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Indoctrination and fear : Comments
By Carl Mather, published 16/7/2008History clearly shows that any society that relies on religion for moral guidance hastily plummets into barbarism.
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Posted by Frank_Blunt, Thursday, 24 July 2008 3:14:09 PM
It's Saul of Tarsus who's the real villian, who dreamed up a lot of this stuff up and from whom his fellow fascist, Hitler drew his strength, particularly with respect to his anti Semitism.
And 2000 years before Goebbels, Saul knew that if you told a lie often enough there was a good chance that it would become the truth.
I'm blowed if I can work out what Saul saw in the philsophy of Jesus, they seem to be diametrically opposed.
... fascist, misogynist, authoritarian, intolerant ...
The establishment of the canon is interesting; why pick on the letters of Saul as being the inspired word of god unless you want to use his philosophy to dominate the world around you? The Western World picked the wrong philophy and it's still hanging around our necks like a millstone.
What I don't understand is why the people controlling this philosophy would think it a smart thing to dress up in drag, wear red shoes, observe a vow of celibacy and, for all intents and purposes eschew a flamboyant lifestyle.
It doesn't add up, it's all very strange, weird in fact.
And watching Tim Fischer kiss the Pope's ring is enough to make you want to put your fingers down your throat. Our Government should have nothing to do with this tin pot, undemocratic, gerontological theocracy. If it were any other 'country' we'd be calling for sanctions.