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Activity is quiet on the sunspot front ... : Comments
By Mark S. Lawson, published 29/8/2008Climate change sceptics and non sceptics agree on one thing at least: 2014-2015 are the years to watch.
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Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 30 August 2008 11:13:41 AM
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viking13: "There's no conclusive proof that CO2 from human sources causes global warming, and how is the recent (since 1998) levelling and/or cooling trends explained?"
Maybe you should think about reading the forum comments first before you broadcast. Repeating the same old dogma, while ignoring what people are saying, is about the equivalent of putting you hands over your ears and yelling "La, la, la, la ".. Arjay: "Water vapour accounts for 95% if GW and man made CO2 accounts for 0.117% of GW.[Prof Springer]It does not add up." Oh right, because you are *so* much smarter than: the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, NASA, CSIRO, InterAcademy Council (IAC), the national science academies of Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, India, Japan, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States, National Research Council (US), European Science Foundation, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Federation of American Scientists, World Meteorological Organization, Royal Meteorological Society (UK), Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences, International Union for Quaternary Research, Stratigraphy Commission of the Geological Society of London, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, International Union of Geological Sciences, European Geosciences Union, Canadian Federation of Earth Sciences, Geological Society of America, American Geophysical Union, American Astronomical Society, American Institute of Physics, American Physical Society, American Chemical Society, Engineers Australia (The Institution of Engineers Australia), Federal Climate Change Science Program (US), American Statistical Association, International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences, American Association of State Climatologists, Network of African Science Academies. ... but of course you probably think that they are all involved in some big conspiracy, just like the Flat Earth Society says. Posted by Sams, Saturday, 30 August 2008 11:48:46 AM
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Now Sams,Prof Severinghause who is a GW exponent admits that CO2 does not initiate GW but merely acts as an amplifier.He also admits that new ice core data is correct and that CO2 increases follow GW.CO2 gets released from the oceans.How does CO2 make all the other gases absorb and retain more heat energy?For every molecule of CO2 there are 2500 molecules of other gases that make up our atmosphere.
Can you explain this anomaly in you own words,without making vague references to sites that cannot explain it. Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 30 August 2008 12:06:19 PM
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Arjay by your reasoning everybody who has been convicted of drink driving has met with an injustice. A blood alcohol reading of 0.05% is one part in 2000, surely that can't make a difference. Perhaps we should hand their licences back immediately.
Posted by Taswegian, Saturday, 30 August 2008 4:18:52 PM
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Arjay: "Can you explain this anomaly in you own words,without making vague references to sites that cannot explain it."
Now Arjay, I assume you mean Severinghaus. This has already been done on other threads on OLO, as you well know. I'm sure you'd like nothing more than to drag this into a foggy miasma where you keep putting up an endless supply of pseudo-scientific mumbo jumbo and others keep explaining how you're wrong (and repeat them all over again in the next thread of course), so that you can give other readers the impression that there is some sort of serious scientific debate going on. Its a classic delaying charade documented here: as used by holocaust deniers, the tobacco industry, and other dregs of humanity. Instead, let's hear what Severinghaus himself says about people deliberately misinterpreting and misquoting his scientific work (particularly Andrew Bolt): "Many, many other studies have found that carbon dioxide causes the earth to warm. This is not controversial, and to continue to deny it is akin to denying that cigarette smoking causes cancer" [Severinghaus] "The evidence for a human-caused warming of the globe is overwhelming. The scientific debate is over, and what we are seeing now is an attempt to mislead the public." [Severinhaus] "At the very least I would like it to go on record that Bolt's abuse of my science is not done with my approval" [Severinghaus] Arjay: "For every molecule of CO2 there are 2500 molecules of other gases that make up our atmosphere." You try to imply that this means that CO2 is somehow insignificant, which most readers would see through instantly. Example: for every molecule of folate you eat there are 10 billion other molecules that make up your food. Does this mean folate isn't important? Don't be absurd. Posted by Sams, Saturday, 30 August 2008 9:11:14 PM
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A thousand cheers to Sams, who patiently refutes the same old nonsense from the same old denialists. As I've said before, I don't generally bother any more when dealing with people who intractably ignore the vast bulk of evidence in favour of the confected anomalies that suit their 'business as usual' position.
I'm so glad they're in an increasingly marginalised minority. Posted by CJ Morgan, Saturday, 30 August 2008 9:49:06 PM
Good article Mark.It is about time that real statistics and empirical science entered the debate instead of this emotional scare mongering.