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Living with animals : Comments
By Edgar Crook, published 20/2/2008In Australia we have declared war on many animals: any animal which encroaches on human interests is fair game.
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Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Monday, 25 February 2008 1:13:10 AM
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Hello everybody. Haven't time tonight to read all comments but will return to them tomorrow. Just wanted to add that I lived for over 10 years in a farming area in Tasmania. Shooting and the laying of 1080 baits occurred frequently. We used fencing to keep grazing wildlife out of our paddocks but were very much in the minority. There was no consideration for wildlife at all - referred to as vermin. We moved there thinking we would have an idyllic lifestyle when in fact it was just horrible. Animals poisoned by 1080 suffer a slow and agonising death. Any we came across, we shot to put them out of their misery. This is still happening in Tassie. Many die in streams and are left to rot and they wonder why they have problems with the Giant Crayfish and the platypus in Tassie. Wedge tailed eagles too must be affected by this poison as, where we lived, we had many sightings of them. Not long after 1080 baiting, no wedgetails. Not hard to jump to conclusions. As far as shooting was concerned, we copped a lot of abuse when we asked shooters to vacate our land. Seems they regard it as their right. Thank goodness we no longer live there - what could have been a dream really was a nightmare!
Posted by bluewren, Monday, 25 February 2008 5:35:23 PM
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I was just about to go to bed which I should of course when I read your post. Not that I dont every night night butI am sure of no sleep as I lay thinking of those poor animals as I am sure you still do. Again the only way to improve things slightly is to attack the industry supplying the products. There were told of the effect the the saffron plant has on animals. it is quite painless and actually grows in Tasi. Gentics of course could be used. They stick to their products for pure products even if they know there is a kinder drug to save costs. We need to find a company to help launch it and put them out of business. Thanks for taking the time to share Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Tuesday, 26 February 2008 1:46:34 AM
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"I assure you, reducing ones consumption of meat is difficult." I don't agree with that Dickie. There is so much yummy veg food available these days. Even vegans can find something better and healthier to substitute nearly any ingredient in any traditional dish now. Plenty of people have managed to give up smoking since it became unfashionable. I have given up both and I can say that giving up all animal products was a walk in the park compared to giving up the fags. I believe the vegetarian lobby, if it is ok to call it that, is going to achieve a great deal over the next decade in our country. My heart goes out to all the tortured animals in the meantime.
Posted by Veg, Tuesday, 26 February 2008 10:32:35 PM
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Thank you for your kind advice Veg and your words of encouragement in defence of the defenceless where these hapless creatures continue to be subjected to man's inhumanity.
Posted by dickie, Tuesday, 26 February 2008 11:05:15 PM
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I spoke with the new Ministers advisor today re Halal Slaughter AFIC. He seemed very poorly informed and was 'not aware' that the application was regected for = From AFIC WEb page= Muslims in Agriculture: Lessons from Indonesia and Malaysia How long can the Muslims sit back and let the non-Muslim countries produce food for us? Countries like Australia, New Zealand and Brazil have long been profiting from supplying Halal. What is happening out there with the Muslims? Khatijah Rahmat puts two Muslim countries, Indonesia and Malaysia, under the microscope There has been a change in Muslims leaders attitude since the new president Ikabel Patel This is what Dr Ali had to say about Muslims and Halal our past president Please scroll to the bottom of page. DR Ameer Ali has in the past written of concerns in the Muslim Times and many share concerns. The original talks were to co joint plants here and pre stun. AFIC has not upheld their MOU with HKM I will post information from time to time fyi. Otherwise some of you might like to join the Halal news Info as you must use key pass word Jan 16, 2008, 08:46 WHF-ID Netherlands highlights Malaysia’s gateway for Halal trade into Europe As the first World Halal Forum-Industry Dialogue (WHF-ID) in 2008, the WHF-ID bandwagon set forth on another journey out west to the Netherlands, where the industry dialogue was held on 13th February 2008 at The Hague, to focus on the Netherlands as Malaysia’s gateway for Halal trade into Europe. Feb 21, 2008, 14:40 There are two types of Muslims. The ones who want to work in with us and those who don’t. The Ag minister’s advisor assured us today that halal slaughter without stunning was throughout Australia and there was nothing wrong. Already letters have been sent out to all abattoirs to remove stunning equipment and install knocking boxes ready for Halal requirements under their guideline. Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Wednesday, 27 February 2008 12:21:52 AM
Looks like it’s just you and me. I think the crews off slumming it again in the general forum. The old email System still works I see ;)
Things are pretty "Crook" when Morgan and TRTL are looking good. (Don’t drop your stubby Morgan.) u, like it- Crook ;)
All Right now that’s the jokes aside. The Rudd Government has gone through the grants dished out by the Good old nationals and it’s as we all would have expected appalling.
Money missing. Grants given for projects that when you rock up there is just an empty block of land etc. See-
Rudd is copping heaps and rightfully so about pre election promises made by Kerry O’Brion regarding live exports. - { I could have told you that but you never ask)
Rudd I am sure would welcome a proposal to assist CROP farmers and save face a bit with you guys IF it’s handled properly.
(We can’t take anymore on)
If your given a grant to assist to establish direct links between CROP farmers and new infrastructure of veggie and fruit fast food stores it will assist to promote alternative foods and assist to re build a working relationship with farmers. (It’s a start)
Staff is a real problem in regional areas so maybe your friends at PETA could promote a back packer save the animals pick fruit business.
Actually promoted properly world wide you could do quite well and be able to expand world wide.
Re Whales- has anybody thought of rallying outside Greg Normans he’s awfully quite?
Now after saying the above theses are just some ideas that perhaps you might like to consider with PETA but anybody could do it.
] My advise is don’t wait just contact someone like Harvey Norman- Australian made- Australian owned and try to do a deal with BP on old sites etc.
I know you won’t consider this now but keep it and read in a few months time.
Seriously thanks from the animals whatever you do its better than nothing.
Good night Edgar