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Crucified on the cross of political correctness : Comments

By Ross Buncle, published 4/6/2008

Should we let the nanny state stomp on our right to assess controversial works, and undermine our cherished democratic values in the guise of protecting them?

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Ross, thanks for a thoughtful article. You have portrayed the mix of feelings that issues such as this raise.

I find myself with a degree of unease about the photo's but a far greater degree of unease at the censorship of them. It's not always easy to articulate mixed feelings on a topic to those who must see the topic in absolutes.

Posted by R0bert, Wednesday, 4 June 2008 11:49:16 PM
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I hope this to be my last reply to the topic
as i was molestered at the age of thirteen the topic is a sore point, i cancelled notification to it long ago but my inbox is flooded with people thinking it is a topic of debate.

ONE IN FOUR children get molesterd GET IT?

If your one every time the debate gets new wind you get reminded

SO we have artists doing nudes [hey if its adults who the hell cares

even children THAT HAVE BEEN NORMALISED to being nakid in front of adult males OR been CONditioned to be photographed from god alone knows what age

It enter's the realm of assult
ColLuded and persistant assult
And when these arty types realise it they still INSIST on THEIR right to cvieuw ANYTHING they DAMM well please ,TO use ANY excuse to console their perversion into a sort of acceptable voyerism in the name of art

Call a spade a spade
a child a child
EVEN on tv they dont show images that COULD serve child perverts pleasure
BUT you arty farty subsidised elite are as persistant as any child moleser stalking their next victim GET IT?

JUST to get your next fix-ation
YOUR latest aqusition
no matter what you think [you are sharing this blog space with children[adults who because their child hood was stolen all ways stay that abused child
who are afraid even to touch their own child ,for fear of what was done to them by some liberal minded pervert

go to a child molestation court case some time [see what fricken lawyers do to get the perverts off [or at worst a suspended sentance [its like being raped five times ,
once by the pervert [then when the family says your lying, [then the cops not believing you , then in the pre trial , then in the trial

and then having to recall it every time the topic comes up
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 5 June 2008 12:46:06 AM
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one under,

your view reflects the same sentiment as wrong-doers, namely you project your own feelings/emotions/desires onto others and expect them to ADJUST to YOU.

This is no slight on you, it is calling attention to the way in which behaviour cycles and thus continues to weave its nasty pervassive web. Nothing changes and things get worse.

Its intriguing that these media images are frowned upon yet nary a murmur about the rampant violence and killing of those evil nasty menz that passes for entertainment in the media. The cognitive dissonance of lamenting images that reflect or create sexualisation and not killing, runs deep in our society. l think it reflects the perception of the relative social value of who is being victimised.

In any event, its confusing as to why you have, of your own volition, sought out and engaged a subject that reflects personal experiences that you would rather not recall.

"and then having to recall it every time the topic comes up forever."

You dont, you can switch off the poota.

Posted by trade215, Thursday, 5 June 2008 10:12:43 AM
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trade whilst I agree for the most part with that last post the comment was made early in the post you were responding to " i cancelled notification to it long ago but my inbox is flooded with people thinking it is a topic of debate."

Still it's a choice to follow through on those inbox messages.

Perhaps under one god is a bit like those who get badly burned by family court or similar and are unable to accept that there is another side to the argument, that it's not all black and white, that their own experience does not encompas the whole. It takes time and willingness to move on from some experiences.

The world would be a much poorer and sadder place if we allowed the agenda to be set based on just the bad things that happen. Those who've been harmed are often unable to see the flip side of the issue.

It's a constant struggle to find the balance between minimising the harm done through the abuse of freedom and the harm done through restricting freedom. We do try and set constraints to protect children and we try and set those constraints at a level that still allows children to develop fully, to be equiped for adulthood and to cope with the changes they undergo along the way.

I suspect that this issue is more to do with differing views on where that balance lies than with the freedom of artists to do what they like. That those opposing art such as Hensons consider the harm and risks associated with its production and showing outweigh any benefits while those supportive of Henson consider the benefits to outweigh the risks.

Posted by R0bert, Thursday, 5 June 2008 12:06:50 PM
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R0bert, "The world would be a much poorer and sadder place if we allowed the agenda to be set based on just the bad things that happen"

That is exactly how the world is at present. Any issue that is about restricting or removing rights and increasing penalties for normal civilian behaviour is about this.

I think it's reasonable to conclude that we are already poorer and sadder than we should or could be, because of this mentality.
Posted by Steel, Thursday, 5 June 2008 1:51:02 PM
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trade you thought of becoming a lawyer

you think the same way

''>>your view reflects the same sentiment as wrong-doers,''<<
yes if the victim hadnt worn a short skirt your honour ''she was asking for it''

its the same mentality that tells the pervert to say ''i was molestored as a child your honour [ie the poor me defense[so the dirt then isnt on the pervert but the one that molestered him][tell me where it ends]?

thus clear boundry needs to be set

you have no idea of what the victim goes through ,this is clear by your rationalising and defending perversion

and yes its an opinion,
but i have earned the right to speak from personal experience
[have you?]

you have no idea about projection
just by cleverly 'in theory' saying;
''>>namely you project your own feelings/emotions/desires onto others and expect them to ADJUST to YOU.''<<

what has the 'artist' done?

who's desires were met in seeking out the teenage girl to be photographed in the NUDE'?

If the girl came up with the idea and sought out the artist ;
where is the artistic merrit?

more likely the pervert sought out a young girl
sought out some liberal mother

[possably by word of mouth [or some elite sociaty get together ]
or via the pervet club [no doudt govt subsidised]

how egsactly was the mother approached?
how do you find a mother [i use the word lightly]
that solicits a pervert to photo he child nakid?

Or did the pervert look for a likely subject ?
[ie solicitation]?

The matter only get cleaned up by absract comparison , by searching out the true facts ,the matter gets murkyer and smellier

but you no doudt will find a selective point to make your next thrust into defending a clear perversion.

But it is by these type of converations you find each other!

There will allways be some pervert ready to pounce upon the next innocent ,and then some retard to defend them and a lawyer to get them off.

plus they possably get a nice picture to wit.
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 5 June 2008 2:06:12 PM
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