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The Forum > Article Comments > Executed in the USA > Comments

Executed in the USA : Comments

By Jeff Sparrow, published 28/4/2008

In the short term, it’s unlikely that the US will be able to challenge China’s status as the official Olympic champion of executions.

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This article says a lot about the difficulty in executing someone. Where is the problem? Take your dying dog to the vet and watch our effectively nebutal works.
Posted by healthwatcher, Monday, 28 April 2008 10:01:43 AM
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Nitrogen asphxyiation is a completely painless and secure method of execution that should be implemented everywhere instead of lethal injection. The rope is very painless as well, and its use in many countries continues to this day. I don't know why the americans persist in experimenting with novel means of execution when so many tried and true ones are around.

I suspect that the main motive of the author is to disparage capital punishment as such, rather than just the method. He should take into account people's deep need for revenge, which is a principal motivation for the death penalty. I certainly know that when undergoing the agony of overseas travel and all the anti-terrorist measures that are necessary, I would feel much happier if I could look up and see a quarter of a terrorist (who would have previously bee hung, drawn and quartered in full rigour), nailed to the wall of the departure lounge.
Posted by plerdsus, Monday, 28 April 2008 12:21:34 PM
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Thanks Jeff. A brilliant article exposing the very contradiction at the heart of the search for a "humane" execution.

That the US is one of the leading exponents of capital punishment says a lot about the brutality of its society and the article shows the madness of this brutality.
Posted by Passy, Monday, 28 April 2008 9:25:53 PM
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Juxtaposition with the Peoples' Republic of China is malappropriate: there is no rule of law in China, which is subservient to the despotic rule by the Chinese Communist Party, both in theory and reality. The crueties under Mr Hu Jintao are deliberate: to terrorise both Falun Gong adherents and sympathisers, and the freedom-minded. Hu's organ harvesting murder and torture racket is "cruel, gross,horrifying, systematic, and widespread" - and publicised: Kilgour Matas report.

Democratic societies' failures of justice abound, but we tend get arrangements we deserve.
Posted by Gerry of Mentone, Monday, 28 April 2008 10:21:46 PM
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USA continue the death penalty as they continue to violate human rights and international law. Do not forget that USA is the country with the highest % prisoners in the world. One in 100 Americans is in prison, they have spent all taxpayers money in wars, and they have not enough money for social programs and social support. Unfortunately USA is a hard society and is becoming worst.
Antonios Symeonakis
Posted by ASymeonakis, Tuesday, 29 April 2008 12:11:06 PM
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