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Diverting the Brahmaputra - start of the Water Wars? : Comments
By Arthur Thomas, published 2/5/2008The reason for China's intransigence on Tibet is simple - it intends to divert the Brahmaputra River, devastating flows to India and Bangladesh.
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Posted by Remco, Friday, 2 May 2008 4:56:13 PM
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Very illuminating. I’ve always known that China’s claims to Tibet are purely strategic, and have nothing to do with cultural or historical affinities. This essay goes a long way in addressing why.
The sad truth about international treaties is that the worst perpetrators refuse to sign them. As with the US and its refusal to sign international agreements to ban further development of nuclear weapons, it’s hard to know how China’s intended theft of the Brahmaputra can be monitored, minimised or stopped. The other big worry is that both China and India are nuclear powers Posted by SJF, Saturday, 3 May 2008 8:41:31 AM
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Anyone trying to understand the following: a) International relations. b) Causes of war. c) Arrogance of humans d) Relative Morality.... ...MUST.. repeat MUST... do the background reading of the history of Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indo/Pakistan war, the roles of (and alliance status of) the USA, USSR, China, France, UK in relations to those wars. Some surprises. Pakistan was a brutal, inhuman, sadistic state, which perpetrated unspeakable cruelties against both Muslim Bengali's and Hindu intellectuals in Bangladesh. <<The war ignited after the 1970 Pakistani election, in which the East Pakistani Awami League won 167 of 169 seats in East Pakistan, thus securing a simple majority in the 313-seat lower house of the Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament of Pakistan)>> Strategically, Bangladesh represented a 2nd arm of a natural pincer movement against India, so it was in Indian interests to split the governments of East and West Pakistan. WATER WARS? u betcha... After reading the above (background) we can then assess what China might do re the Brahma Putera. THEN...IT GETS COMPLICATED. Looking at how the USA and USSR were postured during the Indo Pakistan war, it becomes abundantly clear that the ONLY thing guiding the behavior of them, is..'national interest' not justice or morality. How this pans out when (not if) China begins to exploit Tibetan resources at India's and Bangladesh's expense and in it's own national interest. If we think we will escape the impact/outcome, it would be naivity in the extreme, and, how we posture ourselves re China, will be... most interesting. Words like "Tolerance, Mutual Respect, Peace" are utterly devoid or meaning or relevance in all this. Posted by BOAZ_David, Saturday, 3 May 2008 9:54:33 AM
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I see it as already too late to stop a conflict over such events as "someone pinching our water".
Revelation 9:16 and 16:12 speaks about a huge asian confederacy army moving across asia and killing 1/3 of mankind. This army is destined to cross the Euphrates River and move on to Armageddon. Sooner or later something is going to stir up the far east asian armies and then they move outwards. It could be the coming European antichrist (the Beast) or maybe a clash with India and China over water. Its inevitable that war will come to that region. All three nations of India, Pakistan and China hate each other. Their differing spirit worship will always make it so. The spirit worship each has will always see that each will never get above being third world. Where the Holy Bible settled we see the rich nations...the blessed nations...where the other religious beliefs were founded (by the dark side) they remain third world today. You never noticed? Posted by Gibo, Saturday, 3 May 2008 11:07:20 AM
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Ever noticed how the "blessed nations" are rich because they exploit the "spirit worshiping third world nations?" Not very Christian behaviour. Or is it?
Posted by wildwood, Saturday, 3 May 2008 2:52:06 PM
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Gibo people in third world countries don't deserve the raw deal that christains have meted out.
Thousands of years after coming in contact with Africa, Europeans only got a toehold in Africa in the 1880s. In South Africa the Boers armed with their bibles and their Lee-Enfield and Springfield rifles overcame the blacks. Rifle technology improved dramatically in the US civil war in the 1860s The English forced China into a disastrous opium trade. Europeans "started arriving as traders and later took advantage of the fractious nature of relations between the kingdoms to establish colonies in the country" One could argue that Christians took opportunistic advantage of the people they met. Naomi Klein argues that the United States through the agency of the CIA, IMF and Worldbank continue to systematically oppress all those who ask for american aid. Posted by billie, Saturday, 3 May 2008 3:15:33 PM
However it is analysed, justified or whatever, Tibet remains an INVADED country. It is sad that the world unlike say Kosovo, can turn a blind eye to the fact that it an invaded sovereign nation.
Obviously the Olympic Games as a profile stage comes to mind and the world could make a powerful statement to China.
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