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The Forum > Article Comments > Iraq is not Vietnam, it is much worse > Comments

Iraq is not Vietnam, it is much worse : Comments

By Tom Clifford, published 9/7/2007

By comparing Iraq to Vietnam is President Bush softening the blow of a radical change in policy?

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Trying to set up an alibi for the surrender to Al Qaeda and the rest of the terrorists, are you?
The US, UK and Australian media have turned public opinion against the Iraq war from the moment things became difficult....just as they did with Vietnam...not asinine belief, but fact.
Contrary to your assertion, the media have found plenty of opportunity for undermining Iraq..…always emphasizing the negatives always preaching doom hoping it would become fact….never analysing the situation the world would have faced with a nuclear or other WMD-armed medieval mass murderer like Saddam Hussein…always giving only that part of the story that suits their Left wing agenda, to distort the reality.
How about telling the world what your preferred alternative was , in the light of the fact that every major intelligence service in the world , as well as UNSCOM inspectors, Butler and Ekeus and Putin, who knew the situation like no one else, was certain that Saddam had WMD.
Was your alternative to leave Saddam, with definite links to terrorists...….to do his worst……..or was it to put the future of the world in the hands of the corrupt, dysfunctional and useless UN, dominated by dictators and their emissaries, who were never going to clip Saddam’s wings for fear of being next…..the same UN that indulges in the luxuries of New York while people die in their hundreds of thousands in Darfur, Somalia, Zimbabwe, and other parts of the world?
What would be your plan for preventing Iran from making nuclear weapons, monstering the whole Middle East….and thereby holding the whole world to ransom, by halting the supply of oil to the world by blockading the Straits of Hormuz? Maybe that would please you.
And you can’t blame Bush, Howard et al…Iran’s road to nuclear weapons preceded the Iraq war.
Your admiration for the ‘disciplined’ forces of the Viet Cong, who banished so many to the re-education camps…many to die there…is touching and revealing.
Freedom and democracy are obviously not concepts you value.
The real scourge on the world is the toxic Left wing media...the world can't afford them.
Posted by real, Tuesday, 10 July 2007 10:31:11 PM
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Tom Clifford

So much is being debates about the good and the bad of the invasion into Iraq, but if I have my way then Howard, Bush and Blair will be answering before the Courts.
Now, most people may argue this to be an impossibility, but is it really?
Since 2001, before the purported Federal election, I was fighting in the Courts against the validity of the Federal election and finally on 19 July 2006 after a 5-year legal battle succeeded in Court on all constitutional grounds, UNCHALLENGED.
I maintained successfully that the purported federal election was unconstitutional.
On 19 March 2003, the day of the invasion into Iraq, I was again denied by the High Court of Australia to proceed with my writs against the Federal government to deploy Australian tro0ops into Iraq as I maintained it was unconstitutional, as John Howard has no prerogative rights to declare war as only this can be authorised by the Governor-General in publishing in the Gazette a DECLARATION OF WAR. This never eventuated, hence, I view, by Section 24Aa of the Crimes Act (Cth) John Howard and his cohorts committed TREACHERY.

On 17 March 2007 I published one of my books;


For the quest of JUSTICE, in different ways. Book on DVD.
ISBN 978-0-9580569-4-6 {was ISBN 0-9580569-4-3 (prior to 1-1-2007)}
Dedicated to;
In memory of the late Iraqi President Saddam Hussein (unconstitutionally executed)
ALI Ismaeel Abbas, 12 severely inured & orphaned by the murderous Coalition of the Willing
And to those who struggle to protect our constitutional and other legal rights against the abuses by the legal profession, Government, and others.
I may have Jewish blood flowing through my veins and have been baptised Lutheren but do not practice religion because I oppose killings.
It was not for me or for Australians to judge the late President Saddam Hussein, as we were fed garbage about WMD’s, etc, as to me he was Head of State of a country.
See also; and/or my website
Posted by Mr Gerrit H Schorel-Hlavka, Wednesday, 11 July 2007 2:21:24 AM
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Australians oppose the death sentence and as he was a prisoner of the Coalition of the Willing, he was therefore entitled to be protected against a death sentence as well as he had constitutional immunity while he was in power!
While the judges of the High Court of Australia, albeit unconstitutionally, may have blocked my writs from being heard upon their merits, the fact that subsequently nevertheless I succeeded on all constitutional grounds UNCHALLENGED by the federal government lawyers, on 19 July 2006 means that I am still on track to pursue John Howard and his cohorts to be charged for crimes against humanity, war crimes, treason, treachery, etc.
While George Bush and Tony Blair may have acted within their own position lawfully, having had the consent of their Parliaments, however where they acted in consortium with John Howard then I view they can still be charges as accessories to any crimes John Howard and his cohorts can be charged with.
We, as a society, must ourselves prove that we do not tolerate anyone to TAKE THE LAW INTO THEIR OWN HANDS. This, as otherwise we are no better then any other TERRORIST.

