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Testing times: how Australian are you? : Comments
By Lyn Allison, published 5/10/2007There is no reason why we suddenly need to test people. It won’t stop bad characters becoming Australian citizens.
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Speak's volumes of thirty years of abysmal, biodiversified irrelevance. Kernot, Lees, Haines, Despoja and now LA. One and all feathering their own. A profligate liability; an imposition on the long suffering, tax-paying electorate. Realistically, these fringe party's achieve little - they lack the crunch numbers in both houses. An Oz characteristic ? Vote Pauline Hanson.
Allison's cringe, centre's not on the historical military overtones of the citizen's test; the Tampa, the Siev X debacle where 335 Indonesians perished, 146 being children, but on a narroow politician's outlook - women are a minority in Parliament and Corporate boardrooms ?? Fact is, US high profile women slog tooth and nails in the World's most prolific rat-race to attain CEO status. Their newly won gains are perceptively short lived. You have got to earn it girlie !
The Citizen's teat is nothing compared to the 1901 Immigration Restriction Act - commonly known as the detested " White Australian Policy Act ". Applicants wishing to enter Aust were restricted to a ' diction test ' in any European language, not nesessarily English ! It was a deterrent specific for Asians, Coloured and Islanders. In 1958, the Act was repealed by the Migration Act, allowing the Minister absolute discretion on all applications. Coincidenly, UK exodus migrant intake was at it's peak. Paying only ten quid to settle or holiday in the Land of Opportunity. The Bureaucrats administering the test employed full time interpreters. Less than 2% of the population spoke a foreign language. The Labour Party under Edmund Barton ( question 10 ) was responsible for this largess. Has the Immigration Department methodology improved ?
Citizen Wannabe's have to swear allegiance to a Monarch residing in a polygot decadent multicultural Island 16000 miles away ! Ken Andrew's evidently