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Privileged 'whites' : Comments

By Jennifer Clarke, published 8/10/2007

Australia’s migration and citizenship laws privilege ‘whites’ in all sorts of ways.

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Mr Wizofaust/Nichols, you appear to be contradicting your previous post in which you admitted that races may not have equal intelligences.

My position is that whereas some black people may possess high intelligence, the proportion of below average, average, and above average intelligences within races is not equal. I admit that education does make people smarter, and 18 point gap between white IQ’s and black IQ’s may be explained by the fact that white people have had access to education for much longer than blacks. But whatever the reason for the gap, it does exist, and at present white people are verifiably smarter than blacks. Once this fact is understood and appreciated, then the reason for black dysfunction in every state where they reside is easily explained.

I also admit that racism can be a factor holding back black advancement for smart blacks. But given that so many black people behave so poorly, can you not admit that racism by whites towards blacks may have some justification?

If you believe that intelligence ratios are equal in all races, could I point out that this concept has been tried before by the Socialist movement who vehemently proclaimed that the notion of “class” did not exist, and that every labourer was just as smart as every scientist. One Socialist, George Bernard Shaw even wrote a book to illistrate his ideology called “Pygmalion” (My Fair Lady), in which a Cheapside flower girl was simply given elocution lessons and a nice dress, whereupon she was indistinguishable from a Hungarian princess.

The concept that all classes are equally intelligent has gone out of fashion today, probably because the people who advocated this nonsense were all known to be insufferable snobs. But why educated and supposedly intelligent young people today persist in claiming that all men are equal when they self evidently are not, is one of the mysteries of life.
Posted by redneck, Friday, 26 October 2007 8:39:19 PM
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No, redneck, I'm not contradicting myself. Yes, I accept that intelligence - AS MEASURED BY IQ TESTS - varies between self-identified races. All things considered, it seems likely that this is at least partly a genetic phenomenom.
I simply dispute that
a) the type of intelligence measured by IQ Tests is all that important in determining one's ability to do well in life, and certainly isn't a significant factor in explaining cases of "black dysfunction" as you call it, and also that
b) there is any justification for ever *assuming* someone has a lower IQ simply because of their skin colour, even though average it may be the case between two randomly picked individuals. That is, judge individuals on their own merit, and on the merits that are relevant.

As far as the idea that "all men are equal" - I don't know anyone would seriously stand by that claim. What is the cornerstone of modern democracy and civilisation is that all men should be *treated* equally, and given equal opportunity.
Posted by wizofaus, Saturday, 27 October 2007 7:05:08 AM
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But if you accept that there may be a genetic reason why blacks have a lower IQ than whites, then how could you possibly claim that this can not have any bearing upon black dysfunction? How can it not be a reasonable assumption that the two are linked?

And if you do accept that may be a genetic reason why blacks have lower IQ’s then whites, how could you possibly claim that there is no justification for assessing a persons IQ because of their skin colour? We make assumptions about individuals according to their group associations every day. You may not feel comfortable about inviting the Hells Angels motorcycle club over to your next party, not would you wish to live in Macquarie Fields or Moe. I doubt if you are entertaining the idea of becoming friends with the rednecks who infest the Silverdale Shooting Range, nor do you wish to associate with Scientologists.

Regardless of what quixotic ideology you wish would herald in an Age of Aquarius where peace reigned supreme, you still have to deal with the fact that black communities everywhere are dysfunctional. They are dysfunctional in third world societies and they are dysfunctional (and a pain in the ass) in First world societies. Regardless of where they have been relocated, the end result is a surge in crime rates and a clamour for welfare assistance. Given that black integration appears impossible, why do you persist in advocating proven failure?

You are not a social worker touting for business, are you?

Could I also point out that people can not be treated equally if they are inherently unequal? The concept of equal rights can only apply if everybody is more or less equal in intelligence, trustworthiness, fiscal responsibility, sexual fidelity, age, loyalty, resistance to addictive behaviours, and sanity. If everybody in a democracy must be considered equal, then aborigines should be left alone to drink themselves into the dreamtime and return to the Stone Age without being bailed out by the rest of the community.
Posted by redneck, Saturday, 27 October 2007 8:14:59 AM
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As you wish Mr Sinnamon. As you wish.
I will continue as long as you do.

No-one likes to be criticized but for someone who is hugely sensitive about same, you seem determined to draw attention to yourself. I will accommodate you.

To answer your point; you WERE having a shot, or are we going to have another long drawn debate on what constitutes 'having a shot'?

"As other contributors, including yourself, are able to enjoy total anonymity, I thought it was reasonable to request that I be allowed a degree of anonymity." (Quote:Sinnamon)

Oh come on! You are invoking the 'slightly pregnant' principle here!

It's up to you now, James.
Posted by Ginx, Saturday, 27 October 2007 11:27:27 AM
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Great, so now we have Ginx who appears to be CJ Morgan's glove puppet, taunting Daggett (who apparently never hid his identity).
Ginx wrote,
"As you wish Mr Sinnamon. As you wish.
I will continue as long as you do."

What do you think this forum is, Mr Ginx-Morgan?
Some kind of Punch and Judy affair?

When we register on these forums we are allocated pseudonyms. It is obvious that these pseudonyms have a function of removing by one step issues from personalities. They are a safety valve.

What CJ Morgan-Ginx has done is aggressive and antisocial; It is like phone tapping, recording people without permission, grabbing hold of a bikinied dancer on the stage, getting on stage in the middle of a play and shouting that the actors are only actors and stopping the whole production.

The fact that this antisocial activity is dressed up as some kind of moral reform is all a bit Cromwellian (and I don't mean Orwellian).
Posted by Kanga, Saturday, 27 October 2007 11:46:59 AM
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And there you have it...


You;'Kanga' are a working colleague of Mr Sinnamon. How repugnant (but completely predictable), that you leap to defend his nonsense.
I accept that friends do that, but spare me the outraged indignation and assessment of MY behaviour.

At least declare the motivation for your sermon.

I at least can speak for myself as a poster. I DO NOT have another identity, nor do I CHOOSE to use to use a tag AND my own name when posting. That IS a free choice; Mr Sinnamon CHOSE to avail himself of it. His choice; his problem.
Posted by Ginx, Saturday, 27 October 2007 12:45:34 PM
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