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Knowing when to say 'sorry' : Comments

By Russell Marks, published 11/2/2008

The overarching aim of a national apology is to set the nation on a path of healing.

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My this is a happy friendly thread, how are we all, feeling “sorry” for ourselves?

Rainier “set the tone for yet another brian draining debate between the 'enlightened' and the social and cultural neaderthals.”

I know you claim to be one of a primitive peoples, rainier but I do think you might have progressed from being “social and cultural Neanderthals”.

“I 'll be thinking about you tommorrow as well as my own mob.

Apology accepted.”

I will continue to do my best at being an individual, irrespective of my “complexion”.

No apology needed.

Oh and what % of “mob” are you, rainier?
(Certainly not the spelling mob, if the errors in your posts, as I quoted, is any guide.)

CJ Morgan “how today's truly historic event has brought the racist trolls out from under their rocks.”

I previously commented to your troll origins, nice to see you acknowledge it.

Anomie “Mr Gerrit H Schorel-Hlavka - we let you in. Why?
. . . Do be quiet. You are, constitutionally, a bigot, and a fool. We let you in. Why?”

May I ask, what accident of fate left you here to display your gracelessness?

And Gerrit has the same right as you to express his heart felt views and opinions. Whilst that may disturb your personal mindset it is too bad.

Get used to this, we are all equal and all should expect the same citizen rights. The encouragement of a special class of citizen, based on ethnicity is the sort of scumbag thinking which men who rode around in white hoods and burnt crosses in front of churches promote and not the sort of beliefs which men, like Gerrit support.

PS rainier and CJ Morgan, your displays of mutual masturbation might be gratifying to the two of you but it does nothing for the rest of us. If you wish to suck and kiss up to each other, please do it in private.
Posted by Col Rouge, Friday, 15 February 2008 11:23:55 PM
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Anomie I am not some Eastern European migrant, and so you got that assumption wrong.
How would you normally expect someone who was taken from her mother, who was in turn taken from *her* mother, and who has grown up in a society in which she's a minority in almost every way, to conduct her life and affairs? Would you honestly say to her face: "Get over it"?
Posted by RussellMarks, Wednesday, 13 February 2008 7:03:47 PM
Well Russel Marks apply this to non-Aboriginal single mothers and they all suffered likewise but didn’t get an apology.
One should ask why only an apology to aboriginals and not all mothers and the children removed?
Again, while personally I oppose racism as a constitutionalist I have to admit was Section 51(xxvi) was designed to discriminate against “inferior coloured races” as the framers of the Constitution referred to. Regretfully, Aboriginals rather then remaining equal to the so-called “white man” decided they too wanted to joint the “inferior coloured races” and for this supported the 1967 referendum to specifically permit racial discrimination.
Are we now having to apologise what Aboriginals themselves demanded, that is to be discriminated against?
My parents always educated me that all people are equal regardless of colour of skin, race, religion, etc. In Australia however Aboriginals demand equality while also demanding positive discrimination having their own legal processes, etc.
They should make up their minds if they want equality or not, as they cannot have both.
I for one do feel sorry for any person, Aboriginal or not, who has been wronged, but it does not mean I have to apologise for something I did not participate in.
If we deal with all people, being Aboriginal or not, that they are equal and should be dealt with as equal then we will get a far better result then saying “sorry” and then still persist in racial discrimination!
Posted by Mr Gerrit H Schorel-Hlavka, Friday, 15 February 2008 11:44:34 PM
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Col Rouge: "PS rainier and CJ Morgan, your displays of mutual masturbation might be gratifying to the two of you but it does nothing for the rest of us. If you wish to suck and kiss up to each other, please do it in private."

Like I said in the other thread, you really are an offensive, racist bastard aren't you?
Posted by CJ Morgan, Saturday, 16 February 2008 8:49:58 AM
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Hello Russ? You there, Russ? Geez, it's gone awful quiet....
CLANG! Goodness gracious!... a pin dropped...;-}
Posted by tRAKKA, Saturday, 16 February 2008 2:54:28 PM
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Mr Gerrit H Schorel-Hlavka, very adequately expressed the view which I agree with.

All people are equal under a legal system commonly depicted, for a reason, as wearing a blind-fold.

I would note particularly Gerrit’s statement

“Aboriginals demand equality while also demanding positive discrimination having their own legal processes, etc.

They should make up their minds if they want equality or not, as they cannot have both.”

The only way of implementing “affirmative action” is to “affirmatively discriminate” against someone.

Whilst historic injustice is something to regret, no good will come from legislating for future injustice (unequal citizen rights or representation).

CJ Morgan “Like I said in the other thread, you really are an offensive, racist bastard aren't you?”

And like I said to you on that thread

“Would you like me to apologise for interpreting your application of English correctly, instead of interpreting it based on your own bastardized colloquialism?”

I would note on that thread you declared I could not be or become an aboriginal or be entitled to the same level of government benevolence as it applies to aboriginies.

Re in response to my observation “So since my daughter was born on Australian soil, I take it she is “aboriginal” ?

And CJ Morgans response

“And your daughters could only be Aboriginal if you'd "mated" with an Aboriginal woman, but for some reason I doubt that's the case.”

Legislation which enshrines particular rights on some citizens because of their ethnicity which are not extended to all citizens, because of ethnicity is

Institutionalized racism and CJ Morgan, in tandem with his fellow-traveler, rainier, is what he is advocating.

Racism, individually expressed or institutionalized is an offense for any person with a conscience or worthwhile character.

CJ Morgan and rainier might have missed out on acquiring conscience and character but that does not mean we should encourage such deficiencies. We should pity them for their existence, deficient in some of the most basic and rewarding human experiences.

So with that sense of pity in mind, I will say "Sorry"

CJ Morgan and rainier, yours is a Sorry existence.
Posted by Col Rouge, Monday, 18 February 2008 8:50:08 AM
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Bill02 - I realise that you won't respond to reason. You seem to have reached the conclusion that most of the problems of modern society are attributable to the immigration of non-white immigration and to the treatment of "race" as a social construct rather than as a biological fact - just as socialist revolutionaries have convinced themselves that most of the problems of modern society are attributable to capitalism. You might ask yourself why neither of these "panacea" views has ever caused anything but mass bloodshed.
Posted by RussellMarks, Monday, 18 February 2008 9:13:15 AM
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