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The Forum > Article Comments > High price to be paid if abortion reform bid fails > Comments

High price to be paid if abortion reform bid fails : Comments

By Leslie Cannold, published 17/8/2007

The position politicians and the public take on abortion reflects their view of women as moral decision-makers.

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"It will be abortion simply on demand at any stage of pregnancy."

So GP, if abortion on demand was accepted in the first tremester,
as is now becoming fairly standard in the Western world, would
you accept it?

When the abortion debate happened in WA, we had the right
to lifers singing their Ave Maria's. That kind of revealed
who was behind their campaign.
Posted by Yabby, Saturday, 18 August 2007 9:47:31 PM
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"white women shore do like that abortion, they jus gotta show who's got the power. Teach their men a lesson. Wonder how the world'll get on after white folks are gone with their power. There's no jihad like racialcide."

Ok aqva, so please say whats on your mind deep down, ie. are your
tribal instincts surfacing, as you wonder about your white tribe
versus a perhaps light brown tribe?

Is that your real concern in this debate?
Posted by Yabby, Saturday, 18 August 2007 11:00:56 PM
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Yabby poor soul. So intent on justifying your own behavioral thinking.
Ms. Cannold finished her article with a very explicit statement which boils down to, if your not pro abortion, your anti abortion, anti womens health, anti choice, think all women are amoral, and no in betweens allowed. As for the white jibe, the statistics show that the majority of women having abortions are white 25-35, educated, and with good employment. If your going to advocate for Ms. Cannold's extremist thinking at least have the intellectual freedom to follow the stats to their ultimate end. Which is poor, uneducated white women, and their families struggling even more. How does that mesh with your idealism. Quite frankly any normal less politically sexist person than yourself would see such a concept as ass backwards and have poor, uneducated women being encouraged to abortion, and the wealthy, educated to carry to full term. And Yabby honey, feminism is a "white thing", not an inter racial concept. Your racism is showing in that snide comment.
Posted by aqvarivs, Sunday, 19 August 2007 4:41:28 AM
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Great article Dr Cannold. There is no reason not to reform abortion laws.

Those who think it is a bad thing do not need to avail themselves of an abortion. I do not think there will be any clauses that will make abortions compulsory.

Aqvarivs, stop the stirring. Terminating pregnancies is not a modern Western white feminist invention.

Matters of fertility and childbirth used to be in the domain of women only in times gone by. Women's business so to speak. The human race hasn't done too badly, women appear to have been pretty responsible. The dying out of any human race can be laid at the feet of murderous male warriors killing living, breathing humans. Not women aborting foetuses. Outlawing armies, guns and sundry weaponry would be more relevant to the debate of 'right to life'. It at least it would of benefit to all existing humans, not unborn potential humans.
Posted by yvonne, Sunday, 19 August 2007 10:48:14 PM
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"Your racism is showing in that snide comment."

Aqva honey, my racism? I remind you that it was you who was
pondering about the future white race and its power, not me lol.

What you have done is confirm my belief that people are tribal
by nature. Personally I can see huge advantages in everyone
landing up light brown! No more skin cancers for instance.
There is nothing about the white race that I cling to or want
to cherish forever, its just another race of people.

As I have commented on the other abortion thread, Aqva, its
time that you learned tolerance.

Celivia's suggestion is a great one! For all those pontificating
males on these threads, its time that technology developed
a portable, artificial uterus, so that you can all go and
rescue those little zygotes and take care of them for the
next 21 years. Sheesh, I can just see those men running
for the covers :)

Let me see, the first 27 we could dispatch to George Pell.
We'd see how he would cope with all those nappies :)
Posted by Yabby, Sunday, 19 August 2007 11:16:07 PM
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If abortion was used as such a convenience a couple of decades ago most of the posters might night even have a say on the issue. As has been said women who have turned off their natural instincts have turned this into a feminist rights issue rather than a women's rights issue. I wonder when was the last time the Age ran an article from someone opposed to abortion! Change the words but murder is murder. And we have the hide to moralize to other nations.
Posted by runner, Sunday, 19 August 2007 11:47:18 PM
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