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No smoking hot spot : Comments

By David Evans, published 22/7/2008

There has not been a public debate about the causes of global warming: most are not aware of the most basic salient facts.

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Keiran: "BOM are full of tricks and this is not just my experience" ... "We can also put the CSIRO into the tricky dicky basket as well."

Keiran: "While you are at it please tell me what CO2 quota you have been given from your high priests. This is very much your reality and i'd definitely like to know the extent of your carbon sin you naughty little boy."

On that note, it sounds like an excellent time to wrap this thread up.
Posted by Sams, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 9:39:49 AM
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Indeed, Sams. Keiran's puerile denialism exemplifies nicely why I rarely engage in OLO threads about climate change and global warming.

However, I reiterate my appreciation to those who patiently counter denialist bluster with real data from authoritative sources. Certainly, I've learned much from the many web sources you guys have provided.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 9:49:38 AM
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Viking, it still looks current if you follow sea surface temps as i tend to do .... also Indian ocean very interesting .... see here and why no comment from you on the UAH temperature charts? ...

Sams says he's chilled out and feels compelled to an arrogant pulling down the shutters on this thread. This speaks volumes for his Algorian science and his profound CO2 sin.

Meanwhile we have the Ruddy mob out and about with their wong propaganda. Just see how these tax payer funded adverts show back lit cooling towers emitting clean water vapour looking so ominously dark and dirty. lol Won't be long before the penny drops. Oz is also waking up to the once Green Party that has mutated into the now Red party, exporting once viable businesses overseas and all based on superstitions. Cripes what an unbelievable scam this worship mindset creates.
Posted by Keiran, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 11:15:57 AM
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Keiran, we go over it time and time again. Just because you don’t understand the science does not mean it is wrong.

I remember well how just a few months ago you were saying cosmic rays were causing the GW we are experiencing and your then guru, Nir Shaviv, had nailed the coffin so to speak. I also remember well Marohassy’s thread (about Roy Spencer) and ‘deniers’ tripping over themselves believing they had found a new Messiah.

In that thread and in response to your query about temperatures in the Indian Ocean - I was about to explain the role of ocean/atmosphere coupled systems on cloud formation, SST and feedback loops – have you conveniently forgotten the Walker Circulation cells that Graham Young vehemently denied involving the Indian and Atlantic oceans? Perhaps, but your silence was deafening.

I also alluded to the Argo system – but the thread died because of the recalcitrance of a ‘denier’ ... this thread seems headed the same way.

Now you ask about the temperature trends of the Southern Hemisphere and what you are seeing, linked to in what appears to be your new found guru’s blog site, Climate Audit.

Ok, you are seeing not as much warming as in the Northern Hemisphere.

This from HadCrut3 puts it into perspective.

What you don’t see is the differences between the hemispheres in terms of:

albedo, land/ocean surface areas, sulphate aerosols, black soot pollution, ozone, tropical/polar gradients, polar amplification, Walker Circulation, Hadley cells, PDO, ENSO, EQUINOO, NAO, Antarctic influence, precipitation rates, etc, etc.

What you don’t see are more intense and extreme weather events, loss of biodiversity and change in habitats. You certainly don’t see regional differences. Actually, when do you think Australia experienced its hottest year on record?

What you don’t understand (although it is continually presented to you) is the science that lies behind the data sets and graphs you lift from NOAA, GISS or HadCrut.

What you certainly don’t see in your graph is the threat to international security due to increased pressures on natural resources (like water and energy) or population.

Posted by Q&A, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 2:35:21 PM
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What chance does anyone have of turning on your light bulb when you think ocean acidification means going from pH 8.2 to less than pH 7 ... ergo, no matter what we say, you will always find a way to argue 1 + 1 = 3


Gore (Dem) a politician turned actor, Swartzeneiger (Rep) an actor turned politician – neither have a monopoly on reducing GHG pollution.
Gore got a “Peace” prize for obvious reasons ... ‘climate change’ is threatening world peace and stability.

“Powerful proponents of AGW, like those pushing the Iraq War ...”

Please explain further because a lot of people think George W Bush pushed (even instigated) the Iraq war, he certainly was not a powerful proponent of AGW. Quite the opposite in fact ... going so far as to censor government departments and scientists from even mentioning AGW. If anyone was distorting, exaggerating or using emotive deceptions, I would have said it was Dubya himself.

Oh, that letter to Ban Ki Moon – and the names on the list. Do you really want me to explain to you why it was, umm ... ignored?


Steve McIntyre is no amateur; he aided NASA in adjusting the temperature record ... leading to AGW deniers thinking 1934 was the hottest year on record.

What many people don’t understand is that McIntyre’s efforts lead to an insignificant adjustment of, wait for it ... 0.015 degrees Celsius. It might have been the hottest in the contiguous USA, but if you include Alaska (or the adjoining Canada) ... well you can see how it was distorted given that the USA covers an area of only 2% of the planet.

Let’s be frank, McIntyre has backed himself into a corner (much like Bob Carter) whose sole aim is to discredit NASA in general and Jim Hansen in particular ... hardly very scientific, especially when there is a wealth of evidence from other sources confirming ‘climate change’.

Btw, what do you make of those people who criticise NOAA, NASA or HadCrut data sets then use them in their arguments?
Posted by Q&A, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 2:40:52 PM
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"Keiran, we go over it time and time again. Just because you don’t understand the science does not mean it is wrong."
Love the schoolmarmish tone.

"I was about to explain the role of ocean/atmosphere coupled systems on cloud formation, SST and feedback loops"
Forgive us for not bowing to you omnipresent one...

"I also alluded to the Argo system.."
I thought you farted.

"What you don’t see are more intense and extreme weather events, loss of biodiversity and change in habitats. "

"What you don’t understand (although it is continually presented to you) is the science that lies behind the data sets and graphs you lift from NOAA, GISS or HadCrut."
You must need special glasses.

"Do you really want me to explain to you why it was, umm ... ignored?"
Please don' case you take silence as an invitation.

"Let’s be frank"
Why not Jim?

"McIntyre has backed himself into a corner (much like Bob Carter) whose sole aim is to discredit NASA in general and Jim Hansen in particular"
Hasn't been very hard. He's a nut.
Posted by alzo, Tuesday, 29 July 2008 3:14:50 PM
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