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George W is going to solve the Palestinian problem : Comments
By John Passant, published 6/3/2008When it comes to a clash between Unites States' interests and democracy, democracy takes a back seat.
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Posted by pelican, Friday, 7 March 2008 8:54:30 AM
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George W is going to solve the Palestinian problem?
Here's how he's tried so far. Posted by Lev, Friday, 7 March 2008 1:42:08 PM
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I must be a leftie fool for supporting democracy for all. This is especially the case for my support for the the Palestinians, who are enslaved so that others may be "free". And so to BOAZ_David I say that the liberation of Palestine is the foundation for the liberation of the Jewish people, not their annihilation. I doubt any peoples tug their forelocks. Australia for example has a proud tradition of struggle e.g. for the eight hour day, the vote for women, women's liberation and gay liberation, better wages and conditions - all against the ruling elite. As to democracy, the foolish leftie that I am wants to see democracy spread into the workplace. A necessary concomitant of political democracy to my mind is economic democracy. This is not just about throwing rocks into the water and watching the waves. The 20th century was the era of revolution - challenging the rule of capital in the market capitalist regimes of the West and in the state capitalist regimes of the East. As capitalism spreads and ages the 21st century will see the battles become more intense and frequent. Posted by Passy, Friday, 7 March 2008 8:40:25 PM
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To Pericles and JOhn (Passy)
No, its not that ... me seeing only in the blackest of black and the whitest of white with nothing in between. But I do highlight the extreme ends of the spectrum, to underline that 'they' are the ones calling the tune, and it is with them, ultimately that one has to deal, one way or the other. JOhn's idea that sending the leaders of various Arab countries and presumbably Israel to the gallows is not exactly 'Liberation'. The Socialist idea seems to be: -Let the refugees return. -Let it be a 'one state' solution where all have a say. (mixed Arab Jew) -Doing this would solve the problem of who owns/controls Jerusalem. I also saw a group called "Womens Peace Coalition" (something like that) calling for a 'shared' capital of Jerusalem. Now.. please don't misunderstand me, when I suggest 'this aint gonna happen' I immediately refer to those who 'most' don't want it to happen, and that happens to be the Radical Islamists and the Settler type Jews. Its pointless saying "I" see black and white..I'm just observing reality. (how many times have I quoted the Hamas Charter? note..its not the BD charter, is the 'hamas' one) The other point most secularists don't fully appreciate, is the historical/theological fabric in both sides. Hegelian dialectic just does not apply here. I can talk about 'grey' for Australia no problem. Posted by BOAZ_David, Saturday, 8 March 2008 6:53:11 PM
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Following on the variations of grey theme … I know it’s long been fashionable to point to US support for various ME “dictatorships” as all black. But, an argument can be made that the Emirs of The UAE , The Hashemites of Jordan and even the house of Saud are more liberally inclined that many of their “democratic” opponents. And, in societies where dogmatic acceptance of official history and mores have been deeply ingrained over centuries “days of reckoning” & “democratic struggles” (as envisaged by ‘foolish leftie(s)” ) all too often throw up Ayatollah Khomeini’s, long before they produce a Benjamin Franklins ( or Barak Obama ) [A little bit more Fabianism & a little bit less Leninism may work wonders -long term ] I am also somewhat intrigued by your comment: “Palestinians want to be citizens of Palestine, not Jordan or Lebanon or Syria or wherever they fled to or were driven to. They want their homes back.” [ How many thousands of Palestinians did you interview to determine that? ] And as for “ colonial settler state interests” . The most successful colonialists/imperialists in history were the ones that started from a small area in the Saudi desert and succeeded in homogenising most of the Middle East … Posted by Horus, Sunday, 9 March 2008 3:06:09 AM
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DAVID_Boaz says about the reference to gallows that it means hanging people in violence. I think you will find the reference is really to the historical gallows - the dustbin of history if you like.
DAVID_Boaz may also be misinterpreting the idea about the road the Jerusalem. That is a reference to the liberation of Palestine, a liberation for both Palestinians and Israelis. It is not a reference to a shared capital which accepts the two state solution. I agree that we are a long way from John's vision. However the unrest in Cairo at the moment is class based. Whether it increases, and whether it continues in a working class direction or is sidetracked by the islamists, who knows? I suspect it is but one of many skirmishes before a bigger battle. We shall see. Posted by Passy, Sunday, 9 March 2008 11:26:41 AM
The article only reinforces what we already know and that is that US economic interests will always outweigh the interests of democracy and human rights.
Boaz how would you choose our allies. On their human rights record (as a good Christian) or on the WIFM principle?
Pericles and CJ have summed it up perfectly.