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Cargo cult innovation : Comments

By Tom Quirk, published 8/2/2008

The key sources of ideas and innovation are business, customers, suppliers and competitors - not necessarily our universities.

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This brings to mind the horror of Kevin Rudd’s coming talk-fest, which will probably be riddled with impractical academics.

We certainly have a cargo-cult mentality to technology, which probably has little to do with what we do best in Australia. We buy it from countries who manufacture it, but use it far less themselves.
Posted by Leigh, Friday, 8 February 2008 9:38:33 AM
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Why are academics always tarred and feathered as impractical? Probably lefties as well, of the closet sort.
Posted by HenryVIII, Friday, 8 February 2008 1:15:49 PM
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Because it is generally true. And yes, they are very often (mostly) lefties, and not of the closet kind. They are quite open about it, as they are entitled to be.

I am also impratical, if that makes you feel less offended.

I'm surprised that anyone who has been out of the egg for more than 5 minutes should need to ask about such facts :)

I suppose it adds couple of numbers to a subject no one seems to be interested in this weekend. I think it's an important subject, and I agree totally with the author, but carried away with my scorn for the Rudd talk-fest which is supposed to not be a talk-fest, and forgot to say so.
Posted by Leigh, Friday, 8 February 2008 9:46:06 PM
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I have known a good number of academics from a number of countries and they have always struck me as generally very practical,talented, multiskilled and thoughtful people. It's no wonder fascists don't like them.
Posted by HenryVIII, Saturday, 9 February 2008 10:18:32 AM
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OK, Henry. Why don't you just call me a facist and be done with it. I'm sure it will make your little chest swell with pride. You probably don't get many kicks out of life.
Posted by Leigh, Saturday, 9 February 2008 2:07:35 PM
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I have known a good number of academics from a number of countries and they have always struck me as generally very practical,talented, multiskilled and thoughtful people. It's no wonder fascists don't like them.
you're confusing fascism with pragmatism & effort. A fascist is one who believes in the supremacy of one group over another, much like Academia believes itself to be more intelligent than the rest of the population but rarely produces anything of use. Also, I noticed you didn't mention academics from Australia. Sounds like you know more than you let on.
Posted by individual, Sunday, 10 February 2008 8:53:50 AM
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