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The Forum > Article Comments > Voting as political narcotic in the US > Comments

Voting as political narcotic in the US : Comments

By Joel Hirschhorn, published 27/11/2007

US elections are merely distractive entertainment to keep the population docile and duped.

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I have never been a fan of democracy as practiced in the USA and I have often wondered about voting machines. Do we really need a President elected by popular vote which would ultimately mean a move towards an American style government. What was proposed in our referendum was adequate and better than having a favorite of the Prime Minister appointed as happens now. Our system with its voting paper and party scrutineers may look antique but once the vote is in the box it seems to be secure. I have one suggestion to improve it. Give everyone over the age of eighteen a lifetime tax file number on a card and provide broadband access at each name check desk in the polling booth to check say 10% of people against their card number and any addressed official document (a rate notice, driver's licence, social security document etc.)that every voter is required to bring to the desk. I think that it is great that we now have such trust in each Aussie's sense of decency that the question, "Have you previously voted in this election?" is sufficient but is that sufficient in a knife edge seat in a close election?
Posted by Foyle, Wednesday, 28 November 2007 7:52:39 AM
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ozzies who imagine the situation is better here are victims of a psychosis that your mother may have warned you against when she told you story about 'the emperor's new clothes.'

unfortunately, to protect you from the consequences of whistleblowing in oz, she probably ended the story by saying "and the crowd stomped the brave little child into a red paste." that's why many have the psychosis, and all pretend they do.
Posted by DEMOS, Wednesday, 28 November 2007 6:35:38 PM
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