The Forum > Article Comments > The Greens: illogical and treacherous > Comments
The Greens: illogical and treacherous : Comments
By Peter Ridd, published 12/5/2008The Greens are less of an environmental movement and more of a left wing conglomeration devoted primarily to social justice issues.
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Let’s look at the state of Australia and ask ourselves how the Greens are responsible for the Labor/Conservative mismanagement of this nation and the resultant stuff-ups:
- Largest polluter per capita on the planet
- Appalling health system
- Failing education system
- Continuing population growth
- Murray River – trashed
- Land salinity and soil degradation
- Threatened ecological communities and extinctions
- Suppression of vital health and environmental information (all governments)
- Sydney Harbour waters contaminated (dioxins)
- Lack of regulation on industrial pollution
- Government approval of industrial estates which encroach on established residential areas
- Crime and corruption in our halls of parliament
- Lack of decisive policies on climate change (particularly Howard’s government)
And so Mr Ridd, to alleviate all of the above pressures, you recommend turning this nation into a moon crater by digging up Australia to mine uranium. Have you perused the myriad of uranium tenements awaiting a green light – tenements which will make vast tracks of this land uninhabitable and which will obscenely gobble up our already depleted water resources?
Rather than cap carbon – reduce our carbon footprint, you recommend “business as usual” by procrastination - future sequestration of billions of tonnes of CO2 with unknown consequences.
Ah…..the free market – free for whom?
And the glass house Mr Ridd?