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2020 Summit - Henry's shopping list : Comments

By Henry Thornton, published 18/4/2008

As the countdown to the 2020 Summit continues, participants have been getting in early with their favourite ideas.

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Henry, you phrased it incorrectly. You wrote:

"3. Free up Australia's migration system to allow more entry of guest workers, including folk from the poor nations in our region, as well as skilled workers from just about everywhere."

What I think you actually meant to say was:

"3. Place further stress on our finite water and other resources. Expand our cities thus increasing loss of surrounding farmland and native habitat. Leave us more vulnerable to impending energy decline when maintaining current levels of resource consumption - including food - will become impossible."

Henry, if you are having trouble putting words to your thoughts (or seeing the consequences of some of your thinking) then I will be happy to edit future attempts for you! Just send them to the Online Opinion editor and ask to be forwarded to me before you post on your own site.


Posted by michael_in_adelaide, Friday, 18 April 2008 9:38:45 AM
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“…encouraging China to do something about human rights abuse in Tibet and elsewhere.” Is a “clever” idea?

There is nothing clever about the Summit in the first place, but it is supposed to be about Australia, is it not? China’s actions in Tibet have nothing to do with Australia and the Summit’s supposed aims for our country.

Glad to see Henry hasn’t called his freed up migration system ‘clever’, because it is daft. We are over-populated by at least half already. There is no water in the wide open spaces of the country, and the places migrants want to go anyway – the eastern capitals – are bursting at the seams.

Anybody suggesting more immigration should be horse-whipped at the very least
Posted by Mr. Right, Friday, 18 April 2008 10:37:26 AM
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We need to radically change how the current populace treat the resources here before we can support any more people.
Personally I'd like to see zero net migration.
Posted by T.Sett, Friday, 18 April 2008 1:25:50 PM
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Attention 2020 Summit.

Regenerating Australian coast ocean environment could sustain production of millions of tonnes of high value natural fish product for local supply and for export worldwide. While Aus presently exports high value abalone and crayfish the nation is losing over A.$1.3 billion annually to import primarily fish due to Australian marine environment food web devastation.

There is now a world production and supply and affordability food crisis, especially for seafood dependent island and coastal economies and people. Into the bargain unprecedented marine animal starvation and marine food web ecosystem damage is occurring and continuing unchecked.

Will the 2020 Summit embrace ocean fish stock devastation and solutions and act or will the real situation continue to be ignored and gagged?
Posted by JF Aus, Friday, 18 April 2008 1:28:33 PM
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Australian Greens Leader Bob Brown today released a 12 point plan ...
Posted by Richard_, Saturday, 19 April 2008 12:41:21 PM
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I particularly support the dumping of the $7.1 billion dollar tax rebate idea.
Posted by Richard_, Saturday, 19 April 2008 12:43:32 PM
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