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The Forum > Article Comments > Howard's history for dummies > Comments

Howard's history for dummies : Comments

By Xavier Duff, published 23/11/2007

A humorous take on a new narrative for Australia.

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Damn, I forgot 'Leftist shi'ite.'

It's a new one, but it's now definitely my favourite.

I shudder to think what the next step in history would be, in the event Howard wins tomorrow's election.
Probably a glorious age in which Howard crushes the last remnants of the trade union movement and creates a completely deregulated market 'utopia.'
Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Friday, 23 November 2007 3:40:16 PM
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You forgot to mention that all people who want to work and share in the wealth of this county don't need any special aptitude. They only need the commonsense to recognise the opportunites created to allow wealth sharing, over the last 200 odd years. Opportunities created by generations of men and women, of all colours and beliefs, whose chief concern was creating a situation in which they could create wealth and security for their families. The dynamic, multicultural, free, secure, non-discriminatory nature of the society that has since developed is silly enough to allow any blind fool to express any opinion...which may or may not recognise, be proud of and appreciate their obviously selfish efforts.

Sniff... I've a cold, mind lending me your arm band ... I need to blow my nose.

ps I know I know... sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.
Posted by keith, Friday, 23 November 2007 9:49:25 PM
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The author also forgot to mention the multitudes who still want to come to this racist, redneck society. I thought we had enough Aussie loathers on these posts without finding some more. If only the Spanish or the Japanese had settled here. I sure they they would of been a lot more sympathetic to the natives! Such a terrible place to live. The only problem is that my friends from Asia, PNG and Europe don't agree. The people from the middle east obviously don't agree either.
Posted by runner, Friday, 23 November 2007 9:58:06 PM
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To pick apart the logic of the last couple of posts...

1) if you think an objective view of history which takes into account both the good and bad aspects of our history, you must 'loathe Australia.'
The old 'you hate Australia' unpatriotic chestnut is awfully versatile. You can chuck it at those who oppose wars, you can lob it at people in favour of immigration, you can basically use it whenever it's convenient as a handy way to forge some moral high ground where you alone know what's best for the country and your opponents are slimy ungrateful pinkos.
Good to know.

2) You can alway go for the relativism angle. Why, if you think the Spanish or the Japanese would have been worse to the natives, it must have been fine and dandy for the Brits to annex them, because they were less bad.

3) If people want to come here, we must be perfect. No need for introspection or considering morality. If we can compare ourselves to other people and find that we're better, we're allowed to do whatever the hell we want, after all, they're worse.
Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Saturday, 24 November 2007 2:32:21 PM
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Well said author.

Let's hope the history of this campaign and corruption is a part of that taught history so future children are aware of what happens in politics.

And how Howard destroyed the Liberal Party with his self interest and desperation for......himself. He managed to get rid of possibly the Libs best Minister, Brough, despite his bullying politics he is a man who wanted to help but that was blighted by also being forced to toe the Party line and repeat endless lies. So, bye Mal. Next time speak your own mind, not someone else's. Go independent and make a difference.

Being a very articulate and polite gentleman I still can't resist this :

Liberal bloggers, suck on it.

Apologies, to steal a slogan, It's time.
Posted by pegasus, Sunday, 25 November 2007 6:05:37 AM
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Sorry about the second post. Forgot to correct an item.

I know it's humour but the first real strike was actually the Eureka stockade, the birth of democracy in Australia.

Of course the death of democracy wasn't too long after when politicans starting appearing but.....
Posted by pegasus, Sunday, 25 November 2007 6:10:09 AM
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