And if that is not clear enough, this: "..... [Portuguese] ecclesiastical authorities should realize that the rulers of the state can and ought to trust them; nor should the ecclesiastical rulers accept a cause, such as retaining laws, which the interests of the Church do not want retained."

Lest it be thought my position to be one of anti-catholic bigotry or prejudice, although not catholic myself, my wife is (nominally) so. Her reaction upon hearing of the departure by air from Rome of Benedict XVI: "I hope his plane crashes!".

Mine: "What have you got against the Alitalia aircrew?".

Yair, George, I think you've got a problem.

Forrest wondered idly just how many of Australia's problems could be solved by real estate.
Posted by Forrest Gumpp, Friday, 5 September 2008 2:49:53 PM
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The complete mess people have made of their lives in the 60's 70's, 80's,with their immoral, selfish, valueless secular values have been noticed by many young people. Many have grown up without dads and mums.
I am heartened that many of our current youth generation have rejected the lack of morals and values championed by the secularist who themselves sold off their birthrights.

What we need is a clean out of the secularist who control the media and universities with their failed secular dogmas and replace them with some people of character or people who at least admit to the failed experiment of the socialist.

A relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ is the only hope for this nation. Denominations including the Catholics in themselves have little to offer except false security.
Posted by runner, Friday, 5 September 2008 4:58:52 PM
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Ah Runner always loving your neighbour. “Clear out” indeed while we are at why don't we burn them at the stake.
It's a funny thing, whenever a god freak says without god there are no morals everything is okay. The easy counter is, if the only reason why you don't steal and kill whenever you want is your belief in god then those are not morals. But with your evident rage against your fellow man I can believe it in your Runner. Get some help Runner you need it.

AS for the article, I find it funny that the author feels that it is surprising that religious people would use their power to push something that they believe in. I don't every much WYD would have got funding if the PM and P of NSW were not trying to shore up the conservative religious cred. The reality is while the Catholics are an effect pressure group they will be listened to. While they have members in parliament who think they will win more votes then lose for helping the church out they will. The fact that most people don’t follow organised religion anymore say’s more then I can ever do so on this site.
Posted by cornonacob, Friday, 5 September 2008 11:06:01 PM
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*The Holy See's insight is especially important for social policy topics as diverse as poverty reduction, third world development, international human rights and climate change.*

Hehe, the author would have to be kidding! Burning condoms in
Africa, denying women having their tubes tied and other such
Catholic jokes, have made the Catholic Church totally out
of touch with the rest of the community. Even the majority
of Catholics don't agree with this stuff! Climate change,
poverty reduction? If the Vatican were concerned about these
things, why do Catholic organisations still encourage people
to breed like rabbits? More little Catholics perhaps?

With those kinds of ideas, the further that the Catholic Chuch
is kept away from social policy, the better for the rest of us.

I respect your right of freedom of religion, please respect mine,
of freedom from religion.
Posted by Yabby, Saturday, 6 September 2008 9:10:36 AM
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What I find just as enlightening is modern progressives failing to do anything on behalf of those people, mainly women, oppressed by Islam across the world. Indeed to even suggest such a thing would mean being decried as an Islamo-phobe. Doesn't this make those who criticise Christainity or the Catholic Church, Christiano-phobes?

It is a loony-left sport these days to kick Christians whenever possible. However their lack of respect for others beliefs only extends as far as Christianity and Judaism.

All other religions are treated reverentially as culturally unique and thus worthy of PC acceptance.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not religious in the slightest and have little respect for any of their views. It's the one-sided bigotry of so-called progressives that really amuses me.
Posted by Paul.L, Saturday, 6 September 2008 10:36:16 AM
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