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The Moroccan magic formula for Western Sahara : Comments

By Kamal Fadel, published 22/3/2007

Morocco wants to legitimise its grab of Western Sahara because it is rich in natural resources and large in size.

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Ayoub7, you claim that my argument about Morocco’s home-grown terrorism is ‘racist’. This shows that either you did not understand what underlies my argument or you just wanted to disprove it at any cost. I have been working extensively on this subject, and I know very well that Morocco’s home-grown terrorism cannot be attributable to only one factor, be it poverty or something else. The undeniable fact, however, is that the political, social and economic policies of the inherently undemocratic regime in Morocco have led to widespread and profound feelings of alienation, marginalisation and social estrangement amid many Moroccans, especially young Moroccans, and this in turn has given rise to various forms of radicalisation. This is the situation of those living in Sidi Moumen in Casa Blanca and other slums of the “real” (as opposed to “royal”) Morocco. The devastating consequence of this “social malcontent” and its transformation into radical and terrorist acts is what we have already seen in Morocco and even in Spain.

You seem unhappy that nobody has so far shown interest in the points you raised or videos you posted, and the fact is that they do not bring anything serious to the debate. You seem unaware that there are loads of other materials and videos out there (obviously not in Morocco) that give a more serious overview of the real issues.

The “corcas” you talk about is a joke! As far as I know, its leader was the same person who was used by colonial Spain to lead the party it created in the then Spanish Sahara, the PUNS. But when Morocco annexed Western Sahara in 1975, he fled to Morocco with the money of the party, divorced his Spanish wife and married a Moroccan! He is now being used by Morocco to lead this so-called “royal council”. He may be a "man for many seasons", but certainly one without any credibility whatsoever. Before Morocco can boast about any democracy in the occupied Western Sahara, let it democratise itself first and then will see.
Posted by Simon Rodriguez, Saturday, 24 March 2007 11:20:45 AM
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It is clear that polisario backers show their enthusiasm and support for the mercenary group that kidnapped thousands of nomad tribes at gun point in the 70s and 80s more in order to harm an emerging and peaceful country such as Morocco than out of altruism for the saharawis held hostage in Algerian camps by the Algerian oil filthy military regime and grand masters of the polisario puppets. Anyone who truly looks after the well being of the hostaged sahrawis wuld vehemently ask the polisario armed gangs to let them return unharmed to their mother land. Only a trickle of sahrawis have been so far able to risk their lifes and rejoin Morocco and most of those are officials who can travel abroad for the order from the Algerian military to their polisario slaves is to shoot to kill any soul that attempts o go back to Morocco.

A referendum in the Sahara is unthinkable when hundreds of thousands have been confined in camps for decades in Algeria constantly brain washed and indoctrinated by a plethora of communist doctors from Algeria to Cuba to the defunct east germany north korea. The polisario beast is in fact a hybrid creature that can be assimilated to the Columbian FARC living off kidnapping and hostages and North Korea brain washing their captives to death. (continued....)
Posted by John Lecercle, Sunday, 25 March 2007 3:49:44 AM
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The polisario, which might have started as a movement of disgruntled fighters who did not get what they considered as they fair share for fighting Spain along side other Moroccans from the Sahara and from other regions in Morocco, has been picked up by the Algerian military regime to be used as a tool to destabilize Morocco and distract Algerians from their ironic and sad misery when their country is so rich with oil and gas.

Polisario members, especially those who grew up in camps groomed to hate their fellow Moroccans, need to do the right thing and ask themselves the famous JFK question; Ask not what Morocco can do for you but ask what you can do for Morocco. It is now a dynamic country which is rapidly modernizing politically, economically and socially. Instead of concentrating on how to get a few hot head Sahrawis youth in Southern Morocco to use violence in order for the Polisario to get its supply of pictures and stories to be used in Europe in order to raise funds and win sympathizers, polisario members should dedicate their efforts to the well being of their brothers and sisters, release their hostages, regain Morocco which has promised to be merciful and participate in the building of modern Morocco and North Africa; a region that remains divided because of a stupid and ridiculous conflict which has claimed so many lives and squandered so much money.

