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Living in the future : Comments
By John Töns, published 20/5/2008Ever wondered what went through the minds of the Easter Islanders as the last tree was cut down?
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Population. Stephen Lincoln in his book Challenged Earth estimates that the global bio capacity per person is 2.1 hectares. In 2006 we were using 2.8 hectares. Hence we are in the middle of our very own tragedy of the commons – he highlights that in the developed world the amount of biocapacity being used ranges from 4.1 hectares per person in France to 10.3 in the USA (we use up 9 hectares.) We face some stark choices – we will need all of our human ingenuity to ensure that future generations can enjoy the benefits of a 21st century lifestyle without living beyond our means.
In developing ideas for the future we need to understand the present. I attempted to move the debate beyond global warming to sound a warning that many of the features that Diamond has found that caused various societies in the past to collapse are present on a global scale. All of the societies he described survived their collapse. The price those societies paid was a severe reduction in population, often civil unrest as well as that each of these societies lost what progress has been made.
How long would any of our cities survive if all transport stopped tomorrow? The fact that this will not happen overnight does not detract from the fact that about 3- 4 billion people on this planet are dependent on food being trucked in. As peak oil begins to bite food will become more and more expensive – does it therefore not make sense that we begin by creating largely self sustainable communities around the globe?