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Pin-up children : Comments

By Melinda Tankard Reist, published 29/7/2008

Something should be done to rein in the behaviour of advertisers who see children as a gold mine to be plundered.

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Gibo, was Christ slandering others on the cross? If not, why do you slander others? What's in your heart is surely more important to Christ than what you're wearing, and as far as I can see you're not a Christian by the standards that Jesus set
Posted by Veronika, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 6:35:43 PM
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Hello, Gibo’s comments on Steel Mann’s nudist pursuits have been deleted.

This has left Steel Mann looking half loopy by responding to now non-existent comments (:>|


“A statement to the effect of 'you don't have to participate' or 'someone who respects you wouldn't pressure you' is appropriate…”

Fair enough Elka. But not mandatory. Surely voluntary on the part of the magazine’s editor. Neutrality is surely quite ok. It is not the role of the editor or the author of an article to be parent or school teacher, is it?

I find it interesting that you picked up on this point in my last post but did not comment on my conclusion:

“We need to free up on this sort of thing…NOT tighten up.”
Posted by Ludwig, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 8:27:08 PM
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Elka's comment:

"perhaps you should be asking the over 200 people who complained about the nandos ad. For my part, it is not wanting to see a naked woman waggling her naked ass in a man's face while waiting to see a movie with my children."

Although I disagree with most censorship and don't have a problem with the aforementioned ass-waggling, Elka does have a point. There are undoubtedly quite a number of people who do have a problem with this, though we're faced with a situation where there are two competing demands - those who have a problem and want it off their screens, and those who would vehemently oppose such an action.

Seems to me the solution is to have a channel that's tuned to these delicate sensibilities, separate to other channels, to satisfy both avenues.
Granted, the programming would probably be banal and I suspect there would be a large amount of Christian-themed offerings, but at least it would be something for those who are concerned about such things.

Perhaps if digital TV finally takes hold in Australia, there will be more channel options. Until then, I guess it's majority rules, and I really don't think the majority takes these issues as seriously as other, well... more serious issues.
Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 9:13:32 PM
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I was going to make a sensible comment about this rather muddle-headed article, but after reading Gibo's posts I can't keep a straight keyboard.

<< OLO is well known for a small circle of pagans and antichrists who delve in sexual immorality frequently >>

Too funny folks - we're famous! I just can't work out whether I'm a pagan or an antichrist, or both.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 10:00:55 PM
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CJ who's been hanging around outside your bedroom window counting how often that you are sexually immoral ;) You need better blinds my friend and maybe a guard dog. Glad for you that it's frequently.

I'm all for some control over advertising. Those annoying messages on the large boards ouside a lot of churches should go - better still have a right of reply board on a neighbouring property. That could be fun working out creative responses to the silly messages.

On topic does anybody have a copy of that issue of Dolly to check the focus of the mentioned article. If Melinda's claim is correct and there is no mention that saying no is an option it does seems irresponsible given the target audience.

I would hope that most kids have learnt that they can say no but when I consider some of the attitudes to sex education I've read on OLO I have to assume that some kids have been isolated from the information they might need. Maybe that includes the idea that there are options, that they can say no even when things have already gone further than planned.

Posted by R0bert, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 10:21:50 PM
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TUS asks " it just a 'think of the children' hysteria? If so, why are boys in no danger of being 'sexualised'? Is their sexuality and body image just not as precious as girls?"

Important point and one that the author doesn't address. Why are boys not sexualised as girls are? Because their sexuality and body image are actually more precious than girls, that's why. If boys appeared the way girls do in advertising or music clips, they would be assumed to be gay (which of course would be terrible). Imagine boys posing the way girls do in advertisements and music clips and you should get the picture.

Under a free market system, sex does indeed sell as does sexism. However, there are limits. I don't think gay magazines will be advertised on the 3-4pm time slot on most commercial stations anytime soon.
Posted by DavidJS, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 11:16:10 PM
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