The veiled or explicit threats of war and mayhem if they do not get their way voiced by polisario thugs are the last thing the North African and Southern Mediterranean region. No peace loving person should let them get away with this as enough damage has been done so far by a group of clowns. The last thing the world needs is another puppet banana republic.
Posted by John Lecercle, Sunday, 25 March 2007 3:54:43 AM
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How could Polisario kidnap thousands of people?
What about the people in the occupied areas who want independence?

If the people in the refugee camps have been brain washed how come they are so eager to return to Morocco? Is that a contradiction!

If they are hostages wouldn't they want to vote in a referendum for Morocco to liberate themselves from Polisario?

Why is Morocco so jealous of the Algerian oil bonanza? If Morocco behaves in a good manner, the might be rewarded with a real oil discovery.

Moroccans do you think people will believe your lies about "gangs", "hostages", "mercenaries" or is it just an attempt to repeat so many lies so many times with the hope that people will be taken in.

Lecercle: You need to contemplate what Abraham Lincoln said:
“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”
Posted by Yedass, Sunday, 25 March 2007 8:38:28 AM
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It seems we do not need to reach out as far as some US Christian group to hear that the "Refugee camps are POLISARIO detention camps"... we have John right here right now telling us some/same story. Wow, Algeria, Cuba, North Korea, East Germany, the FARC.. we got the brainwashing right here.
Do not ask Sahrawis what they can do for Morocco. They should ask themselves what can they do for their own people, for their sake and well-being. Luckily some are doing so by speaking out.
The CORCAS left the european negotiation table just a few days ago.
And a few months ago, CORCAS Houcine Baida (former POLISARIO) had the guts to denounce tortures, arrests, kidnappings, and other human right abuses in El Ayoun (I wonder if they have kicked him out already).

I would like to thank Kamal Fadel for his article, and wish all POLISARIO diplomats the best in their enterprise/cause.
Posted by spaniard (anonymous), Sunday, 25 March 2007 10:39:54 AM
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Thousands of poor men, women and children have perished in horrible ways trying to join Morocco on foot throughout the years. The ones who by miracle manage to escape the fierce grip of the polisario assassins tell horrifying stories of their conditions in the camps and what they had to go through. Do-gooders and humanitarian NGOs that are fooled to support the polisario thinking they are supporting a freedom movement are actually aiding and abating one of the most savage groups in human history that have managed to hold an entire region hostage until they get what they would like which is no less that a country of their own where they can rule and sell their services to the highest bidders. This is very reminiscent of the well meaning folks who until the last decade were heralding the humanitarian side of Stalinist Russia.

The underdogs in this conflict are the Sahrawi tribes and Morocco that are still paying the price of the propaganda spewed by the Algerian regime trough their polisario servants eager to sacrifice the future of their own people for a villa in Algiers or a scholarship for their kids in Europe. Anyone who let’s the polisario get away with its crimes against humanity unchecked and without holding it accountable are in fact voluntarily or involuntarily directly causing the continuation of horrific conditions under which Sahrawi tribes continue to suffer.

Algeria and the polisario have fully capitalized on ridiculously weak and unprofessional foreign strategy adopted by Morocco for decades which mainly consisted of ignoring polisario threats and wide propaganda activities assuming that decent folks would see through polisario ploys. Nuts who do not hesitate to exploit their people like sheep for their own benefit are thugs and do not possess any morals; countering the polisario propaganda wherever it is the only way to save the Sahrawi hostages and allow them to rejoin their country. Morocco has also screwed up because of its weak but improving human right record where mistakes were made against militants with different causes in most regions of Morocco. (ctnd….
Posted by John Lecercle, Monday, 26 March 2007 4:54:16 AM
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