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The Forum > Article Comments > Rising costs to bite diners > Comments

Rising costs to bite diners : Comments

By Peter Jonson, published 30/4/2008

The prices of food, oil, petrol and money are all going up. What is going on?

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Double whammy or two sides of the same coin. I reply to your blog as I encourage everyone to engage in this problem.

Why is it people deny knowing the world is unsustainable based on it’s present monetary framework. We throw good money at dead horses?

If you can Peter Jonson, give us a essay on banks. Provide us with the links that help explain how those of us who have been paying way too much interest, late fees and the rest can fight back. Then lets attack the way telstra bills us, inflating its prices especially in rural areas where we lose all package advantage if we use 1300 call numbers…. And more!

Then lets look at the accountability of servicing outlets, be they government (telstra, centerlink, wageline and the rest) or business corporations “your call is important to us”. Call centers only work for the organizations dysfunction, not for clients.

Now we have just regained significant revenue back from the manifold. Capital being wasteful (invisible) costs returned to public and, made a first step to cut the stress-levels that underlie the unreasonable barriers walling us out, and that is exhausting our human capital(s)…

I then point to the “don’t talk politics” and the idea that if you don’t use “credit” to build your assets you aint smart mate. This is just one of many slogans that crept into our Aussie psyche, and has been promoted by government enterprise advisers and all the want-a-be high flyers who are now crying poor. What happened to valuing the power of your own money? Hence a society running on borrowed time. Mindwashed!

This is a hugh subject you begin Peter Jonson, I ask you keep writing. I have so much to say but it is difficult to start from one place.

Basicly the "we want more and more and more” rule defaces us as does the competition motive; ‘I want more than I pay for’ ...


Not equitable!

We do understand ourselves, it is the reason we choose the blindness that is costing the world it’s downside.
Posted by miacat, Thursday, 1 May 2008 12:13:10 AM
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There is an unintended consequence of the policy of "mild inflation" that has been practiced over the last 70 years. It is best summed up by Maynard Keynes' dictum of the "euthanasia of the rentier". What is done, is that savers are assessed income tax on their nominal interest income, instead of their real interest income. Similarly borrowers are allowed a tax deduction on their nominal interest cost, instead of their real cost. The result of this is that the playing field has been tilted enormously in favor of borrowers, so that no-one saves, and when banks want money to lend they borrow it from overseas. The result of this after 70 years is that we have a 650 billion foreign debt, and our balance of payments (conveniently not mentioned in the media), is heading for a deficit of 100 billion per annum.

So, what, you may say. Everyone hates creditors and loves borrowers. Unfortunately, as we can see today in Iceland, the international community ends up calling in the foreign debt, and things get very unpleasant for everyone. This has happened twice in our history, in 1893 and 1931, when the federal government defaulted on its bonds, and if we are not very lucky will happen again soon.

As the entire media is totally committed to maximising consumption, it has no interest in encouraging saving. Lets us hope for all our sakes that the Rudd government does not do the same.
Posted by plerdsus, Friday, 2 May 2008 2:27:17 PM
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