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Respecting culture - allowing abuse : Comments

By Keith Kennelly, published 31/1/2008

Children are still being returned to dysfunctional and unsafe environments under the guise of respect for their culture.

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There is no kind of social worker other than a “misguided social worker”. Their ability to suit themselves with impunity has always been a great danger to children, both black and white. Every day, there is enough evidence produced by the media to require that social workers be brought to book for their negligence and or ideologically driven stupidity. It appears that Ministers supposed to be overseeing them don’t care, or are too gutless, to make them answer for their appalling decisions.

The grossly politically correct statement of the Queensland premier about respecting “cultural and ethnic diversity and different values about family life and child rearing” indicates that proper supervision of social workers will never occur.

Culture and diversity has nothing to do with how children are treated in Australia. The law is the law, and it should apply to everyone
Posted by Leigh, Thursday, 31 January 2008 10:26:21 AM
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For reasons best known to himself, Mr Kennelly perpetuates a false dichotomy; but support for a child's family and culture is not the antithesis of prevention of harm to the child.

The Practice Manual of the Department of Child Safety, first applied in 2004, does not show - as claimed by Kennelly - "the adherence to cultural issues ahead of child safety...".

I wonder if Kennelly bothered to read the text.

The Manual is quite explicit: "The Child Protection Act 1999, section 14(2), imposes a legislative obligation on the department to notify the QPS regarding allegations of harm to children that may have involved the commission of a criminal offence relating to the child. The Child Protection Act 1999, section 14(2), states, 'If the chief executive reasonably believes alleged harm may have involved the commission of a criminal offence relating to the child, the chief executive must immediately give details of the alleged harm to the police commissioner'.

"...Any other information received during intake, an investigation and assessment or ongoing intervention, relating to a possible criminal offence committed by a person, that may impact on the well-being of the child, is to be notified to the QPS. This is to occur regardless of whether or not the alleged perpetrator is a member of the child's family and regardless of whether the department intends to take any action in response to the allegation of harm. For example, information about a child may not meet the threshold for recording a notification, but may have involved the commission of a criminal offence or criminal activity that may impact the child, and should be forwarded immediately to the QPS."

I know some media like a sexy story, but let's stick to the facts, eh?.
Posted by FrankGol, Thursday, 31 January 2008 10:38:00 AM
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Perhaps you can then explain why the child in question was returned to a disfunctional family.

Posted by VK3AUU, Thursday, 31 January 2008 12:03:53 PM
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'How close is this statement to the thinking and arguments described in Koch's article as rubbish?'

Answer, not at all. Nor are public servants or government agencies supposed to follow general principles mindlessly.
Posted by ozbib, Thursday, 31 January 2008 12:55:15 PM
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A useful article that has flushed out one excuse comment for what has been happening. There is no excuse for what is taking place. Our society is guilty as sin in allowing children and women to be treated like this. A wonderful place is Australia - we have actively encouraged wicked behaviour on the altar of political correctness, we continue that encouragement, we oppose actions such as those taken by the previous Federal Government to try to ease the burden on Aboriginees in the Northern Territory and, as a final emetic, we are going to see our goody two shoes Prime Minister 'apologise' for the actions of people in the past which were far less evil than what is happening now.

I feel both sick and ashamed that we condemn and entrap fellow Australians to a life of squalor and ignorance on the evil cross of 'cultural respect'. The PC Left will be seen in 20 years time as a group that is essentially ignorant, uncaring and racist.
Posted by eyejaw, Thursday, 31 January 2008 1:56:24 PM
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For whats happening exists no excuse, governments - particularly federal government are guilty for allowing any person to be so treated.

Such behavior particularly ignoring such behavior is encouraged for political correctness.

Claims of opposition to actions taken by Brough and Howard to improve life for families, are crocodile tears.

Particularly relating to Northern Territory where Commonwealth despite claiming no constitutional power to pass laws re Aboriginals, did continue merrily restricting rights held as Australians using the word Aboriginal.

PM Rudd may 'apologise' for some actions, effecting some people, causing them some suffering, however such apologies will do little except feed industries constructed from encouraging separation of people, by stressing what makes us different.

Claims this relates to actions "in the past" demonstrates lack of understanding - more likely unpreparedness, to accept realities of what happens around so many communities today !

All Australians, all civilized people, should feel ashamed about condemning fellow human beings to lives of squalor, ignorance and severely restricted future opportunities with excuse of 'cross cultural respect'.

Whilst PC Left may in 20 years be recognized as essentially ignorant, uncaring and racist, concern now needs be towards our politicians in office today so determined to keep in place barriers to achieving maximum potential in each of our children with excuse of 'cross cultural respect'.

Am member of a segregated family, not separated just segregated, our Central Land Council denies "Traditional Owners" their otherwise held basic human right to reside together as a family in their family home.

Despite CLC's belated acknowledgment to NT Supreme Court members of our family held "Traditional Owner" status at Kintore the CLC still denies us our right to live together as a family, along with our right to have family, friends or tradespeople visit us... unless we ask for permission through them.

NT Supreme Court ordered a stay of proceedings after failed attempts to negotiate resolution, the stay because of ongoing denial of legal assistance -thus our representation, which continues.

Posted by polpak, Thursday, 31 January 2008 3:20:49 PM
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