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The stupid country : Comments

By Jane Caro, published 1/8/2007

Almost alone in the OECD, Australia has a funding system that sets up one system of schools to succeed and the other to struggle.

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I think that this forum should look carefully at what Jane is saying. She has brought up new and interesting information about how the funding system works. Even if not all of what she says is correct we have a real problem looming in this country.

So this means that we should not degerate into a private is better than public (or vice-versa) debate - that is the sort of nonsense you hear on talk-back radio....and there are plenty of pollies who don't seem to want a debate at all.

Jane - you've outlined what seem to be real long-term problems. What do we do about it?
Posted by bunyip, Wednesday, 1 August 2007 10:52:24 AM
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Our governments do it for the votes. The Catholic and Holy Roller vote in this country is a big one.

They provide citadels for the furtherance of supernatural belief and bigotry.

We've unfortunately created a monster, and only the bravest politicians will confront it. Those who confront it will only likely do so at their peril, well in the short-term anyway.

We are a stupid country indeed. I love Australia and am Aussie, but we're hardly close to being the best we can be.
Posted by Inner-Sydney based transsexual, indigent outcast progeny of merchant family, Wednesday, 1 August 2007 11:25:17 AM
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An interesting article. I'd opine that part of the problem with government schools is the top down approach imposed by bureaucratic non-educators. Also the inability of government school to get rid of the time-serving teachers that de-motivate the quality staff.

A recent article in the SMH described how a group of primary and secondary school in Sydney (the north shore, of all places) was combining it's efforts to make subjects available on a cross-school basis within the district, allowing younger kids to advance as their skills became apparent and offering far more subject choices. It seems that not only is the cluster of schools reversing the enrollment drain it is picking up lots of kids from private schools, most of which are, it seems to me, educationally, one act plays. Private schools might be able to provide the trappings that parents can boast about (after all, every kid needs a pool at school) but ultimately, as with the private medical system, it struggles with comprehensive challenges.
Posted by PeterJH, Wednesday, 1 August 2007 12:02:49 PM
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So, the States are failing their own schools. What's new......they're failing their own hospitals, ambulance services etc, etc. We're not Americans (thank God) . We follow the Westminster tradition.....and, according to an English contact, Church schools in the UK receive 100% government funding. They don't in Australia. What next, no government funding for non-government hospitals, charities etc
Posted by Francis, Wednesday, 1 August 2007 1:19:57 PM
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Leigh: Do not believe your diatribe about Government schools at all. I seem to recall reading not to long ago about bullying and fighting which was photographed and passed around among students and this in private schools.
Private schools are businesses pure and simple, they reward shareholders whether private or churches.So here we have howard assisting private companies to make a lot more money for their shareholders. Of course being so wealthy with tax-payers money these schools can offer much more to their students, but a "better" education? Here on Mount Tamborine (Qld.) we have three EXCELLENT Government schools all with very high standards and a private college with equally high standards.
Howard is throwing money at these private educational companies or schools not for the good of any students but for votes - remember this is sneaky howard. Another reason is that howard sees Government schools as controlled by unions and or communists so anything any amount of tax payers money is well spent in weakening them.
The same with the new work laws - for the good of the workers again remenber this is sly sneaky howard. The work laws are in part to cripple unions and we all know unions can be seen as the backers of the labour party. Remember sneaky howard and the Dubai affair this was stage one of weakening the unions and thus the labour party as any fool can see - that's of course if she/he wants to see it.
Howard berates the labour party as being anti-rich, anti-good education with their once opposition to funding these private very rich companies but it was sneaky little honest johnie that was causing divisions and didn't he fool most of us at the time eh? Now it seems that some are still fooled by this nasty little man (the word 'man' used in a generic sense only). Regards, numbat
Posted by numbat, Wednesday, 1 August 2007 1:26:05 PM
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Most church schools in the UK ( and many other countries) are fully integrated into the state system. They do not charge fees and may not pick and choose their students. In return for full funding they accept all the obligations public schools accept, while maintaining their particular faith based character. I challenge you to find a church school here that is actively seeking that situation. After all, why would they? In Australia, they can be private when it comes to who they will and won't educate ( even scholarships are only offered to disadvantaged kids who are high achievers - I'll have respect for their charity when our wealthiest schools offer places to the toughest and most difficult poor kids in our system), and what up front fees they will charge, but virtually public when it comes to the handing out of taxpayer's money.
this isn't about the rights and wrongs of subsidising private schools, its about how that funding combined with few public obligations asked for in return has undermined public schools and so negatively impacted on the children they teach - often the most vulnerable and needy in our community.
Posted by ena, Wednesday, 1 August 2007 1:47:21 PM
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