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George W is going to solve the Palestinian problem : Comments
By John Passant, published 6/3/2008When it comes to a clash between Unites States' interests and democracy, democracy takes a back seat.
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"But, an argument can be made that the Emirs of The UAE , The Hashemites of Jordan and even the house of Saud are more liberally inclined that many of their “democratic” opponents."
Yes, an argument can be made. But factually for the House of Saud I think it is wrong. Wahabbism is the creature of these brutal dictators. They have however had a falling out with their ideological brother Bin Laden. That does not make them any better than him. But I prefer the democratic rule of the Saudi people as a starting point. As I do for all the peoples of the Middle East.
What if the Muslim Brotherhood comes to power in Egypt? (I think they may well have majority passive support.) Or the FIS in Algeria (which clearly at the 92 elections had majority support)?
They will all find an accommodation with the West. The Iranian regime balances between the medievalsim of its religious views and the modernism imposed on it by its oil and the desire of its people for better economic lives.
Horus then asks:
I am also somewhat intrigued by your comment:
“Palestinians want to be citizens of Palestine, not Jordan or Lebanon or Syria or wherever they fled to or were driven to. They want their homes back.”
[ How many thousands of Palestinians did you interview to determine that? "
Horus, Hamas was elected on a rejectionist ticket, expressing the desire of the Palestinian people for the right of return.
Interestingly the Palestinians could have taken power in Jordan in 1970 but did not do so because of their false political view that they should not interfere in the affairs of other Arab states. If they had taken power in the September revolution then the possibility of the liberation of the whole region may have been on the agenda.