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The Forum > Article Comments > Book Review: 'Twilight of the Elites' is as disturbing as it is important > Comments

Book Review: 'Twilight of the Elites' is as disturbing as it is important : Comments

By Tristan Ewins, published 2/10/2003

Tristan Ewins finds David Flint's Twilight of the Elites disturbing

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TRISTAN... excellent review mate, and quite balanced.

Flints approach indeed has weak points from my own Cconservative Christian viewpoint, I would defend and extend medicare, specially the Dental aspect.

I disagree with the 'education and health' approach to indigenous reconciliation. That is not 'reconciliation' its social welfare. Reconciliation gets to the root and heart of the issue, which is primarily the loss of dignity and cultural self esteem, along with a sense of marginalization by mainstrean western society. I contend that new hearts in US, will do far more to reconcile than any attempt at throwing $$$ at the 'indigenous problem'.

I think on most of his other points, multi culturalism (the death of) etc, he is spot on, and from his various pieces of literary leather could be cobbled a very nice pair of cultural boots.

Fairness demands that we never throw out the baby with the bathwater, and that we recognize value (where it exists) in the positions of those who's fundamental ideological bent is different from our own.

On the Judao Christian heritage, I support all measures to centralize this and enhance it in the areas of education, emergency services, and community based groups.

I would LOVE to see the biblical approach to 'unfair dismissal' taken to heart by us all. (along with the other beautiful landmarks on way to a more loving and caring community.)

Having said that, I would be the last person to advocate or promote competing views of national heritage, but that does not exclude a caring attitude to others. (and for those who are ready to scream at me :) -speaking the truth is not uncaring
Posted by BOAZ_David, Wednesday, 3 August 2005 7:10:46 PM
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