The Forum > Article Comments > GM: debate the science not the values > Comments
GM: debate the science not the values : Comments
By Max Rheese, published 4/6/2007Those opposed to GM crops grasp at any argument to deny our farmers the freedom to choose.
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I refer one and all to the Seeds of Change website that I mentioned last week, the founder of which has proven by doing it that organic gardening/agriculture can outproduce any other system:
The authour cites 11 years of success. What kind of a time scale is that to really judge the long term effects of such HUBRISTIC tampering with the very building blocks of organic life on this planet.
Of course I cant prove it, but isnt it completely obvious that somewhere down their will be some horrific unintended consequences---it may take many many decades, or even a hundred years or more. And once the genie is out of the bottle it will be impossible to put it back.
The author appeals to the "authority" of science rather than human values---or rather the values he does not support.
Trust me I am a scientist.
The fact of the matter is that there is no such as thing as "value free" science---especially the totally reductionist "science" that the IPA promotes.
WHOSE SCIENCE? would be an appropriate question.
Which organisations are pushing the GM agenda?
What is their record of genuine concern for human well-being?
Have they ever accepted responsibilty for their mistakes or have engaged a public relations firm to generate some soothing spin, or do they provide finance for a bogus IPA sponsored "environmental" organisation.
There are all kinds of unexamined presumptions behind the scientific materialist "world"-view. In effect it reduces everything, including Humankind, to chemical robots. The machines rule OK! Everything must submit to the one dimensional machine made "world"-view.
This reference examines the baneful reductionism of the "world"-view that the IPA promotes.