When the (purported) Australian Government declared the WAR AGAINST TERROR, it in fact declared war against unknown individuals. Hence they responded in kind with their murder of 88 Australians in Bali, etc.

We, the people, now must show that we have a “constitutional government” that is bound by constitutional limitations as we do not tolerate anyone to TAKE THE LAWS INTO THEIR OWN HANDS, as John Howard and his cohorts did.
Where then he was not constitutionally validly elected, he neither has the protection of the OFFICE OF THE PRIME MINISTER either and can be held personally accountable for his misdeeds.
It might be a slow process to bring them to justice, but my books details it all, so others can use the material also for this.

See also my website
Posted by Mr Gerrit H Schorel-Hlavka, Wednesday, 11 July 2007 2:35:02 AM
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Dear Kurdish guy....

Even as I write this.... the Turks are massing on the border with Iraq.... no prizes for guessing 'why' ?

I agree with you about separation of ethnic entities into mini states. No argument there. That in itself is a HUGE difference from Vietnam. (where I spent time in the military).

Those in Iraq fighting the Americans in the name of 'Nationalism' in realty mean "Sunni" nationalism. or "Shia" nationalism, meaning their group as the dominant one, the rest as 2nd class, cowed, humiliated subservient peoples.

Kurdish Guy... does it occur to you, that the punishment dealt to the Kurds, is possibly divine retribution for the Kurdish Massacre of Christians in Urmia around 1917 ?

Kurds cry 'victim' then others attack them, but did they relent, or hold back from the slaughter of innocent peaceful Christian Assyrians then ?

"Histories of other massacres (of Assyrian Christians) too by Kurdish tribal leaders like Bader Khan in 1843-46 committed in Hakkare and by Mehmet Pasha (the infamous Amir Koy) of Rawandoz in 1832-1836 are becoming better known as we open our eyes to the cruelties that have driven us to fear an loath the tribal barbarism from which our people still suffer.

Following the massacres in Nisibin, the Kurds attacked Helwa using information provided by the Kurds whom the Assyrians had employed. Together with Kurds of other villages stirred by Gaddour Beg, they surrounded the village blocking any escape for the inhabitants. Some Assyrians did escape to flee Helwa, but the majority could not. The Kurds rounded up the men, tied them together and marched them up to a hill called Qayro that overlooked the Soplakh.
The Assyrians were given the option of converting to Islam or being killed. A few accepted, and survived, but the majority refused, were shot, and their bodies rolled down the hill and into the river.

God is not mocked. No one escapes His judgement.. in the end Kurd, Arab, or American.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Wednesday, 11 July 2007 8:28:06 AM
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What makes you crazies think that Al Qaeda will be beaten if the Yanks chase them out of Iraq. How are they going to be beaten anyway. It is no different to the situation that applied in France during the second world war. The German army might have occupied the country, but the citizens supported the underground and it survived. Once the US goes home they will just shift to other countries who are sympathetic to the anti US cause and it will all start over again. Once the US withdraws from Iraq, there is a good chance that the Shias and the Sunnis will eventually come to terms with their situation, particularly if their neighbors lean on them, but that won't happen while the US is trying to crack the whip.

Posted by VK3AUU, Wednesday, 11 July 2007 10:02:44 AM
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Who's side should they be on you ask? Are you serious?

Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan, should all be bombed, preferably at once but certainly in this order if that is beyond the capability of the west.

I'm glad you agree about the first part, about it being a war on radical Islam, although personally I believe what Muslims keep telling us, that to attack Muslims for killing infidels is fundamentally against Islam.

Like I said, and I say it respectfully, you should read more about Islam, read the Koran, but more importantly, the Hadith, and even more importantly, how Muslims interpret it.

There are no schools of Islam that don't see the Taliban as good, for example.

There may be individual Muslims who don't like bashing women or killing apostates, but none could argue that bashing women or killing apostates goes against established Islamic teaching and most importantly, practice.

To reform Islam would take a lot, and sadly, the one or two Muslim groups who are trying, and I've included a link below, are called apostates from even the so-called 'moderates'.

Didn't you notice that the 'moderates' didn't even want the courageous Hirsi-Ali to be allowed into the country?

None agreed with the Danish cartoons either. Moderate leaders like the vile bigot Dr. Ali of ACIM or whatever asked our PM if Hezbollah could be taken off the terrorist list!

Think about how insane this is! Most Muslims are what we would describe as the most conservative rednecks!
Posted by Benjamin, Wednesday, 11 July 2007 11:28:08 AM
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