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Iran's infantile attitude to Israel : Comments

By Irfan Yusuf, published 3/11/2005

Irfan Yusuf argues Muslim nations should not follow the Iranian formula in their dealings with Israel.

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"Threw back the frankish hordes?" HA!

Looks like Irfan Yusaf got his education in a Western hating madrass where some barely literate Imam never tired of blaming the West for all of the self inflicted woes that Islam is now suffering under.

Ever since Muhammad said "Fight the unbelievers who are near to you." The Muslim world has done just that. Muslim armies invaded the Christian kingdoms in North Africa and invaded Christian Spain. They got to France before the Frogs managed to stop them and drive them back over the Pyrenees into the Iberian peninsular.

Muslim armies twice got to the Gates of Vienna before turning back to deal with Persian armies stabbing the Ottomans in the back. Had the Perians not given the Ottomans so much trouble, all of Europe might now be Muslim and it would be just as big a basket case as the rest of Islam is today.

Hey Irfan, tell ya what. Your mob can have Jerusalem if the Muslims give back to Christianity the Constantinople that was stolen from Christendom by Muslims. If your mob won't give it back, then spare me the feigned self righteous posturing.

Instead of pretending that the Crusaders did you Muslims any injustice, why don't you just admit that the Crusades were primarily concerned with returning stolen Christian land from the Muslim hordes? Had the Crusaders succeeded, there would now be a lot more sucessful societies in the world instead of strife plagued Muslim cesspits which are unable to manufacure anything other than suicide bombers.
Posted by redneck, Thursday, 3 November 2005 6:41:11 PM
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Good article. I guess he could have followed the 'live and let live' example of Egypt, Turkey and others who would like to 'see Palestine on the map' rather than line he chose to adopt.


Religion is in the heart, once the 'kingdom' have borders, institutions and powers it becomes all about greed and control. If you studied the history of the Christian Kingdom in North Africa you would know God have nothing to do with it.
Posted by Fellow_Human, Thursday, 3 November 2005 8:20:33 PM
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It's difficult to know what Yusuf is actually trying to say here. Is he saying that the muslim world should try and destroy the israeli army in a more direct fashion, in the process achieving the liberation of Jerusalem while at the same time avoiding civilian casualties as would have the "great Saladdin". Or is he saying that the Muslim world should recognise Israel and the two work out their differences with creative diplomacy, thus avoiding war and also living up to the ideal provided by Saladdin? Or perhaps he is advocating that the majority sunni's destroy the minority shia's for aiding and abetting the destruction of the entire muslim communiuty by pissing off the yanks? Probably not the latter, but who knows?

Anyway, as for the musings about Israel and its nuclear arsenal. Im inclined to agree with Yuyutsu and disagree completely with Bushbred. Although Israel having nukes no doubt annoys the Muslim countries surrounding it, to say that if you took them away, Iran would calm down shows a naiviety of the highest order (along with the suggestion that we arm the UN with Nukes). They'd mobilise the tanks and be on the road within hours. Israel bombed Osiraq because it didnt want to get involved in a game of nuclear brinkmanship with Iraq in the near future. Israel will bomb Iran for the same reasons. Although this time, They might have to bomb a fair bit more than just the reactor because Iran owns a few ballistic missiles.
Posted by weapon, Thursday, 3 November 2005 9:01:42 PM
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Report from Israel -
The world has witnessed parades in Iran where they've shown off their new missiles capable of carrying nuclear weapons to Israel or even Europe but written on the sides of the missiles are slogans that say “for the destruction of Israel”. I don’t think you have to be a Politician to see we are in trouble here in Israel.

Since Israel pulled out of southern Lebanon the Iranian backed Hizbullah has been building up missiles bases and now have a reported 13,000 missiles ready to be fired at Israel whenever Iran decides it’s time, many with chemical warheads. All this of course has been designed to come together at the precise time to destroy Israel. Iran and Syria have agreed that if either is attacked by the US or Israel the other would come to their rescue.


To add insult to injury Syria has just purchased the Iskander SS-26 missiles from Russia with a 400 km range, putting two thirds of Israel in range, these missiles are capable of carrying a nuclear warhead and are very accurate. For the past couple years Syria who has no real love for the “Palestinians” has been training thousands of them out of the Lebanon refugee camps too fight Israel. It has been reported that they have recently moved a very large number of them to their southern borders making even the Lebanon army nervous.

Bashar Assad (President of Syria) and Mahmoud Abbas (President of a place that doesn’t even exist on any map) both are in serious trouble with their own people. And when these Arab leaders find themselves in trouble they always react by starting a war, it is a mentality flaw but one that seems to keep them in power. As usual the Saudis are paying the bill for any Arab terrorist group who will wage war with Israel. Abbas has brought truck loads of highly sophisticated weapons into Gaza through the open border with Egypt in preparations for the big war with Israel, thanks to Ariel Sharon and George W. Bush and their Disengagement.
Posted by Philo, Thursday, 3 November 2005 10:12:58 PM
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Interesting article. However, it misses the point. A nuclear armed Iran is a greater threat to the Arab world than it is to Israel. The Iranians know that retaliation by Israel will leave Iranian cities as radioactive smouldering ruins. Therefore, the pronouncement to destroy Israel is rhetoric. However, a nuclear armed Iran will lead to resurgent Persian Shiite imperialism against the Arab world and a scramble by Arab regimes to develop nuclear weapons themselves. Iran is desperate to get the Americans out of the Middle East in order to establish their own hegemony. The Arabs need Israel and the US as a counterbalance against Iran (that's why countries like Kuwait and the Gulf States are starting to cosy up to Israel).
Posted by Ari Ben Canaan, Thursday, 3 November 2005 11:29:54 PM
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Don't Muslim's ever consider how lucky they are to have Israel as an enemy? Why press their luck trying to destroy that country?

Don't Arab nations see what would happen if Iran does what it says it wants to do? Why have only 4 of them condemned this hateful, racist talk from Iran? Of course the Palestinians condemn the remarks. They would be toast also, because of their proximity to Israel - not that it matters to Iran. Most Muslim countries (except Jordan) care very little for them (Palestinians) anyway. Look how they treat them! They are but pawns in the war against the Jews.

The fact is that if the Jews are ever attached with nuclear weapons, it will be the end of Israel. It will only take about a dozen warheads to kill most of the people. Before Muslims start celebrating the thought, remember two things:
1. Dome of the Rock (Qubbat Al-Sakhra)
2. Massada

Obvious the Dome would be obliterated, but most Muslims would probably except that as a necessary evil. There is also the "massada" mentality, however, with a little semetic enhancement that says "I die, you die with me" (like the old joke of the scorpion and frog).

If Iran gets its wish, all major Muslims capitals within 1500 miles will become toast. Tens, maybe hundreds of millions will die.

Muslims doing their Hajj to Mecca will feel really silly looking at pile of burnt ashes where the Kaaba once stood, but the feeling will pass quickly as they perish from radioactive fallout.

Could happen! A lot of people in the whole world would say "Good riddance to both!"

Or there is the Book of Revelation scenario, where the Jews get so exasperated they finally disarm and trust Europe and the Beast (Anti-Christ) to protect them. DB can fill in the details on that one. Anyway, another bad idea in my opinion.

Very interesting stuff, all of this! Will I live to see how it ends, if ever?

Posted by kactuz, Friday, 4 November 2005 2:13:19 AM
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