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Now more than ever children need a firm grasp on religion : Comments
By Ted Witham, published 6/7/2007We should press Departments of Education to do a better job of educating students about religions and beliefs of the world.
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The atheists in their posts above are eternal optimists if they think religion is going to just disappear any time soon, simply because of their wishful thinking.
Faith and religion are integral parts of human society. They’ve been around for thousands of years and, the final judgement not withstanding, they’ll be around for many more, especially in this country with our strong Christian heritage.
“Religion is at the base of all wars and blood letting.” This is true because people are the cause of all wars and most people are religious. They all have a god they can refer to at time of war. That is, except for all the atheist wars that have been fought in the name of atheism.
One difference between the atheists and myself is that they seem to be under the belief, like the people in Communist Russia, that the state has the ultimate responsibility to educate our kids. I don’t.
I take that responsibility for my family. I want to prepare my son to thrive in this world and be prepared for the next. If my son can’t read and write, I am prepared to teach him. If he turns out to be a lawyer, street sweeper, bank teller or bank robber, I will take some of the blame. If the state helps me to educate my son, then I’m happy to work within that system.
One similarity between atheists and myself is that we both pay taxes, we both contribute to state education. If atheists think that Christians are so weak that they’re going to lie down and give total control to atheists and humanists to run an education system that we also helped to build, then they’re mistaken.
Instead, we must learn to get along in a spirit of tolerance. In any locality parents must find common values and principles that can be imparted to the young in their community.