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How to shoot yourself in the foot : Comments
By David Flint, published 8/6/2007The decision to drop Alan Jones from 'Today' is going to leave many viewers disappointed.
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Who needs Mary Donaldson and that Danish guy? The affair between David Flint and Alan Jones must be the most beautiful love story of our time.
Posted by DavidJS, Friday, 8 June 2007 9:02:11 AM
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How can it ever be justified to give anyone the right to express his own personal opinions on television day after day after day after day for 20 years? Who is that John Laws anyway? Some kind of priest? or Guru? Has he received special wisdom directly from the gods?
WHO CARES WHAT ALAN JONES THINKS! And who cares what David Flint thinks of Alan Jones? David Flint has for ever disqualified himself from commenting on anything to do with the media when he so appallingly dealt with the Cash for Comments inquiries into Jones and Law a few years back. Mr Flint, you've just shot yourself in the foot. Again. Posted by CitizenK, Friday, 8 June 2007 9:52:48 AM
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"The decision to drop Alan Jones from 'Today' is going to leave many viewers disappointed."
Perhaps. But plenty will rejoice. And as for Flint - I've yet to see any real insight or decent analysis from the man, aside from cheering for whoever he likes. Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Friday, 8 June 2007 10:00:45 AM
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David,retire and stop wasting everyones time,I,m not sure who is sillier Jones or you.
Unless you have have something intelligent to say, do us all a favor and like the sun sink slowly in west and shut up Posted by j5o6hn, Friday, 8 June 2007 10:14:17 AM
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David retire and stop wasting everyones time,I,m not sure who is sillier Jones or you.
Unless you have have something intellegent to say do us all a favor and like the sun sink slowly in west and shut up Posted by j5o6hn, Friday, 8 June 2007 10:14:31 AM
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eh. let the market decide, yeah?
Posted by barry j, Friday, 8 June 2007 10:36:55 AM
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Well, I'm glad the parrot has gone from the Today show!
Posted by billie, Friday, 8 June 2007 12:39:54 PM
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Love this stuff! So-o-o-o-o-o predictable.
If someone says something nasty about Alan on a Monday, sure as the sun rises in the east, David will be there to bleat on his behalf on the Tuesday. I would have been horribly disappointed if he hadn't written this so we could all have a chuckle over his simperings. >>All over Australia, for years, people have told me that one of their very favourite TV moments has been Alan Jones’ daily editorial<< Ho ho. Ha ha ha. David, stop it, you're killing me! "All over Australia..." Ha ha ha "very favourite moments..." ho ho "Although he was absolutely fair..." tee hee "His evident success has attracted the jealousy of other people in the media..." hee hee "A very large number of viewers from all over the country are going to be disappointed. Indeed some are going to be very angry..." oh please, no more, I can't take it. Just trying to picture the kind of people Flinty is describing - or inventing, imagining, whatever - is enough to bring on another round of guffaws. But my favourite line has to be: >>Alan Jones was the reason so many stayed with or switched over to Channel 9<< David, someone should tell you, quietly, that people have been switching off, not over. In their tens of thousands. >>Perhaps another network will see an opportunity there...<< Please, don't get me started again... Thank you David, thank you, you have brought joy and delight to my day. Posted by Pericles, Friday, 8 June 2007 1:16:21 PM
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I'd just cleaned up the coffee I laughed all over the desk reading Flint, then had to do it again reading Pericles' comment.
Posted by chainsmoker, Friday, 8 June 2007 1:27:45 PM
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The only thing David Flint forgot to add was a call for Alan to "stay brave and true".
Get a room. Posted by Mercurius, Friday, 8 June 2007 1:55:48 PM
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Huh. Nine posts and still nobody's stopped in to defend Jones or blame Muslims for the evils of the world (which presumably includes Jones's downfall).
How bizarre. Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Friday, 8 June 2007 2:05:46 PM
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It hasn't been a good week has it Flinty. Another of your pals got a right royal belting the other day from people in parliament who should have known better. Just a suggestion, but why don't you, poor old George (with his gorgeous red cloaks) and Allan get away from all this nastiness on an extended sea cruise, blown along by the winds of change. Perhaps John and Janet could meet up with you in February after they have finished moving.
Posted by Bruce Haigh, Friday, 8 June 2007 4:26:56 PM
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TRTL, maybe it was the Muslims. Who did James sell channel 9 to?
Chainsmoker, I haven't laughed so much in ages either. Except I was drinking red wine. It's a pain to wash out. My mother's salt trick isn't working too well. Posted by yvonne, Friday, 8 June 2007 9:57:52 PM
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I deliberately waited before I added my comments. David Flinch will be surprised to know that there are NO reports of large numbers of Gloria’s fans dashing themselves on the rocks of despair like aimless lemmings might do. However, one public servant did throw himself in front of the tea trolley in a fit of pique at the news that Gloria has been taken off the small screen.
What's wrong with the notion that people form their own opinions? Posted by Sage, Saturday, 9 June 2007 10:29:07 AM
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Alan Jones.
Who? Who cares? The grannies and grand dads? Posted by Ponder, Saturday, 9 June 2007 1:24:51 PM
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David, i suspect you will be the only one who wants to eat cornflakes, munch on toast and listen to the rantings of the parrot.
