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Cultural diversity - our social challenge : Comments

By Andrew Jakubowicz, published 21/11/2007

My hope is that Australia's next government will see cultural diversity as the central social question for the future.

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Cultural Diversity should not be seen as just a noble objective - but also as an inevitability - so get ready thrill seekers Australia is destined to change.

The percentage of overseas born Australians is growing along with their 2nd Gen off spring.

Most Western communities have exchanged reproducing for new realms of recreational sex, plasma screen TV's and jetski's - the odd child we bring forth has also been commodifed - if you have one its gott be a good one - and you can check early and have it scraped fr4om one's womb - but I digress.

The only communities that are reproducing themseles are those on the African Continent and throughour parts of Asia and the Middle East. They will, at same stage soon, be looking across the seas towards the rich brown land we call home. And with grim determination they will inexorably make their way here. They will have studied the Australian Citizen ship test in one of the many educational outlets established by the Taliban for just such a purpose. So Armed (sorry about that ) they will enter our shores camouflaged with our values.

But most will come just because they are being treated like dogs where they live - or aspire to a better life.

So unless we adopt a fortress Australia mentality -and/or send newbies off to re education camps until they can prove they are just like us with our "values" embedded into their psyche - our "way of life" (barf) will be transformed before the very eyes of those left to watch it happen.

In many ways you could call it a new form of democracy in action. I welcome the day. Not that what we got is all that bad - but we are born merely to evolve.
Posted by sneekeepete, Thursday, 22 November 2007 10:11:36 AM
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I find it disturbing that Labour if elected will demolish the Pacific Solution that has successfully deterred boat people. If we throw open our doors as labour seems likely to have us do there will be an influx of unwanted and undesirable residents veiled as refugees. Labour and Kevin Rudd seem oblivious our experience with the Lebanese Muslim arrivals.
Posted by SILLE, Thursday, 22 November 2007 10:57:27 AM
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Your gold rush comparison is partly valid. But remember, there was no official, government-enforced policy of multiculturalism at the time, or afterwards, until Malcolm Fraser and ethnic urgers forced it on us. Things took care of themselves naturally, then, and according to human instinct and nature. Now we have a good deal of resentment about multiculturalism, one of the reasons for this being official, compulsory introduction of the policy without any consultation. Also, I think, the current wave of immigration will be maintained – even though, as you say, many are starting to question it.

Both major parties are mad immigrationists. The minor parties claiming concern for the environment used to be concerned about population increase, but they are now so extreme in the PC, wicked white Australia area, that you never hear Bob Brown, for instance, mention population.

Neither of the only parties capable of forming government has shown even passing interest in a population policy. Even that darling of the conservationists, Tim Flannery, who said that Australia had reached its optimum population at 13 million, doesn’t mention the threat of population growth in his statements on the environmental crisis.

I’m afraid it’s all doom and gloom at the moment, and looks like staying that way until we hit rock bottom. Howard made noises about abolishing the official multicultural policy early in his tenure, but he turned to water as he has so often over the past 11 years. Nothing to do with the Chinese in his electorate of course!

I hope the silly old coot loses his electorate, as he looks like doing. He has blown it for the Government and Peter Costello who has somewhat better attitude to this problem, despite the smirk.
Posted by Leigh, Thursday, 22 November 2007 11:20:14 AM
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LEIGH - whether you like it or not I'm a kiwi. I've spent most of my life here but are still subjected to the Australian-born sheep jokes. Even if I wanted to 'let go', I'd still be subjected to that joke, perhaps for the 'Australians' to remind me? If I am to be reminded, then isn't it fair to be proud of it? My point being, it's not just the foreigner that would need to change, but a fair few of you as well.

If any 'real Australians' out there don't like the way things are with foreigners retaining their heritage, maybe you need to take a walk in their shoes. I've been in the middle of China and taken 'refuge' with an english speaking 'look like me' guy. For a moment it was relief to speak english to someone. I can only imagine what it's like to commit to a lifetime of the unknown.

We should "all just get on with it", but if someone wants to consider themselves Greek, why should I care? Why should you? Why do you feel this is alienating you, or me or anyone else for that matter? I've come across as many rude and arrogant Australians (and Kiwi's for that matter) as any other creed, colour or culture.

We are all so worried about there not being enough food on the table if they keep coming. And what he said, what she did...

Just live your life and let others live theirs. Those who don't do this mustn't be tolerated, and they must be the ones sent to xmas island or wherever. If we can market this view to the world then we need not have anything to worry about in the way of 'undesirables'.
Posted by shayne, Thursday, 22 November 2007 12:12:21 PM
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It is right and proper to give him thanks and praise ( K Rudd) if he over sees the demise of the Pacific Solution and all it stands for -

The PS is an abject failure of policy and human rights - it is rascist in its intent and its outcomes.

It puts a lie to JWH claim to economic conservativism - it has cost us a poultice of money to build and maintain these white elephants as well as to bribe dependant nation states to jail those we fear. Ours is the most expensive per capita gulag for refugees in the known world.

The PS will eventually - along with other acts of bastardry by DIMIA - cost us even more as the class and independant actions against the gubment for various forms of negelct and cruelty roll in.

I imagine the shredders are running white hot in variuos departments as we speak just in case the ALP get into office
Posted by sneekeepete, Thursday, 22 November 2007 1:01:29 PM
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You can always tell when 'The Empire' is speaking...because they feel they know 'us' better than 'we' do.

We were born here..but 'The Empire' (Pericles) flew here.. and now that he has been here for 5 minutes, he will introduce us to the truth about our own country....from a secular pulpit 6 feet above contradiction of course.

"Australia never had a monoculture" well..after flying here and being here for 5 minutes, I guess that is the level of ignorance we should expect from those who in their enlightened manner sold opium to the Chinese, "WE know what's good for you Chinese" virtually destroying the social fabric of a country.

Pericles.. your little blurb is outright insulting and grossly offensive to a whole LOT of Aussies.

Just imagine, if some migrant dropped over to London and dismissingly said of the Buckingham Palace "Oh.. that ? its nothing really."

It's about time 'The Empire' realized that we are AUSTRALIANS and not 'British Subjects' to be thrown around or treated like an economic convenience at the whim of the upper classes of England!

>>"In Australia, the status of British subject in Australian law was retained until it was removed by provisions of the Australian Citizenship Amendment Act 1984 which came into force on 1 May 1987.<< is a very serious word from 'the people'... (or this one anyway) WE...HAVE...A...CULTURE. and it developed during the time between colonization and the end of WWII. The texture has changed a bit since then, but we were definitely NOT 'British' we were and are "Australian". If you don't think we have a culture.. then why not take your leave of our sunburnt land, and go back to your rapidly decaying "Empire"?
Posted by BOAZ_David, Thursday, 22 November 2007 5:50:56 PM
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