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Now to say, never again : Comments

By George Williams, published 18/6/2008

Who should get to say whether Australia goes to war or not?

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Paul L. wrote: "WTF?? ?? ALLOW?"

Yes, well clearly I lost you at the word "hyperbole". Thanks for illustrating my point.
Posted by Sams, Friday, 20 June 2008 12:42:37 PM
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Kasperle, your eagerness for war and your disinterest in casualties is actually Stalinist, very cold. Your declaration of perpetual war is also very interesting in this context as it does explain your upbringing and callousness. I would be one of the first to say there are secret interests seeking world hegemony, but I don't think they are who you think they are.
Posted by Steel, Friday, 20 June 2008 4:17:29 PM
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@ Steel
Eagerness for war - hmm?
So where did I state that then?
Not only are you a total idiot - you can not read either.
Do me a big favor and stop posting responses to my articles and concentrate on the footy or something that your little brain can actually comprehend.
Posted by Kasperle, Saturday, 21 June 2008 9:06:46 PM
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Paul l: "There has not been another attack on the US since 9/11. "

This may or may not be related to foreign actions. Many believe our actions have actually increased the likelihood of terrorist attack. In any case, it cannot be proven either way.

By the same token, I may as well say my laptop is effective at keeping away snakes. Unless you're going to bring a snake into the room, it can't be disproven.

"The US has been attempting to strike up a dialogues with Iran for 30 years and have been rebuffed every single time."

Sorry, this is just plain wrong. This article outlines in detail specifically all the reasons why this is patently false.

You make some good points, and yes, some comments by certain anti-war posters leave much to be desired (such as the idea that the states would be warring without federal intervention) but the chickenhawk approach has been catastrophic, and US foreign policy over the last decade has been abysmal. In fact, in general, whenever Republicans enter the white house, you just know things are going to get more aggressive internationally. And that's not even touching on the massive financial cost these wars have created (and the results on the international economy), let alone the cost in life.
Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Sunday, 22 June 2008 1:02:13 AM
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Kasperle, here
and here

Perhaps you do not think about the conseqeuences of your beliefs.
Posted by Steel, Sunday, 22 June 2008 1:49:39 AM
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Actually, without a federal government, there is no real reason why individual states wouldn't war. Yes, the federal government doesn't ALLOW war between states (ie, treason et al.) but if a state could get away with an attack without much cost (such as the USA bullying the weakest nations on the planet) it would probably do so.
Posted by Steel, Sunday, 22 June 2008 1:59:54 AM
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