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The Forum > Article Comments > Fisherman needs to evolve > Comments

Fisherman needs to evolve : Comments

By Daphne Haneman, published 31/1/2008

Each weekend, television news captures clichéd images of children and adults parading freshly killed, quivering fish in a gruesome fish pageant.

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Worthy of comment? Probably not.

"Each weekend, television news captures clichéd images of children and adults parading freshly killed, quivering fish in a gruesome fish pageant."
Maybe because it is so popular.....

"I’m totally turned off food from the sea, and fishing, for life."
You don't have to eat them to enjoy "setting steel in the jaw of a big fish". Catch and release is very popular now. Evolution?

"I thank the land for its abundant food. There is no need to empty the oceans."
No there is not. We will see the rise of aqua-culture which means we can enjoy seafood without emptying the oceans. Evolution?

Poorly thought out article designed to provoke reaction. Go back to your cross-stitch. I'm off fishing!
Posted by alzo, Thursday, 31 January 2008 10:08:34 AM
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A freelance journalist?

Have you nothing better to write as you are not gamefully employed?

Commercial fishing is the problem, dont bring in the amatuer weekend angler spending quality time with his kids to your silly article.

Overfishing is an issue, but unfortunately your culture and mine are not so reliant on seafood, but it is the staple diet of much of the people of the earth. nothing can be done about this in the next few generations at least.

I know what your trying to say but it is rediculous, unachievable, and ludicrous. People across the earth would lose jobs, income, and there would be food shortages and price rises across the earth due to the increased demand for alternate foods.

Line fishing has little or no effect on fish stocks and this is well known throughout the world, so it is dissapointing that you tried to bring this to your article, implying that this is part of the problem.

FYI i hate seafood, but i love to fish (catch and release) and fish at least once a week. By the way, fishing is just not about catching fish.

Do your research extensively before you are qualified to contribute on the issue.
Posted by Realist, Thursday, 31 January 2008 10:33:39 AM
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Daphne admits to eating no fish at all.

Perhaps there is some truth in the claim that fish is a good brain food.
Posted by Leigh, Thursday, 31 January 2008 10:34:16 AM
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good one leigh!
Posted by Realist, Thursday, 31 January 2008 11:02:24 AM
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Re “I thank the land for its abundant food.”

And man shall not live by bread alone.

Or “and he was a fisher of men.”

I am sure the article is more a bitch on about turtles swallowing plastic bags and I see no correlation between plastics ingestion and fishermen on the ends of piers.

Ultimately, I think Leigh has, in his inimitable manner, encapsulated the essense of what can be drawn from the dross of Daphne’s article.

As for Daphne herself -

well don’t sell your window “squeegee” dear, you are likely to need some cash income to maintain basic subsistence if this is the best you can do in terms of being a “freelance journalist”
Posted by Col Rouge, Thursday, 31 January 2008 12:35:51 PM
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Yep, I agree. A waste of space.

I saw the title and thought aha, someone else is mystified by the concept of man pitting his wits against the mighty fish.

Clashing courageously with a massive competing intellect, that challenges preconceptions and exposes mental shortcomings.

Playing mindgames with the most sophisticated of opponents in a battle of subtle strategy and infinite finesse.

Putting his life on the line in a primaeval struggle, a true test of the survival of the fittest.

Sad. An opportunity missed.
Posted by Pericles, Thursday, 31 January 2008 5:42:40 PM
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