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The Forum > Article Comments > Will our Kevin '07 deflate in '08? > Comments

Will our Kevin '07 deflate in '08? : Comments

By Graham Ring, published 6/2/2008

It's going to be a testing year for a new Labor government which carries the burden of great expectations.

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“In the leafy suburbs of the cities of the south, it's likely that many will find the notion that human rights can be “suspended” as deeply offensive - even if it is only for Aboriginal people.”

It is more likely that they would care more about the abuse of children and the premature deaths of aboriginals of all ages due to living in remote camps where they cannot get a proper chance at life. People are also likely to be sick of this ‘racist’ crap which some aborigines and their apologists use as a cover for their unsavoury activities and getting money for nothing.
Posted by Leigh, Wednesday, 6 February 2008 9:40:01 AM
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"That whiff of turkey in the air may well be emanating from" the National Indigenous Times & its amateur but very self-satisfied correspondent. And that mess of fatty sludge which passes for the turkey's droppings when they are served up to us in the OLO is merely a thick layer of cliches mixed with anti-Rudd bile and simple-minded sanctimoniousness. Let us pray that not many benighted souls are fooled by this pietistic preaching and worship at the altar of conventional idealisism and stupidity.
Posted by Dan Fitzpatrick, Wednesday, 6 February 2008 9:46:23 AM
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Ah, yeah, G'day Nah!
Posted by galah, Wednesday, 6 February 2008 10:11:54 AM
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Sorry Dan... can you explain why Ring's commentary is anti-Rudd bile, but yours isn't just anti-Ring bile?

From where I'm sitting, yours smells much more bilious.
Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Wednesday, 6 February 2008 10:45:32 AM
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New "road" to hoe? Try new "row".
Posted by Ponder, Wednesday, 6 February 2008 11:21:48 AM
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"Sticks and stones may break his bones but your words will never hurt Rudd, Dan old boy."Give the man a break!It is only FEB.08.Kevin 07 is a Queenslander and so is Wayne.We know how to dish it out when it comes to politics, but we have grown up a bit, we don't rush in, in egotistical "KNOW IT ALL" action before we consider the community who as a majority elected our Government.Rudd is prepared to listen to 1,000 other Australians' ideas, and then act.The last bloke thought because his second name was WINSTON,HE DIDN'T NEED ANY ADVICE!
I and many others have already said sorry, and reconciled with Indigenous Australians.If compensation is required,it should not be given by politicians, give it to St.Vinnies and The Salvos to use their long term skills and discretion learnt in dealing with the disadvantaged of all varieties.That's only one old man's opinion,take it or leave it.I've told Brendan and my local bloke what I think.It's called e-mail!
Posted by TINMAN, Wednesday, 6 February 2008 1:04:34 PM
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