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How to shoot yourself in the foot : Comments
By David Flint, published 8/6/2007The decision to drop Alan Jones from 'Today' is going to leave many viewers disappointed.
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Posted by yvonne, Friday, 8 June 2007 9:57:52 PM
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I deliberately waited before I added my comments. David Flinch will be surprised to know that there are NO reports of large numbers of Gloria’s fans dashing themselves on the rocks of despair like aimless lemmings might do. However, one public servant did throw himself in front of the tea trolley in a fit of pique at the news that Gloria has been taken off the small screen.
What's wrong with the notion that people form their own opinions? Posted by Sage, Saturday, 9 June 2007 10:29:07 AM
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Alan Jones.
Who? Who cares? The grannies and grand dads? Posted by Ponder, Saturday, 9 June 2007 1:24:51 PM
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David, i suspect you will be the only one who wants to eat cornflakes, munch on toast and listen to the rantings of the parrot.
Good riddance to Gloria from Today, tommorrow and the near and distant future. Posted by Rainier, Saturday, 9 June 2007 7:01:51 PM
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FORGOT TO ADD THE GRAPHIC to my last post:
Check it out, kinda sez it all thinks me. Posted by Rainier, Saturday, 9 June 2007 7:05:53 PM
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I believe the decision to axe Alan Jones from the Today show represents the darkness of the liberal western media, how it's become overrun with leftist, nihilistic cowards.
Radio is the last bastion, and by radio I mean talkback, of free media in this country, although that too is under attack from bigots who define anyone not having their opinion as a racist. Those who live out in the trenches fight xenophobia everyday, no one cares though because the people who engage in such behaviour have the wrong colour skin. Everynight one sees how barbaric the non-western world is, night after night one sees African soldiers, or Islamists brainwashing their children - yet we aren't allowed to comment on those who live next door following such utterly backward values? It's laughable, or it would be if multiculturalism wasn't killing people. One day there will be a class action against those who brought that cancer here, how dare one pollute what the west attained through the enlightenment with inferior filth. The value systems of the third world are sickening, and the west ought to go around forcing our civilised ways on our fellow human beings. Posted by Benjamin, Saturday, 9 June 2007 7:59:50 PM
Chainsmoker, I haven't laughed so much in ages either. Except I was drinking red wine. It's a pain to wash out. My mother's salt trick isn't working too well.