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The Forum > Article Comments > Diverting the Brahmaputra - start of the Water Wars? > Comments

Diverting the Brahmaputra - start of the Water Wars? : Comments

By Arthur Thomas, published 2/5/2008

The reason for China's intransigence on Tibet is simple - it intends to divert the Brahmaputra River, devastating flows to India and Bangladesh.

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Theres always been bad eggs Wildwood (is that the wildwood out of the Wind in the Willows? Great novel).
If we have a close look at it all The New Testament, once up and running (thanks to the testimony of the Apostles and the believers... much by mouth in those early days), travelled far and wide and where it did settle and became part of the culture, many became born again christians and got the opportunities for prosperity (which isnt all about money) and "quieter civilisation".
Where The Word got resisted those nations didnt prosper as well, especially when they went over to killing the christian missionaries and refused to let go of their witchcraft practices.
The dark continent remains mostly the dark continent because of the spirit activity and suffers accordingly. Massacres all over the places, disease, poverty.
Along with the Bible and its journey also came, sadly so, the scoundrels bent on wealth through cutting corners.
Raping the land and the indigenous women.
We see it out here with the early station hands not able to keep their hands of the aborigine women and subsequently a series of mass killings of aborigines all over the early colony...the Myall River massacre the grossest event.
Theres was always been scoundrels who got into government and intelligence services who brought bad events. They got in and manipulated situations and simpler peoples in other lands, for this reason or for that, for fame and greed.
Wheeling and dealing behind closed doors...its the other story of mankind.
Kindness on the one hand, people loving other people...greed and murder on the other.
The bad comes with the good. The Cain with the Abel.
Christians dont call it a fallen world for nothing.
The original "spearhead" was to get the Good News out. Not all who travelling on that paved road wanted the Good News though.
Christianity, for the committed, is really about faith in what Christ did on the Cross for each of us.
Jesus Saves if we trust in Him.
Money isnt really it...though many will chase it to their ill health.
Posted by Gibo, Saturday, 3 May 2008 5:30:23 PM
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Billie is exactly right---it was the MAXIM GUNS that made the difference and enabled us whiteys to conquer everyone else.
Posted by Ho Hum, Saturday, 3 May 2008 5:31:56 PM
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Dear Billy and WildOne...

you blokes would benefit greatly in familiarizing yourselves with the Biblical concept which resulted in followers of the Lord Jesus Christ being termed "Christians"....

Then, you may be in a better position to discuss meaningfully the ebb and flow of history, without confusing 'Person' with 'Christian'.. as there is a heck of a difference.

A Person, can have no faith or faith in anything..

A Christian, is one who has repented of all known sin, and embraced Christ Jesus as their Lord, Savior and Master.

Given that Jesus said

37"Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?'

40"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'

He has some choice words for those who did not do kindness to the needy, and I would not want to be in their shoes at Judgement day.
Please read Matthew 25.. the whole chapter, and you will know why I labor this point about the difference between "person" and "Christian"
Posted by BOAZ_David, Saturday, 3 May 2008 6:05:07 PM
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If China cannot get what it wants by stealth it will take it by force.
Posted by Communicat, Sunday, 4 May 2008 2:26:46 PM
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Another bunkum article to fool simple minds. Lots of claims, if not deliberately misleading, lack of research.

First, There is no program on diverting the Yarlung Zangbo/Brahmaputra River currently, there are always some proposal on diverting some water from Yarlung, but it is "unnecessary, uneconomically and lack of research" at present.

Second, Yarlung river is over 2 thousand Km long and covers 240 thousand Km2 in China, its outflow from China is 1400B m3. Making good use of and diverting some water is quite reasonable, it is not violate international law, of course, full consultation with China’s downstream neighbors is necessary.

Third, China did serious research and consultation with related parties before construction of any big project. China spent near a century on research before building Three Gorge's dam. As trans-national Lancang/Mekong river, there are full consultation with each other between regional countries and almost every regional country bulit dams on Mekong river. Of course, as usual, west criticise China’s construction of dams on Lancang river. But, regional countries are enjoying quite good relationship, although sometimes there are conflict interest.

War, what war? China has weak defence force in boundary with India, it demonstrates that China is confident on not only its defence but also its relationship with India, although everyone knows some powers use India to contain China.

As in every country, the most easiest task on any complex project is to report complaint/criticism, while overall assessment needs professional knowledge and diligent research.
Posted by Centra, Sunday, 4 May 2008 7:25:31 PM
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“The reason for China's intransigence on Tibet is simple”: Tibet is historically as part of China as “Hutt River Principality ” Australian is.
Posted by MichaelK., Monday, 5 May 2008 12:29:29 PM
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