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Manhole or a personhole? A study of political correctness : Comments

By Rebecca Huntley, published 30/8/2005

Rebecca Huntley argues it is the Left rather than the Right that want to frustrate free speech with the new political correctness.

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"inclusiveness" to indoctronate hatred for infidel Australia? come down for the liberalist ivory tower and see what is happening - all other cultures have coloured Australia - immigrats have kept their culture and have become Australian, but unique Australians as Italians to Chinese... BUT, as long as Islam educates hatred for infidels, Lebanese Muslims will never see themselves as Australian.

Put on a Hijab, leanr Arabic, convert to Islam, get rid of our constitution, our courts and democratic laws seether, for its time to be liberal and respect other cultures and the rape of this our Australian culture... this is what all Muslims truely want, although you may not realise it - Islam teachers that it is the "DUTY" of a Muslim to "propagate" Islam...

If i went to Saudi Arabia i would be killed for not wearing the Hijab by the religious police!! lets be "inclusive" and adopt such a system, then we can be the minority... do you think they wil allow us to be christians - in Suadia Arabia you will be arrested and likely killed for carring a christain bible!! this is Islam in society...
Posted by Thor, Tuesday, 30 August 2005 5:48:19 PM
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in an ideal peaceful world you are correct - liberal respect for other values would be the rigth thing to do - but where those other values mean the stoning of women for adultury, the "honour killings" for daughters who have relationships, the "beheadings" of infidels etc, the law of Islam is law to these people, and not ASustralian law... if they had the chance they would get rid of our whole socei system and take on Islamic law for this country,,, you cant be liberal when people want to do that... are we supposed to just let them do that in the name of liberalism? it just does not work.

As the people whoes ancestors built this country we do have a right to say what cultures we want here - Islam is not one of them - and as Plato wrote, the people are not educated enough to rule [vote] in their own interest, ie people like you seether - i suggest you downlaod a beheading video published on the net of islamic arabs behaeding a western man because he is an infidel - this is the lanscape lebanese muslims emigrate from - they come here form that!! they are a 'blood culture' and have no respect for women, infidles, or Australia - but you want to be nice to them and 'tolerate' them - lets see you tolerate them when they gang rape your daughter for being Australian, bash and stab your son for being Asutralian, and cut your head off for ebing an infidel - lets tolerate it all - and while we're at it, lets tolerate all the other criminals in our society whi are just 'different' and 'expressing; their culture whether it be macquarie fileds aussie culture or whatever other name - IT HAS NO PLACE IN SOCEITY, ISLAM HAS NO PLACE IN AUSTRALIAN SOCIETY!! wake up!!
Posted by Thor, Tuesday, 30 August 2005 5:54:26 PM
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I’ve sometimes wondered about feminism and PC.

For example:- “She's not going to wipe your father's bottom."

This statement was made earlier this year in a speech to the National Press Club by the Sex Discrimination Commissioner, Pru Goward, who would be the No. 1 person for PC in Australia. In fact, she is paid a lot of tax payer’s money to be highly articulate, very feminist and extremely PC, so people could regard her as a type of well paid role model.

But she did not add “and he's not going to wipe your mother’s bottom”. It is possible that she did not add this as well, as it would not be PC.

So there could be some things that are feminist and PC, and some things that are just not feminist and PC. Pru could be contacted for further details.
Posted by Timkins, Tuesday, 30 August 2005 7:55:20 PM
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To my Muslim brothers and sisters reading the 'extremist' bile in this forum - do not despair. Love will overcome. As an Indigenous person who knows what its like to be excluded and not considered ‘Australian’ (whatever the hell this means) , I know how you must be feeling. From me to you- you are welcome in 'my' country and we are all enriched by your presence.
Posted by Rainier, Tuesday, 30 August 2005 9:27:41 PM
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Thank you for your article Rebecca

Yes, there are many plusses for PC language.

Even so, the downside is quite alarming in my view. For example - the notion that Mothers' Day and Fathers' Day is going to be replaced by "Special Persons' Day". And there is a woman in Brisbane who is campaigning to stop the use of terms such as Grandma, Grandpa and the like - on the grounds that they are "too old fashioned". What next? Stop the use of Mum and Dad or Mother and Father?

I bet radical leftist feminists would be up in arms if instead of manhole - it's called womanhole!

Sadly, I think that most of this bulldust has been thought up by women.

Posted by kalweb, Tuesday, 30 August 2005 9:47:14 PM
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I've seen no one gagged or films censored by the Howard Govt.Free speech is alive and well as is witnessed by Rebecca's article.Where is the evidence of right wing PCism?

The weak left that concerns itself with rights and inclusive socialism,cannot exist without the strong right,that must confront the realities of the survival of all society,rather than the sensitivities and ideals of minorities.

We are into our 11th yr of economic growth and still more money for the poor than any socialist Govt could ever achieve.

Since when is raising children a neanderthal chore.Most women who work boring and menial jobs would much prefer the joy of raising a child.Ordinary jobs make up the bulk of our employment.Many women feel cheated by the womens lib movement,since they not only have to raise the children and do the housework,they have also to bring home the bacon.Women working have simply pushed up the price of housing and we are now all slaves to the banks.The result is that very few families have enough time to be just that,and thus we have marital breakdown.There are lots of intellectual activities women can be involved in while raising children.It is the most important job on this planet.It was the womens lib movement that made them feel inadaquate and enslaved them.

Why does the left always want to fix things that aren't broken
Posted by Arjay, Tuesday, 30 August 2005 10:20:57 PM
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