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Crucified on the cross of political correctness : Comments

By Ross Buncle, published 4/6/2008

Should we let the nanny state stomp on our right to assess controversial works, and undermine our cherished democratic values in the guise of protecting them?

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Yes Ross, I realized that your post was directed elsewhere in the hiatus of our crossed webform submissions.

I should rephrase my previous (and, forgive, presumptuous) description of that part of the Pasolini work: I meant "tribute to Breughel AND Bosch". The 350-word limit cut me off.

Although I perceived the "Salo" scene's style and light closer to the softer Breughel canvas, the harsh, brutal, subject matter and compositional structure obviously evoked Hieronymus Bosch.
Posted by mil-observer, Wednesday, 4 June 2008 6:05:44 PM
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Nice article, Ross Buncle. However, I'm curious as to why you haven't viewed the images yourself, given that they've been available on mainstream media websites, and elsewhere. They're still up at this blog, which also has some good discussion and a video of an interview with Bill Henson:

On the basis of what you've written, I'd expect that you would be somewhat less ambivalent on the issue of censorship of these images if you'd actually seen them, since they are neither pornographic nor exploitative.

Other than that, I generally agree with everything you've said.

mil-observer: << Although I perceived the "Salo" scene's style and light closer to the softer Breughel canvas, the harsh, brutal, subject matter and compositional structure obviously evoked Hieronymus Bosch. >>

Actually, the obvious artistic reference for me in Henson's work is Caravaggio.

Boazy: << Philosophy is usually translated into "Art" some of which in turn is the shock troop unit against culture >>

Spoken like a paranoid and ignorant philistine.

<< We do need a Savior, the crucifixion which will bring us home has already been done. The cross has done its work. The rest is up to us. >>

Spoken like a paranoid and ignorant godbotherer.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Wednesday, 4 June 2008 7:16:21 PM
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You are much to kind to Boz Diva.
Posted by keith, Wednesday, 4 June 2008 7:39:32 PM
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The sacred cow of art defended by the Paddington set. Hey , get whose hands off what art? We draw the same long bow calling photography art as we do calling motor racing sport. Football is sport , cricket is sport. And hey , what about that defining moment in art history when Gough paid four million dollars for blue poles. Well ladies and gentlemen , that was art. And oh yea, that was also the same Labor party in federal government.
On conclusion could I suggest to the arty set on line ; get a hair cut and get a real job!
Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 4 June 2008 9:20:11 PM
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Read your post again please.You concur with what I say:
"...the drive behind porn is based on exploiting swx,turning sex into profit,into a commodity....but that is Capitalism" the last little bit then tries to hide behind socialist claptrap.

What the hell is Hensen's nudes if it isnt "based on sex, turning sex into profit, into a commodity"
purrrrlease dont tell me Hensen has not made a quid out of it or that he has donated the entire amount in the best socialist tradfition to ease the plight of all children who have suffered child abuse.

Do you have children as young as those models?If you had, would be happy to bare their pubescent bodies for the artist in the name of art and free expression?Yeah.I bet you would.

I am not against the freedom of expression if artists use models who give consent knowing fully well what they are doing.

Posted by socratease, Wednesday, 4 June 2008 9:57:31 PM
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I think these pictures are going to set a precedent!

Nest time a bloke is arrested for having child porn and he is standing in front of the judge explaining himself he will simply say "its art your honour" and all the people here who have defended this so called artist will also run to the defence of the pedophile/artist.

Pedophile = Artist

There are all sorts of draconian things which are considered art by the mentally disturbed and naked pictures of children in sexual positions are one of them!
Posted by EasyTimes, Wednesday, 4 June 2008 11:01:42 PM
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