Good riddance to Gloria from Today, tommorrow and the near and distant future. Posted by Rainier, Saturday, 9 June 2007 7:01:51 PM
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FORGOT TO ADD THE GRAPHIC to my last post:
Check it out, kinda sez it all thinks me. Posted by Rainier, Saturday, 9 June 2007 7:05:53 PM
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I believe the decision to axe Alan Jones from the Today show represents the darkness of the liberal western media, how it's become overrun with leftist, nihilistic cowards.
Radio is the last bastion, and by radio I mean talkback, of free media in this country, although that too is under attack from bigots who define anyone not having their opinion as a racist. Those who live out in the trenches fight xenophobia everyday, no one cares though because the people who engage in such behaviour have the wrong colour skin. Everynight one sees how barbaric the non-western world is, night after night one sees African soldiers, or Islamists brainwashing their children - yet we aren't allowed to comment on those who live next door following such utterly backward values? It's laughable, or it would be if multiculturalism wasn't killing people. One day there will be a class action against those who brought that cancer here, how dare one pollute what the west attained through the enlightenment with inferior filth. The value systems of the third world are sickening, and the west ought to go around forcing our civilised ways on our fellow human beings. Posted by Benjamin, Saturday, 9 June 2007 7:59:50 PM
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I actually believed your article for a second that maybe Aussies liked the guy. Now that I can see only 1 out of 20 is missing him (Benjamin). I can contribute with my opinion: In comparsion to others (australian like ray martin and l. Oakes and non-Australian); Jones manipulate viewers with pre conceived views and lots of prejudice, he is also channel 9 and the media 's face of racism to many ethnic Australians. Needless to mention his comments to initiate the Cronulla march (that turned into a riot) and putting us in the wrong global media causing them to accuse beautiful open arms Australia of racism. I can say NOW I can start watching channel 9 and listen to the talkback radio. No wait, he is still on talk back. Posted by Fellow_Human, Sunday, 10 June 2007 11:08:54 AM
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Benjamin, hasn't it occurred to you that the decision by Chanel Nine's Today programme to manage without Alan Jones might just be pure, unsullied, crystal-clear commercial nous?
Everybody reaches their use-by date at some stage. Unless there is a public backlash that consists of slightly more than you and David Flint, I expect that Channel Nine will view his disappearance as commercially justified. I expect they said to him "Alan, we've no idea how we will ever manage without you, but nevertheless we are going to try." Posted by Pericles, Sunday, 10 June 2007 3:26:02 PM
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Benjamin, do you know what the words xenophobia or racism mean? Look them up in the dictionary before using them next.
Posted by yvonne, Sunday, 10 June 2007 8:26:52 PM
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I suspect Benjamin is just having a lend of us. For example he says "I believe the decision to axe Alan Jones from the Today show represents the darkness of the liberal western media." I mean, Western civilization's gunna collapse because The Parrot's not on the air? The Alan Jones Show represents the last bastion of Enlightenment values in the media? Oh, please tell me you're joking Benjamin?
I didn't even know Alan Jones was on the Today Show and I had to look up the TV guide to find out when it was on. I've got better things to do between 6 and 9 am than watching TV (eg eating breakfast, getting dressed, catching a train etc). So The Parrot's not on TV any more. Who cares? If Flinty hadn't pointed it out, no-one would even have noticed. Posted by Johnj, Sunday, 10 June 2007 8:58:49 PM
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Yea Flinty how are your feet.
Posted by Bruce Haigh, Sunday, 10 June 2007 10:10:08 PM
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Alan Jones is not pretty enough too old and not groovy for TV.He is probably too intellectual and analytical for most TV audiences.Channel Nine will do whatever is popular to improve ratings.
With our growing affluence the soft option bleeding hearts will come to the fore,creating more Govt Depts to help people that can do it themselves.When Labor gets back in,the boom and bust cycle of the 1980's will be back. Posted by Arjay, Monday, 11 June 2007 10:54:45 AM
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Instead of axing Jones, get Jones and Flint to do a morning show together. Also, get John Howard on as a regular guest. I think a love-in like that would take Nine's ratings to a whole new level.
Posted by DavidJS, Tuesday, 12 June 2007 9:47:08 AM
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Seriously who cares? Alan Jones is completely bias and his opinions are outdated and so black and white. I find it totally interesting that he has the nerve to question everyone and everything morally and ethically when he has had many controversies surrounding his personal and media life.
He has been exposed many times on media watch for his cash for comment for many companies and a leaked conversation on triple j was hilarious. I think it is a step forward for TODAY and I think the introduction of Lisa Wilkinson [with a more modern mind] definitely triggered the termination of Alan. Yippee!! Posted by adf76, Tuesday, 12 June 2007 12:39:10 PM
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Ah yes, Alan Jones.
The man with the best opinions that money can buy. Posted by wobbles, Tuesday, 12 June 2007 1:46:09 PM
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Posted by rache, Tuesday, 12 June 2007 1:55:39 PM
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Yes, a ménage à trois, Howard on top,Finty underneath and Jonesy giving commentary on the close ups. To die for. Posted by Rainier, Sunday, 17 June 2007 7:57:58 PM